r/Trufemcels - Is this the femcel mother load we have all been waiting for?

1  2018-10-18 by Legally-sane


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Beauty is a double edged sword but if you know how to use it then it will be an excellent weapon.

Written by someone who's butt ugly. Damn...no pinging!


Aw, I like that sub.

Hot damn. What a bunch of sad and lonely people.


A wave of troll posts are on the horizon to brighten their days and make them feel less lonely.

Or angrier, whatever.

On the thread about wanting to kiss a MOID.

Me too thanks, so far even holding hands hasn't happened yet

Same. And we are probably the same age.. It's all downhill from here, but it never even began for us

If that's not the most depressing shit ever.

No, please, they'll make their sub private or be given the ban hammer.

This sub is unironically hilarious. Femcels, when separated from radfem bullshit, seem to handle it better than their male counterparts.

seem to handle it better than their male counterparts.

Apples and oranges.

Incels -> ugly/awkward and can't get laid.

Femcels -> ugly/awkward and can get laid.

Unless a person is socially awkward enough to have great difficulty leaving their house both 'sides' can get laid if they lower their standards enough. It's harder for the femcels to buy sex.

both 'sides' can get laid if they lower their standards enough.

Are you punking me bro? Look dude, I agree that even the ugliest woman can get sex anytime she want's simply because there are guys willing to fuck baboons and shit, but the reverse is not true. A good 20% or more of men can't get laid by even the butt ugliest women alive. They can't lower their standards any further without jumping into bestiality.

They could buy sex.

or rape


Hey I'm just saying a little rape never hurt anyone

Depends on how little


This, but *unironically*

Much like bestiality, it's illegal in many areas.

That's illegal in many parts of the world though.

Sure, there's other parts of the world where women get stoned for having the sex they want to have with who they want to have it with.

Yeah and?

and......that's all I wanted to say about that.

You can buy sex, but you can't buy true love. IT'S OVER 😞

Exploitation of the women in patriarchal society. To buy sex might as well be a rape

Yeah, I'm sure incels are given pause by those considerations. 🙄

Don't think they are. But if you go with this belief, then others think the incels shouldn't be allowed to have this option

Who cares if some radfem thinks buying pussy is rape? In actuality, the US is rife with camwhores, strip clubs, porn, escorts and streets by the bus station where you can buy a blowie.

Is it? Such an amazing country

What would you think? Seems you do not think prostitution is exploitation. Am I right here?

What? I have zero interest in getting into a debate with you about whether prostitution is exploitation.

Not a debate, but was wondering is all from these words here

Who cares if some radfem thinks buying pussy is rape?

If you don't want to answer, that's good too

Because you were trying to tie how some people feel about the patriarchy to whether incels can get blowies. It makes no sense. If the incels don't care, the whores don't care then what has it got to do with anything?

Depends. Should those men be allowed to buy sex at all? Have things criminal?

See how it goes? In the real world there are these things to think about, if you call it exploiting women

Dude, put your mind to it and you could have someone slobbing your knob for cash before the night is over. Unless you live off grid in the wilds of Alaska or something. There's no whether they should be allowed to or not.

You could shoot someone for money and get away with it before a night is over, but it's still not something you should do

And you get arrested for it too, so society thinks of these things as bad ones

dude, you already said incels don't have moral qualms about prostitution and the sex industry due to radfem concerns like patriarchy and exploitation. So what is your point? I have moral qualms about shooting people so I don't do it.

And what are your moral beliefs about prostitution? Exploitation or not?

Would the incel use exploit the women, or is this not something you believe is true?

If it is exploitation, a society would have to stop them from buying the sex, for women's sake, and make it criminal or something

It's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.

Guess the funs over

For the note, I think prostitution is a good idea

But you can't suggest it as a good solution if you think it harms women, any more than you can if it was rape you were suggesting they do for sex

Tell me more about this magical land of whores and blowjobs. I am intrigued.

Find your last utility bill and look at the city/town it was mailed to. There's your magical place where you can find someone to give you a bj for money.

Wait, wait, wait - who said anything about money? Bananas. If it’s good enough for baboons, it should be good enough for the rest of them.

if thats the case they can just buy sex from a prostitute. unless its not about the sex, in which case it doesnt matter if they can get laid or not. both incels and femcels can't find someone who loves them because they're ugly, but they can both get sex if they really want just sex

20% of men are not incels lol

Not while baboons roam the earth.

imagine unironically believing blackpill retardism

The dumbest thing about that particular argument is that the literal paragraph after it proved the entire point wrong.

It was exclusively about looks, not attraction.

A good 20% or more of men can't get laid

Get off the internet bucko

A good 20% or more of men can't get laid by even the butt ugliest women alive


There are videos on the internet of women fucking animals too, I mean... let’s face it, implying that any woman could get laid also implies that she’s come into contact with every guy who has wanted to fuck her. It’s a near impossibility so the sub has some ground to stand on.

Might pacify the incel sub once this shit show comes to an end, this whole “brigade” thing is a god damn circus though.

Tinder: that’s all she needs.

Then what? Pump and dump. There’s no “afterwards” for femcels, it’s like when incels look at a cute highschool couple enjoying love and their first kiss. Femcels don’t get that, you can’t be an ugly girl surrounded by pretty girls, men only look at the pretty girls, even the ugly men.

Men just want to fuck ugly girls because they know it would be easy. Ugly girls have sex because they give into that need to feel wanted despite knowing he just wants a warm place to put his dick.

