GenderCritical is coming for your traps: "A straight man being attracted to a transwoman is objectively a homosexual attraction." TAKE THAT, FAGGOTS!!!

1  2018-10-18 by a_thumb_in_my_bum


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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How is it that Terfs are the only radical group that acknowledges that traps are in fact gay?

Straight men like their holes. Don't ever try and take one away from them.

The only good thing about them is they're not afraid to say stuff other people are thinking.

But they're not gay, as long as the trap's getting fucked. It's only gay if the trap's fucking the man.

This is just common sense.

If you're gay maybe

The wisdom of Rome is sadly uncommon nowadays

I only know one guy who's with a trans girl. They're open about the fact that she is always the top, and she takes no HRT to alter her appearance to be more feminine.

Some months ago I mildly (not in a judging way) suggested that him taking a dick in his ass each night might point to him not being 100% heterosexual. Cue full-blown freak-out and me being asked to leave, and their whole little posse putting me on e-trial for "hate speech." I would have been the last person to be behind the idea that "pc culture has gone too far" before that.

Of course, they probably mostly had a freak-out because I identify as a feminist, a group that they see as enemy #1, despite the fact that zero women have ever killed a trans women, so misogyny is definitely also at play.

Of course, they probably mostly had a freak-out because I identify as a feminist, a group that they see as enemy #1, despite the fact that zero women have ever killed a trans women, so misogyny is definitely also at play.

i see the persecution complex is developing nicely

Not a persecution complex. I'm just explaining why GC is how they are, which can look confusing to outsiders. It's basically a myopic analysis of why feminists are somehow considered responsible for crimes carried by men.

Not a persecution complex.

whatever you say sweaty

Idpol is stupid and you're stupid for falling for it.


Radical feminism is the opposition to idpol. People being unhappy with being subjugated because of identities that were forced upon them is not idpol.

That's because they're comfortable with gender roles.

What? That doesn't follow what I said at all.

It's what GC does though, not you. Radically reordering society would remove child caretaking, etc from being a woman's role, but GC themselves use that as the proving ground of being a woman. If you're choosing to reinforce the patriarchy's role assigned to you you're not really woke or rad you're just using feminism to be a dick. At least libfems recognize part of that hustle.

GC doea not want childcare to be women's work! Please link to at least one example of everything you make a claim about GC doing, because you're just repeating nonsense as usual.

You're evading just as much. Show where GC wants to overthrow idpol and let people live as they choose. Because they throw a hissy everytime someones friend transitions

Because they throw a hissy everytime someones friend transitions.

You live in your own world, merci. Unless you think that wondering how straight a guy can be if he only has PIB sex, as the bottom is "throwing a hissy fit."

I read GenderCritical more than you do. These are the rad"fems" you defend so much.

If radical feminism is anti idpol, why would the sub make a big fuss over telling people how to identify? That's hypocrisy that you've literally already fallen into. Jesus christ mother Mary and joseph, look at it.

BAHAHA nice try! That upvoted rape comments is from r/news?

How stupid do you think I am that I wouldn't search that?

It's the same poster on gc, news, and t_d you retard, and she regularly gets upvoted. That's not feminist in the least

I'm just explaining why GC is how they are, which can look confusing to outsiders.

GC claims to be about liberating oneself from the chains of gender roles, yet men not being hyper masculine attracted to strictly cisgirls makes them gay in their eyes. You gotta pick one.

Ok fine, you're a perfectly straight male who happens to prefer penis to vagina. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with my point.

Your entire post was about me tho :thonk:

You're just one example.

How is it just one example if you wrote that I'm the only one you know? You don't have anything else.

I've interacted with a lot of mtf's trans and seen a lot of various examples across the web.

Check out

You have to wonder, if they're so concerned about violence against trans people, why don't they bring it to the people actually committing the violence?

Check out

lmao that's a biased anti-trans website and you know it.

You have to wonder, if they're so concerned about violence against trans people, why don't they bring it to the people actually committing the violence?

They're actually concerned about a lot more than that. It's been told to you many times.

"biased anti trans website" because it shows real examples of what you deny happens.

Also check out r/terfisaslur


Look at this, pimm, mainstream progressives are officially catching wind anti-terf smear campaign.

