Radical Centrists BTFO by Breitbart and Gamers

1  2018-10-18 by itsnotmyfault

Breitbart Tech Writer Allum Bokhari has laid out his case against centrism: https://twitter.com/LibertarianBlue/status/1052704873941295105

That by itself is kind of juicy drama, but that's not even close to where this story ends.

Let's go back to the beginning: In the beginning, there was Google. Google, once a shining beacon of internet freedom, began to be tainted by power and dirty European anti-free speech laws. And so, to figure out just what went wrong, they published an internal document called "The Good Censor".

Someone leaked The Good Censor to Breitbart, and they ran several different stories on it, including http://archive.fo/yovIU "‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’" and the much less popular http://archive.fo/Q82pX "THE GOOD CENSOR: Leaked Briefing Says Google Must Move Away from ‘American Tradition’ of Free Speech to Expand Globally, Attract Advertiser $$$s". Both those published the same day, Oct 9.

Enter PSA_Sitch, an up and coming Radical Centrist YouTuber who rose to prominence by covering the Evergreen Meltdown, took a right turn and unironically defended the complete shitshow that is Candace Owens, swerved back to the left to call conservacucks retards for wanting to get rid of net neutrality, stumbled right again to defend Jordan Memerson (leading to some great pasta), etc. etc.

PSA_Sitch makes a video about how Breitbart is blowing The Good Censor out of proportion and fundamentally misreading what the document is doing. He says that it's not an internal document saying that Google should be more European and "well ordered" for "safety and civility", but instead is external research about how Google has slipped into that role, and eventually gets to some very good and reasonable recommendations on how to improve in the future.

He gets some traction among other radical centrists like Roaming Mil and ShoeOnHead before the video reaches the ears of Bokhari.

Before that, however, there's a brief tangent where Gamers discuss the video, apparently finding some flaws in Sitch's argument: http://archive.is/7buKF This will become important later.

Bokhari, who is definitely not mad, takes to twitter to start a passive aggressive rant that doesn't name anyone specifically, but takes a huge shit on the dirty centrists:

A few self-described "centrists" (who unlike Evil Partisans, are unbiased, non-tribal, always correct and never wrong) have decided The Good Censor is fake news. Ironically, they base this claim on a video that spreads horrendous fake news in its first 5 minutes.

He's in full righteous-bitch mode, using phrases like "The Intelligent Centrist who attacked Breitbart", "10/10 journalism my dude", "this could have been avoided with some basic due diligence", "You may think I'm being harsh picking on some random YouTuber who likely has no editor and no journalism experience", and finishing off with "Only online centrists have the ability to notice things, you see. Everyone else is just blinded by Partisan Bias™".

Like I said, definitely not mad.

He also says something along the lines of "maybe you wouldn't be so wrong if you had just emailed me to check." This will become important later.

We now go back to the Gamers, where someone from the previous thread is absolutely gleeful that we've witnessed the takedown of the week: http://archive.is/WQa21 I'm also there shitposting my heart out.

Now, everyone is getting their pitchforks while the getting's good, especially PSA_Sitch, who says "It's not my beating. You got suckered right into Allum's narrative and completely ignored how he didn't even bother to contest the main point of the video." and

Allum's utter dishonesty is on full display. I emailed HIM directly days before my video came out and he never responded. So he can dispense with this false concern of Insights Lab. But more importantly, who specifically produced the report was a MINOR POINT of my video. The MAIN POINT which I spend the majority of the video on is that he dishonestly tries to make it seem like the report advocates for censorship when it does not. Notice he doesn't even try and argue the actual important point but creates this ridiculous tale about oh how some small youtuber wrongly naming a random research lab is going to bring harm to them, which makes zero sense considering I said the report was good. So he's concerned that people would give them false praise.

Not to mention the flat out lies about the Soros quote and the Trump Conspiracy line.

And little does he know I DID email them to ask them about the report and they never responded so his whole point is bs. The fact that he thinks a random youtuber has the same access as a "journalist" is absurd.

Not to mention he LITERALLY PROVED MY POINT about him being blinded by ideology. Notice that for no reason he keeps repeating this "centrist" label, something that is never mentioned in the video, and is not only attacking me but the very concept of not giving into tribalism.

Gamers aren't buying it. Too busy gravedancing. Sitch takes to twitter.

First of all... I directly emailed YOU with my concerns about the article DAYS before my video came out. No response. But more importantly the Insights Lab point was a small point in my video and doesn't detract from the main point.

That you dishonestly claimed the report was advocating for censorship and this push to "European values." For you to try and hand wave that off as a minor "disagreement" is absurd and very telling.

You're engaging in the classic elitist politician behavior of ignoring the main point you can't respond to in order to focus on some minor quibble.