Yes. Life is suffering.

100% agree, sucks to be ugly and lookism is a real thing. I don’t think men or women have it any easier than each other, just sucks to be ugly.

A good 20% or more of men can't get laid by even the butt ugliest women alive.

If it were that high we'd have some real serious problems or they would have been solved already.

To be fair, mares are prettier than about 50% of human women. Too bad they don’t want to Dick you either.

It's harder for the femcels to buy sex.

Why though? If demand is there, we'd see a large market open up, but there only ever has been a small market

So either women have an easier time getting sex when they want, which squeezes out any hope of men trying to sell themselves for sex

Or they have much lower sex drive that makes them not want sex nearly as much as men

I doubt market forces are going to be driven by women who call themselves 'femcels'. I'm comparing the two groups everyone else is comparing. I'm comparing the two groups by the way things are set up now. Femcels can lower their standards by letting dudes who would fuck a baboon have a go at them. Incels can lower standards by realizing they have to pay someone to fuck them. See, everyone is getting laid in my world?

Market forces in the real world, not pretend internet identities like incel or femcel. If women and men equally have chance at sex, then we should expect to see around the same amount and quality of male prostitutes

Maybe a few more or less, but much closer than now

Or maybe women don't want sex as much and the demand's not there?

But, yes, both could lower standards in other ways for sex

But, yes, both could lower standards in other ways for sex

since were talking about femcels and incels, that's the only point I wanted to make. Neither is luckier than the other because they are both not getting what they themselves want. Why should I care that I can get what you want?

Neither is luckier than the other because they are both not getting what they themselves want.

Agree here. Standards could be lower, and if femcels did this, there would be less of the incels too

How do you know that's his kid? How does he know that's his kid? $5 says that's his wife's boyfriend's kid.

There's an entire album with backstories you lazy fuck

you lazy fuck

Do you know me from somewhere?

Yeah I'm your dad and it's time to clean your room bucko

You died 8 years ago. You're a zombie now dad? Holly shit - OK, but I'll have to buy a new mop.


Incels -> ugly/awkward and can't get laid.

Femcels -> ugly/awkward and can get laid.

Imagine standing up for incels.

an incel alt standing up for incels isn't that surprising

Alt? He sounds like a straight up normal incel, he's not even trying to hide it

yeah but he made that account just to post here

Ah, gotcha. Thought u were saying he made an alt to seem normal or smth, he probably just got banned

OK, just to let you two buckos know, I’m actually married with kids. I was mocking both incels (because they can’t get laid) and femcels (because they shouldn’t get laid for genetic hygiene reasons).

Incel apologism upvoted on r/drama now i truly have seen everything.

Why are you surprised? I doubt I'm the only one who upvotes inflammatory comments

That's what makes me believe it's just a parody sub. No way anyone this downtrodden would at the same time be that self aware

They aren't and they're that delusional. There's a few that post on other subs looking for attention. That sub even calls them out because they're not ugly. I think they know they aren't ugly, but they aren't hot, which is just as bad.

Some of them in that sub are just fucked up.


Dude, you just totally bummed me out. I was hoping to troll them as a “fatcel” woman with a cute face by complain that Chad won’t commit after plowing me with his hot lean body. Fuck. Oh well, plan B, r/relationships.

Femcels are welcome to live in my compound. They just have to be handmaidens to my wife. Simple as that.

No evil males will get them there. :D

Yeah, but, they're ugly.

Free labor is free labor. It's not a beauty contest.

If we brigade they'll make it private, please don't ruin it for everyone /r/drama.

I'm worried that if we draw too much attention to them they'll be banned or something.

No, that is, was and always will be /r/TwoXChromosomes.


I see our very own /u/YameteOtosanItai is making us proud in that thread.

Please do post NSFW where appropriate. Some of us are at work.


Just go to trollx

I thought the female incel sub was r/gendercritical?

What the fuck is a "looksmatch"? Why are they talking like it's 1984?

How dumb are you that you don't realize what "looksmatch" means?

I am a regular user of /r/drama.

You got me, I will explain it for you as you earned it.

Put a space in between looks and match. It means someone who is equally ugly.

But they use it in a way that implies a deeper meaning. Like someone asked "what do you think your looksmatch is doing right now?" as if she's talking about soulmates or some weird mystical shit.

It's because their worldview is predicated on society conditioning men to have unreasonably high standards, basically like this comic. So all the 5/10 and below "lookscel" men are thirsting after 7's 8's and 9's instead of punching at their own weight class.

So all the 5/10 and below "lookscel" men (who would be their lookmatches) are thirsting after 7's 8's and 9's instead of punching at their own weight class.

This obviously goes both ways, though what makes men an 8 is more than just looks.

I thought the female incel sub was r/gendercritical?

I'm unironically suggesting Femcels and Braincels have like a Sadie Hawkins dance or something. Seems like it would solve a lot, make a few people happy, and best of all provide real nice drama.

They would be furious to have to settle for each other.

Yea, it'd kind of be like a game of chicken. Both swear that the other side just wants Stacies and Chads and wont settle for a "looksmatch." But both also claim that they're willing to settle for pretty much anything. If they were to get together, they'd have to settle for one another to avoid being wrong.

No, they fucking hate each other, mainly because incels harass the shit out of them.

Wtf does any of this mean? Plasticmax? lookself? moid?