The guardian isn't "mainstream progressives" they've always been a terf paper. Feminists have always been racist terf trash.

"biased anti trans website" because it shows real examples of what you deny happens.

Terfs literally claim to be anti trans why are you arguing against that claim?

Feminists have always been racist terf trash.

Womo, there it is.

Nice try deleting that from the top of the/drama just now.

The dude is gay/bi and lying to himself.

The person who made that post is a Trump supporter.

Damn nice pasta

zero women have ever killed a trans women

lol femoids BTFO again

you are allowed to ping /u/Mircy and /u/PhysicsIsMyMistress you know

Not being on hrt doesn't mean I'm not transitioning. I look femme.

Also killing is a bad metric. Making life harder for people is a good reason to dislike terfs, which is another thing you left out. Terfs =/= all feminists

killing is a bad metric

They're constantly screeching that radfems cause violence against trans people and it's a complete racket.

They use their power through politics. You're an atheist, you don't like church interference in political things, even though no preacher has ever murdered a a gay. They're not homophobic by encouraging conversion therapy or voting against gay marriage, they actually want to save gays. Same concept.

Radfems do not want to prevent grown adults from transitioning. No matter how many times you repeat it won't make it true.

TE radfems actively do. What world are you on where they don't?

What? No they don't. They don't care if you take estrogen and testosterone blockers and get a boob job. They just don't think that don't that makes you entitled to enter any women's spaces.

Where should they go instead

Idk, make then a special tranny prison. It might actually be paradise for them.

For prison yes that's a good idea. For other spaces there's not that option though.

Trans is a disability. Use the single disabled stalls.

Preachers go to Africa to frenzy the populace into killing gays. GenCrits want a good justification for why girls and women should be exposed to dick for the sake of the feelings of a very loosely defined group of male people.

I look femme.

Of all the lies you tell, this one is the most unbelievable

You're not persecuted because you're a feminist. You're laughed at because you're retarded.

No, I brought it up once (yesterday) and every other time it was other people bringing it up.

Men like the feminine. A vast majority of traps just overexaggerate everything men love about women. Therefore, Passing traps can bait straight men.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out what a man wants ladies as I posted before, some guys are desperate and nothing rewards desperation like a plastic person thing that looks and acts and wants to be treated like your imaginary fetish objects.

As for the dudes who defend MtF, "they're just women with dicks." No. This isn't futa porn. That is a drawing. That is imaginary. That futa can turn it's penis back into a vagina like magic. A futa can have a functional dick, an a functional vagina and can literally do whatever because it's not real.

Why are there so many people who can't distinguish fantasy from reality these days? In animation land, you can still be straight, but in this reality?


futa can turn its penis back into a vagina.

This has to be the worst definition of futa and its wrong!!!!

Futa = [purely] woman with vagoo + penor, sometimes balls, sometimes no vagoo

Wrong, futa implies both bits, feminine presenting but dick only is a shemale or dickgirl thanks

Exhibit A) Purist

I like that they can barely conceal their contempt for gay men, but don't want to be seen as non-PC, and so finish every insulting put-down directed toward gay/bi men with "not that there's anything wrong with that!"

Come on, GenderCrit, if you're going to be insulting, have a spine and follow through with what you want to say! Don't neuter yourself partway through. You're clearly bitter towards the gays that your exes chose bussy over you! Own it!

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Also, these dudes need to be telling any future female partner that they've engaged in gay sex, for safety's sake, let alone getting themselves tested.

You should tell partner that you've had sex before, sure.

And getting tested is fine, but should be for any sex, not just gay man sex.

Gay men have 11x the HIV rate of straight men and 248x the syphilis rate of straight men, sweaty.

And 369x the faggotry rate

But for being safe, you should tell and get tested no matter who you are

Never know where the dicks been. Could have been some radioactive polonium gussy last time

A ton of GC feminists are gay. There's nothing wrong with gay people. The point is just that it's weird how they completely flip out when you point out what's gay about being a man who enjoys taking dick. Non-feminists are sort of blind to it because they exclusively freak out when feminists say this.

Tbh it's more the gay man part they have an issue with, not the gay man part.

