French commie get bussy blasted when the commie lord get investigated for corruption. In French.

1  2018-10-18 by error404brain


Dude, no traductions, lmao


Stop being so french.

Dude, no translation, lmao.

But then you need to know French, what sort of loser would know French?

what sort of loser would know French?

The worst kind.

This, but unironically.


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I cant read this shit

That's like your problem buddy.


I have the big baguette twinks crave.

Learn to type in English bagautte dick

Dude english lmao

Aw fuck what happened

Melenchon always seemed decent for a socdem

1) he was always that crazy, he just hid it during the elections.

2) He took Macron victory very badly. Macron did the same thing he did, which was leaving the socialist party to create your own. Except Macron was succesfull. He tried being relevant after the elections, he tried having a red wave carry him and renverse macron but frenchies didn't want that french wave.

Why tf is there no built in translation for reddit apps? I probably miss out on so much baguette, saurkraut, and norfheimbërgen drama thanks to these lazy Anglocentric devs.

Why tf is there no built in translation for reddit apps?

reddit devellopers barely count as such.

Je constate Eror404Brain, que t'es une merde en toute circonstance. Ta mère doit être fière.

HERE'S A TRANSLATION. (btw i'm not commie you dick head. I dont like communism. But i dont like fascism eather, how surprising, not everybody is a goddamn unidimentional idiot, that seek aknowledgement with américains, because his fellow french are not nice to him. Poor thing.

To the users of this subreddit. You are in presence of an idiot that think anybody would believe he's not french, even if he's unable to translate a simple text. He try to get aknowledgement from américans because in his own country, he's just a pathetic piece of shit, nobody cares about... hilarious.

so here's the translation of the text.

"No, bullshit is not an excuse to whip up any idiocy about politics.

Their presence is illegitimate, and they assaulted several members of the IF and former collaborators of Mélenchon; Forcing him to call the press to protect himself from any escalation.

The police dont have the right to take "evidence" without producing a complete inventory. here the list is largely incomplete. The procedure used by the police is too flawed to expect any evidence to be admissible in a trial. The police are not stupid, their goal was not to find anything but to capture private information about the movement of the IF. In particular the list of official supporters of the movement, lists of groups of 450 000 regional activists.

If you study a little about your history courses and the laws that govern this country, especially if you took the time to revise the hierarchy system in justice, you would quickly understand that the search was ordered by the Ministry of Justice, and that is the type of behavior that previously served you to criticize Venezuela.

Your bad faith is laughable, your absurdity is laughable, you are trying to make the IF president go crazy for a fool with an over-sized ego. Except that they have no right to prevent him from entering, and they have no right to search without him if he asks to be present. This is a behavior of intimidation and oppression of the political opposition.

Keep acting as if this government of jokes was not going into Dictatorship. Make the Ostrich, as it will explode, because it will explode, you will be the first to suffer. Because you will have witnessed all these things, and you will have agreed that a political party is harassed without any reason or proof.

They were not violent with the police, and after three attacks by the police before the arrival of the cameras, it is normal to be furious and to shout.

this piece of text finely cut to make it say what suits you actually says the opposite of what you want to demonstrate, be thrown out of your home, thrown out of your office, and be forbidden to enter places which are accessible to you by your status or which belong to you, it is a "privative or restrictive measure", here restrictive, to be more exact. This last point clearly indicates that you did not understand the text before publishing it, or that you lack information, which is a common errator, but your ego comes to interfere when your title is peremptory as a argument of authority, coming from an individual who has none ... Proselytism in its most fascist form ..."

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Wew, where did I trigger you so badly, lmao ?

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Dont you have a yellow vest movement to do? Gyillete jeans or whatever

Writing pastas to defend Jean-Luc "Lolcow" >Mélenchon online

Implying that someone else must be a shame to his >mother

You can't have both sweatie