Not to mention I did contact them and never received a response. Shockingly having a blue checkmark next to your name helps in these situations. Who could have guessed. 🤷‍♂️

And then the clapback from Allum "talk shit get hit" Bokhari

that's no excuse for not confirming the most important factual claim of your story before running it. The Insights Lab point was your most serious allegation by far.

other tweets

Anyway, you have the full response you asked for. I am not your enemy, but please don't accuse others of spreading fake news if you haven't checked your own facts thoroughly. It would also be good form apologize to that unrelated company your video mentioned, but it's up to you.

AKA "begone thot, I tire of your games".

Sitch can't let it go: https://twitter.com/PSA_Sitch/status/1052720380144566273

And so, we come to Bokhari talking shit about centrism: https://twitter.com/LibertarianBlue/status/1052704873941295105

If you want to see gamers do more gravedancing: http://archive.is/zThfU


I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.


  1. http://archive.fo/yovIU - Outline

  2. http://archive.fo/Q82pX - Outline

  3. leading to some great pasta - Outline

  4. http://archive.is/7buKF - Outline

  5. http://archive.is/WQa21 - Outline

  6. http://archive.is/zThfU - Outline

I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://twitter.com/LibertarianBlue... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. http://archive.fo/yovIU - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. http://archive.fo/Q82pX - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. Evergreen Meltdown - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. Candace Owens - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  7. net neutrality - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  8. defend Jordan Memerson - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  9. leading to some great pasta - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  10. makes a video about how Breitbart i... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  11. Roaming Mil - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  12. ShoeOnHead - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  13. http://archive.is/7buKF - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  14. A few self-described "centrists" (w... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  15. http://archive.is/WQa21 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  16. First of all... I directly emailed ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  17. that's no excuse for not confirming... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  18. Anyway, you have the full response ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  19. https://twitter.com/PSA_Sitch/statu... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  20. http://archive.is/zThfU - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Sitch is 100% right though. Gollum Bhukari is a lying shit.

I spend my time in /r/KotakuInAction

how about you spend your time in the dumpster, where you belong

Clearly they already do

a partisan's biases are easy to detect, whereas a centrist's are not.

How do I know centrists have their own set of biases? Because condemning tribalism and bubbles doesn't mean you can escape it. Centrists follow other centrists, read other centrists, watch other centrists. Crucially, they TRUST other centrists - which is where bias comes in.

If they've been criticizing one side too long, they'll feel a need to switch to the other one for a while, or their sense of identity will become insecure. And because "centrist" is a socially approved label while "partisan" is not, it's a label you often want to keep.

This is some heavy duty autistic screeching.

The point of centrist approach is not discussing tribalism per se but identifying when approach to an issue is tribal.

The reason one is centrist is because focus is on issue, not on set of ideological defaults one subsricbes just because you belong to a party.


He's complaining about "le enlightened centrists" which, last I checked, is something lefties have been complaining about for years.

i.e. people who define themselves as "the logical centre" because they reject both sides, not because they have specific opinons that make them centrist.
Those who hold beliefs that, on the whole, do not neatly fit into either "left" or "right" politics are one type of centrist; a type that can't easily be categorized because it's just a collection of people who hold varying opinions between "sides".

Another kind of centrist is someone who has no real opinon and deliberately places themselves in the centre; typically the centre of the extremes. These people are at the whim of the political spectrum and will shift their focus as the extremes change.

Step 1 - ignore the essence of the issue

Step 2 - get some straws

Step 3 - build a straw man

Step 4 - start punching

I don't trust any of the centrists here. In fact, I suspect many of them of being mdeefuges

People that walk in the center of the road get RTFO.

lol, the gators are pretending they won an argument. How deliciously absurd.

Gators have a lot of practice playing pigeon chess, and they always "win"

lol Breitbart

I started to read this but all i could make out was


Remember when Breitbart and Milo loved to talk about how gamers we're degenerate nerds who needed to go outside?

Stop conflating centrists and radical centrists you mong. They're completely different.

Why worse? Because a partisan's biases are easy to detect, whereas a centrist's are not.

If a conservative labels something socialist, put your critical thinking skills on alert. Likewise if a leftist labels something racist.

When do you put your guard up with a centrist?

Something something shitty NPC meme, how can you even support an idea if you don’t know which “side” it’s from?

You come after my centrists you're gonna catch a platypus to your fucking face.

OoOoOo Allum Bokhari is such a cutey 😍😍😍

Freal though, even if it is possible and likely that centrists get caught up in centrist echo chambers from time to time, the amount of hate they get from both left and right builds credibility, imo.

For partison shills, there's few things more irritating than being reminded that you need to judge the merit of policies individually instead of bingeing on pre-packaged ideologies and shitty slogans.

Imagine treating politics like a religion 🤔🤔🤔😂 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


> Unironically readying Breitbart

> agendaposting

> thinking jewtoobers are journalists

> creating a giant agendapost in which you incoherently declare some poorly defined group the “winner”

Someone ban this mong before the cancer spreads.

Who did I say was the winner?

^ someone send this guy back to KiA