Iran is super woke about this issue, they fully recognize that a transwoman is a woman in her own right and not gay at all. Because if she was instead a gay man, they would have to execute him. So if you're ever caught balls deep in some bussy in Iran, better be ready to suddenly come out as a transwoman.

I like that they can barely conceal their contempt for gay men


Bisex don't real!

When will Bi's get their own parade? SMDH

nah most of us are cool with pride.

invisibility is both a blessing and a curse, but a lot of us don't make a gigantic deal of their sexuality from my experience, even if the issues still do affect us.

Who cares, sweaty

I do!

Cry 😭 moar


It's over for bisexicels.

Can we stop adding -cel to everything. That is completely retarded, by having sex with both genders they are by definition not celibate anymore.


Right after you stop being a loli fan.😷


That is completely retarded

Our anthem baby

by having sex with both genders

that's not what bisexual means though. (Most) incels are heterosexual, even if they will never have sex

It's over for Can we stop adding -cel to everything. That is completely retarded, by having sex with both genders they are by definition not celibate anymorecels

Women that struggle that almost nobody cares what they think

It's really simple: If you are attracted to someone who looks male, that's gay.
If you are attracted to someone who looks female, that's straight.
(Other way round if you're female, ofc, but then why the fuck are you in this sub?!)

Genitals dont really matter.

Lol, so if I paint my nails and wear a wig, you’d crack a chub?

Sweaty, you are a total cocksucker

Most likely you wouldn't look like a sexy woman but like a fat dude in drag. So, no.

I’ll have you know I’m a sexy twink, with actual distinct body definition, like a waist...unlike the she-beasts you disappoint with your flaccid rutting

If that was true you wouldn't be on this sub.

Sorry sweaty ;-)

Um sweaty, there is higher caste of sexy Drama dwellers....but you wouldn't know about that, now would you?

higher caste of Drama dwellers

Yes, some of you actually shower once a week instead of once a month.

You think Drama is full of uggos?

I mean, if pizzashill is anywhere close to the average for this place...

Pizzashill is a good looking guy. Tell da truth.

So as if anime isn't already bad enough by itself now you motherfuckers are gettin into a little sonething called traps. Basically, it's a dude that dresses like a chick, has a dick, and you say it isn't gay. Well I'm here to tell you, IT'S FUCKING GAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! If I walk up to you right fuckin' now with me being a dude and you being a dude and you are turned on by me, that would be gaaaaay. It's no different for fuckin' traps just 'cause they dress like a chick don't mean don't mean they are a chick they got a dick and it's gay! AND DON'T SAY THE DICK MAKES IT CUTER, 'CAUSE THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT CUTER THAT MAKES IT EVEN GAYER! THAT MAKES YOU GAY, BITCH! AND YOU SEND ME PICTURES OF 'EM WITH THEIR LITTLE SKIRTS LIFTED AND THEIR FUCKING NUTS HANGING OUT. I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT SHIT! I'M NOT GAY LIKE YOU! STOP SENDING ME HENTAI!!! STOP SENDING ME ANIME PICTURES!!! STOP SENDING ME TRAPS!!! OH MY GOD!!!

Trap porn is the least gay and I can prove it mathematically. So you have gay porn, thats 2 dudes, so that's 100% gay. Then you have straight porn, which is better, but again, there's a dude in there, so it's 50% gay. With trap porn you have a woman and a trap, but traps are only like 50% male, so it's only 25% gay overall. Now lesbian porn has the advantage of having no dudes it in, but unfortunately lesbians are gay, so that's gay too.

Your agenda is to convince people no partner-sex can be heterosexual.


Looks like I'm learning a new word today. What this mean?

And That's a good thing.

I thought TIMbs were the term used for listeners of the Hello Internet podcast.

even being analed


verb for butt sex.

butt sex


Damn what's the obsession with Gender Critical?

It's a great source of Lolcows, Trainwrecks, and Meltdowns. See the side bar.

OP is a Trump supporter.

I am also a woman and a minority. I voted for Trump and I'm happy Kavanaugh wasn't successfully dragged through the dirt.

gender critical gay mods banned me to hide their own faggotry. The world must know. The world must know what they are trying to suppress.