Woke mayo gamers R'LYEH UP as they turn mentally unbound against white progressivism

1  2018-10-18 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I’m a white person, myself,

White Women

Also What the fuck is the formatting on this image and why would anyone hope their daughter grows up to work on Video Games

why would anyone hope their daughter grows up to work on Video Games

I have no idea. Guess she wants to force her kid to achieve what she couldn't?

This line makes me even more concerned for her sanity:

"...the look I got on my face when the new Ghostbusters came on the screen. Unfettered joy"

. It was the same look I got on my face the first time Rey fired up her lightsaber, the look I got on my face when the new Ghostbusters came on the screen. Unfettered joy. Joy that, for once in your life, there was a thing about YOU, and this thing was about her. Very clearly.

Lol how pathetic is your life when you personally relate to shitty unoriginal effortless movie sequels, thinking you connect on them harder then other groups of people due to the protagonist being the same sex/color as you?

I'm hoping that she is just writing that shit for internet woke cred, but unironic belief is a real possibility here.

unfettered BEES!

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They're going to be so disappointed when their daughter grows up and becomes a stay-at-home mother of five.

Note fhe "person." She later describes herself as an "enby" because of course she does.

What would white women do it they couldn't virtue signal

False rape claims

Excuse me, you got a fucking problem /u/tHeSiD ?

Pfft right like why would a woman ever lie?

So are you saying men are incapable of lying or do you think men shouldn't be allowed to accuse anyone of anything either you intolerant scum?

No man would willingly touch a woman.

Except for the pedophiles. Think about it: women share many traits with (male) children: small stature, almost hairless body, big eyes relative to head size (that they try to make look even bigger with make up), high piping voices, no muscles to speak of, weak and submissive, require protection and care. I have no doubt that many pedos who nevertheless possess the usual male moral fortitude sublimate their urges into hetero sex.

Except for the animal fuckers. Think about it, men share many traits with gorillas, wide stature, hairy bodies, deep voices, dumb dumb brains, require much butt wiping and general taking care of. I have no doubt that many women who want to fuck animals will sublimate their urges into human procreation.

No woman would willingly touch a man. Except pedophiles

Men are capable of lying like women, but women know that they can use their tears to get their way. Not really a surprise to anyone over the age of 5.

No, obviously.

People on level 4 of Maslow's hierarchy will never reach level 5. Fawning or in this case getting completely butthurt over some meaningless award because your entire sense of self hinges on it is just so pathetic. The only thing more pathetic would be getting completely butthurt over someone else not winning a meaningless award because you have tied your own sense of self-worth to their success.

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! OMG I'm so happy right now! I'm literally walking on sunshine!!

Didn't Maslow's hierarchy get debunked quite a while ago?

Not as far as I know but I don't really follow psychology.

It's psych, so almost everything is unprovable hand waving anyway.

Gamercide now

This is so sad Alexa genocide gamers.

the logo for that site already made me uncomfortable. the literally who writer talking about literally who people was the bonus here.

but maybe i'm just too judgemental.lets check out the frontpage, maybe this is just a straw bullet on an otherwise great site oh well...

edit: damn, the more I learn about this site, the more I hate you for introducing me to this OP

Shiiiiiiiiit. That looks worse than the average reddit meetup. For all their talk of diversity, their conventions are mayo-as-fuck.

It counts as long as they have a black friend.

Holy shit it really is a bunch of white people LARPing as being woke PoC

I thought that was just a meme

Notice all the fat women and beta males.

You should stop fat shaming. How do you think that feels for the women on the receiving end?

Fat shaming saves lives

Stopping fat shaming also saves lives. You don't want to get into this dick-measuring contest with me, "Bobby."

Sure, they might not die from suicide but type 2 diabetes and heart disease will kill em. Just trying to save them from embarrassment

You do social justice your way, I'll do mine.

Just like clogged arteries.

women on the receiving end?

if they'd receive something once in a while, they probably wouldn't be so self hating

How do you think that feels for the women on the receiving end?


It’s probably quite painful with all those harpoons.

Holy shit they're all white. Literally only white people.

God damn, Captain Ahab would have ptsd seeing all those white whales.

Ah, I can see they're going with the classic take on "representation" that most "woke" groups have of being primarily white, straight or straight-presenting, upper-class white women. But women, see, not men! It's 90% the same, and still just as homogeneous, but it's now full of woke women, so how can it be anything but diverse?

You'd think by this point they'd at least know they need a token black guy in a high-up position if they don't want to look like a laughable caricature.

Wow thanks for sharing a long essay where a retard white woman flicks her bean for ten thousand hours fantasizing about picking up blacks from being euthanized at the dog pound or whatever.

