Wal-Mart is encourging furries. That's the headline.

1  2018-10-18 by ArlenBilldozer


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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lmao why do so many people on twitter get triggered over a tweet like that? those replies are a gold mine

I'm glad it's happening, though.

it ain't gonna change anything though lol

False. Dramacoin will raise in value!

There's a lot of customer overlap, I'm surprised it took this long.

Speaking of overlap, how much overlap is there between /r/yiffinhell and /r/furry?

inb4 not all furries are degenerates

The vast majority are, at the very least.


There are probably a few moralfags in YiH that aren’t wearing yiffsuits themselves.


Pretty disgusting to see a euphemism like this used to gloss over their criminal nature. It's like with biker gangs. Oh no, they're not furries, they're just harmless fursuit enthusiasts.

Honestly I think it sounds worse for them. Someone might have to ask what the hell is a furry. Fursuiter is less ambiguous.

criminal nature


criminal nature

...huh? I wasn't aware being a gay furfag was actually breaking a law

Shit u/PoorLilMarco, you might actually be onto something


Well the moment it does I'll gladly stop doing what I'm doing but until then I've got some Bad Dragon dildos to order and some gay bara furry porn to browse

You know what's wrong with our society? We don't have any Nice Dragon dildos to order. 😔

I was hoping Daddy would turn on furries at some point.

come to saudi arabia

Damn I see I was behind in pinging resident furry /u/poorlilMarco

I'm not a furry

Yeah okay there. Your extreme investment in /r/yiffinhell says oultherwise

It's a good sub!


You clearly don't understand what yiffinhell actually is.

A sub of self hating furries.

That is blatantly false, so in short, no. You don't know what yiffinhell is.

But you do ban people from yiffinhell for no reason

Rule 1 in the sidebar: No furries. So when you go into a thread saying that you don't mind "vanilla furry porn", yeah you're gonna get banned, big brain.

Let me explain something to you, "Don't mind" Does not equal "I'm actively in this community and consume this media"

I'm not seeing any tags that hint towards it being pedo. Just looks small, to me.

Considering they're supposed to be be anthropomorphic it seems weird to make one character half the size, just sayin'. Regardless still funny that Walmart is happy to see a pornographer teaching "future generations" things that are involved in their fetish.

I mean, short people exist, you know. I bet there's a midget furry somewhere too, but I've never heard about it and I've been a furfag for a decade.

With furries it's hard to tell if this the old 'She's actually a 100 year old vampire' argument or something else entirely.

No you dumb NPC I'm talking about the legit possibility of a midget that is also a furry

you do realize in the dog world dogs that are 100lbs fuck 10lbs dogs

Tell me more I've got a half chubb.

also tiny dogs exist

i uh

the size disparities in ACTUAL dogs that fuck are much larger than this. u dum

Considering they're supposed to be be anthropomorphic it seems weird to make one character half the size

Hey this is unrelated but I just want to remind everyone that if your boyfriend is a manlet then you're a pedophile and you're basically dating a child.

Im okay with jerking off to antropomorphized animals but only when they're over the age of consent in their half human half animal fantasy land. Otherwise it would be degenerate

Very NSFW pedofur picture link with the same signature but with a different year.

Dude I was hoping for some good cub porn, don't get my hopes up like this. SMH.

this aint cub wtf this is just furgenerate

This truly is a wonderful timeline. Name a better time and place for drama than here and now.

French Revolution is cheating btw.

American Revolution

Spanish Civil War

Spanish Inquisition

War of the Second Triumvirate

This is the real answer. Two genocidal war criminals and a delusional old man duke pretend to 'share' power all while plotting to murder one-another.

Is that fucking pepe using a crucifix necklace like a brass knuckle?

That's apu you fucking mong

nonfren detected, deploying bop units to location

It's not unheard of, similar to the chinese practice of 'loading sleeves'.

Cool. Not that it matters, but they just lost my business for life.

Where the fuck else are you going to get a 5th of Captain Morgan for 8.99?

Nice of walmart to get in on the furry thing right after the Kero roadkill incident.

She's a vegan furry? Wow, this BlondeFoxy should be modded!

A vegan furry pedo, though, and that might just be a bridge too far.

The replies are amazing, and it's incredible seeing weebs pretending they have the moral high ground over furries.

Giant meteorite when

Some idiot said Wal-Mart supports the fandom

While I absolutely hate furries and everything they stand for, which is just God awful. Being one isn't a fandom thing the fuck. I am not talking about those weirdos who dresses up like a fucking animal and go to cons but furries are just people who like anthropomorphic animals. That! Should not even be a fucking fandom thing. Jesus these people creep me out.

with the recent rise in fursecution, radical extremist dramatists should be trying to get companies to make pro-furry statements, so as to create more hate for the hate mill.

Let's say that Daddy pushes to have these degenerate furries killed. Chapotards and tankies will come out of the woodwork defending them, repulsing normal people and Daddy could kill them after he's finished.

What does /u/poorlilMarco think?

When I was a club kid, these masks were just standard raver gear. Has so much changed in the last ten years?