Please edit this comment to remove the words "retard" and "blacks" or I will remove it.

Only retards don't drink their coffee black.

I see what you're doing there and trying to push my buttons didn't win you any points. Both comments removed now, and I'm suggesting to our top mod a little 24-hour ban to let you think about your lack of regard for social justice.

I'm suggesting to our top mod a little 24-hour ban to let you think about your lack of regard for social justice.

Lol, "suggesting", i forget, are you the one that tangles with dogs?


Ur so tough it's terrifying. How did u escape the meme mod purge again?

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. A burning desire for social justice.

nice video game quote nerd

Which game?

fallout: new vegas

you may have seen facebook moms and aesthetic blogs use the quote out of context, not realizing it was said by a character who was literally set on fire and thrown into the grand canyon

Ew, gamers in /r/Drama. Gas them all! (that's a quote from wolfenstein 3d or something)

How the fuck are you not in prison for grooming 10 year olds?

Fuck you, Social Consciencousness Loli Squad is not a pedo thing I'm just teaching them to stand up for themselves and those less privileged

Btw, you still living with your mom and step dad or did you get your own place finally? Seems like you would do quite better living on your own or with some roommates man, plus help rebuild any damaged parts with your mom

Is this opposite day?

You’re an alright person DarqWolff, I don’t understand why some people are so quick to judge you. They should really retard their formation of an option until they get to know you, it really blacks out the truth casting judgement so fast.

The cards were stacked in our favor long before we were born, which makes our ability to resist implicit bias - to even see implicit bias - compromised at best.

This used to be called "unconscious bias", which meant we couldnt control the unconscious thoughts we had. Now its called "implicit bias". Which still means the same thing, and is used in the same way, but on the surface its less retarded of a notion. The point here is how is this gaymer going teach my unconscious how to act?

That's way more words than I'm gonna read frien

It's always white women hating everything a white male says or doalrighty you mayos. Time to pack up and find someone that's not crazy!!!

a) woke

b) mayo

c) gamer

choose two

These people definitely chose the first two.

woke gamer?

I honestly don't know who is more retarded.

The person who unironically wrote a novel about that or the person who buys the novel and reads it.

Race neuroses in America today are in some senses the opposite of what they were 100-odd years ago.

Then: Hide your native ancestry and be embarrassed about it.

Now: Boast about your native ancestry even if it barely exists.

Then: Self-hatred in the black community. Straighten your hair and try to pass for white and Uncle Tom hard on those who deviate. The white guy is always the hero in the movie and the darkies are always the villains.

Now: White self-hatred, Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King trying to pretend to be black, constant articles about how whites are evil and should feel bad, every movie must now have a racially diverse cast and Whitey is usually the villain.

The interesting thing is that the race neuroses themselves haven't changed, they've just flipped. The content is different, but the form is the same.

Yep for white people today it's exactly like being a black person in 1918. Thanks for your keen perception on this issue.

Don't think, as I wrote this, that I didn't know that someone with a grievance would come along and say exactly what you just said. It is unbelievably predictable.

You: I hate black people

Any halfway-competent human: That 's racist

You: I knew when I was writing that somebody would call me racist.

Any halfway-competent human: 🤔🤔🤔

Any human in the world says a thing.

You: That 's racist

Any michalenoir in the world says a thing.


Me: That's racist.

You: Sees literally anything.

You: That's racist!


Have you tried?

Here’s the coolest of takes: she probably has a point about the award being a shitty marketing gimmick but she still comes off as the most arrogant piece of shit lmao

No one is born racist. Mediocre white women and their corpulent sycophants are predisposed towards racism in the gaming world.

To my core. I’ve been fighting with myself for years on how I could best support people of color as a white person. I cannot tolerate these unpalatable 'ally' white women anymore, we all know this obsequious behaviour is to elicit adulation from POC.

.but somehow or another, white people get in the fucking way and make this process so much harder than it should be. This is an obfuscatory statement but an inadvertently self-aware moment where she tries to say white women's egos are the biggest impediment but lacks the true self-loathing of a true ally so she concedes with just mayoness.

A concept won over a book with some very, VERY important representation.

A concept won over her white endorsed project and deprived of the wokophere crown that would have been bestowed upon her white brow by POCs so incandescent with gratitude they finally looked white!

How to support PoC:

Don't put them under a microscope and awkwardly treat them different because they're PoC, I assure you nobody likes that.

I agree, I just call everyone niggers

TL:DR What the fuck's going on?

Harlem Unbound is a tabletop RPG made by Darker Hue(HueHue) Studios.

DJA is the Diana Jones Award, which gave the award to "The Actual Play movement" instead of our woke table top rpg.

The author is kakking her pants out as a result.

Stopped reading after

I'm a white person myself

Harlem, on the other hand, was a place of mystery and expression I’d only been partially introduced to via Luke Cage.

Ah yes, that fictional location from a comic book, full of mystery. Harlem.

How white can you get?

Wypipo lmao.

dude wypipo lmao

To me the issue of white privilege is like a mouth sore, I know that it's probably not in my sides political issues to constantly talk about it because of the strong backfire effect, but I can't help but pick at it anyway. I don't care if it gets Trump re-elected, I'm gonna keep on poking that wound over and over again because I find the pain I receive when I do so fascinating.

What is any of this about?

It's written entirely for an audience who actually know the author. That's the baseline for being able to.understand it and the extent to which she has her head up her own ass.

It is vague as fuck. The author didn't bother to explain acronyms she used, which is high school english, nevermind """"journalism"""".

Anyway, I posted this to another:

Harlem Unbound is a Lovecraft-themed POC-centric tabletop RPG made by Darker Hue(HueHue) Studios.

DJA is the Diana Jones Award, which gave the a 2018 award 'for excellence in gaming' to "The Actual Play movement" instead of our woke table top rpg.

The author is kakking her pants out as a result.

It’s not even its own game, it’s a setting book for Call of Cthulhu and/or Trail of Cthulhu.

That's kind of underwhelming. Weakens the author's """point""" further.

What's "actual play" mean in the context of table-top RPGs? Like instead of just looking and talking about games you actually play them; is that supposed to be new?

From what I read off the Diana Jones Award's site it sounded like Twitch for table top and other board games.

It’s these shows and podcasts and stuff where you watch or listen to other people play the games, shows like Critical Role or Dice Camera Action in the case of RPGs or Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop for board games.

As someone who’s been playing RPGs for ten years now, the only actual play shows I’ve tried to watch were I Hit It With My Axe and Sargon’s D&D stream. It’s boring as shit and the only thing I can think about during an actual play show is “I’d rather be playing”, just like with a Let’s Play.

Okay, well now I'm in a pickle because it's hard for me to know who to be pissed at. Both "sides" of this "issue" are retarded. The linked blogger is spoiled and whiny, but the idea of giving an award to the concept of watching people play a game is the dumbest thing ever.

The Adventure Zone was really good, if definitely faking it a bit, until they let twitter trolls turn them into super-woke dipshits. They ended up putting humor aside and seeing how many gay/trans people they could artificially stuff into the show. Still the first couple of dozen episodes are well worth a listen if you like humor in this stuff.

I do agree that the really good ones actually hurt perception of how an RPG goes because they typically script shit.

Just to rub it in, Harlem Unbound won awards from IGDN, then went on to win three ENnies, and has been added to the collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Smithsonian Institution Anacostia Community Museum in Washington DC, and the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey. Did Actual Play get added to any museums lately? I might’ve missed the announcement.

Oh so what you’re saying is your game supplement obsessed with 1920s racism already has a ton of recognition and awards and you’re just upset that it lost one PARTICULAR award that instead went to a movement that’s bringing more people into the hobby.

This is like being mad that 12 Years A Slave won 3 Oscars and a Golden Globe but didn’t win anything from the San Diego Film Critics Society.

It was the same look I got on my face the first time Rey fired up her lightsaber, the look I got on my face when the new Ghostbusters came on the screen. Unfettered joy.

As if we needed more confirmation that her tastes are absolute shit.

Got banned from /r/Rpg for pointing out this cunt is racist and sexist.

"Unpack that feeling."

Words to unpack a rage boner to.

Wait progressive = racist now?


For once, it wasn’t a white man talking about African American life from a very watered-down white perspective.

Wait... I thought they were mad that white people didn't write about people of color more frequently. Now it is wrong for white people to write black characters? I'm confused. What do?

Diana Jones award

I thought it said Indiana Jones award and got really excited.

Get excited again. The award is called the Diana Jones Award because when the UK Offices of TSR lost the license to publish the absolutely godawful Indiana Jones RPG, they burned the remaining inventory, and plucked out several readable scraps from the ashes of the very last copy, one reading "diana Jones". This piece, along with some other scraps, was placed into the glass pyramid that is the [Diana Jones Award](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/taNNqxqCRCOg9iAYRHLhCKLlcKg=/0x0:1024x768/920x613/filters:focal(431x303:593x465):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50331791/diana_jones_award.0.jpg:format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50331791/diana_jones_award.0.jpg)).

LMAO that's fucking great.