An article calling the Democratic Party the centrist party is posted to /r/politics, MAGAcels and Chapotards reeee it out in the comments

1  2018-10-18 by cruelandusual


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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Ooooh no. No they are not.

But it’s good for dramacoin to say they are!

It's even better for dramacoin to say that Republicans are the centrist party

It's even better for dramacoin to say the Republicans are the centrist party. Russian trolls need to start doing that ASAP

No we need the lolbertarians to run pant on head backwards through the drama, schreeching they are the centrists.

And then being libertarians, tell everyone why children can consent to sexual activity. But assure everyone the libertarians are not pedos.

It's true lol, in my country we were literally taught in school that the US doesn't have a leftist party, just a centrist liberal party and a right-wing conservative party. But burgers gonna burger I guess.

As most Amerifats will never leave the country, truly do not give a fuck about other places, and will never accept dirty commies in our glorious country, we have our own political compass.

That compass places the Dems on the center left and the Reps on the center right. Bernie is further left than the Dems, Antifa and any other unironic commies are the furthest. Lolbertarians are further right than the Reps and the KKK is the furthest right.

American politics is that Bernie Sanders is somewhere around the center, Hillary Clinton is center right, the Republicans are far right, and Trump is somewhere between David Duke and Hitler. Whether or not you're arrogant and haughty and refuse to acknowledge the rest of the world, it doesn't make the rest of the world or reality go away. It's still there.

You were more fun when you were subtle

Well considering the US is the most powerful country this planet has ever seen, maybe everyone else is just doing it wrong. Maybe we will mimic those Europoors when they can win a Super Bowl.

It's the developed country with the largest population

Somehow it managed to grow huge without fracturing apart

Doesn't seem like that's going to last long

Being a powerful country gives you tons of economic privileges in and of itself. Like people pay us just to get hold of our currency just because we're so powerful that that value is unlikely to go anywhere.

Europe is doing one thing wrong, and that's not uniting into a single strong entity like we did. But of course we're actively throwing bombs on that now as we speak because we've grown afraid of the competition. We'd rather wait for China than possibly have to deal with a united europe.

It's hilarious you burgers think anyone else wants to play your shit sports, lmao. Where's your rugby, football, cricket world cup victories? But i admit, you're really good at the sports you made up for yourselves.

You were taught in your communist school in your communist shtihole that the US doesn't have a real left wing, wow shocking.

Do you even know where this guy lives? Be a bit more specific than "Commie-Land".

bit more specific than "Commie-Land" and "Not 'Murica"

That's redundant

You were taught in your fascist schools in your fascist redneck backwater shithole than the US is perfectly centrist and it's literally every other developed country in the world that's doing it wrong, wow how shocking. And you never thought to question what your hick teachers and alcoholic father drilled into your head.

the US doesn't have a leftist party

We do, but they have no power thankfully.

Hope you enjoy handing your produce to the parasitic owners

You are a good slave, here's a pat on the head

And burgering got us to the moon

Damn Europoors get out of my wallet! >:(

The Republican Party is the most dangerous political party since the nazis hands down no question.

Ahahhahaha. Also Blumpf is possibly the best thing that has happened to Yuros that like to pretend they know about burger politics and that they are so much better than amerikkka.

Yuros that like to pretend they know about burger politics

there is barely anything there to understand outside of autistic screeching


Economic policy: State capitalism

Social policy: Far right reactionary

Social policy: Far right reactionary

Yeah, sure, there’s a ton of “far right” there definitely. Which is why he’s nailing porn stars then calling them horse face inbetween banning Bussy and sucking the pope’s dick.

Top controversial:

Its a joke, right? The democratic party is full of left wing extremists like Antifa. Social justice is a far left ideology. I'm a centrist. As in, I judge ideas based on merit, and not political affiliation.

Whose /r/drama regular alt is this?

It’s not /r/drama, insufficient defense of white and people while unironocally calling for a mayocide and the banning of gussy.

Democrats are definitely not centrist on idpol which seems to be the most dividing issue these days

But it's also the least important.

very important for dramacoin

90% of democrats are centrist. 90% of republicans are centrist. the parties themselves are center left and center right in terms of policy but there are enough retards in each of them to let either side pretend they are far-x

You know I used to say that we should back off of idpol for political reasons but now I don't give a shit

Literally it is just some twitter posts

The fact that picking at that wound causes such a reaction is interesting in itself, let's keep picking on it to see where we go. I don't care whether or not we lose elections, this is fun.

Even if you fall 60/40 towards democrat, you can still be considered a centrist. In my opinion, centrism is judging ideas on merit and not political affiliation. This is insanely hard to do, because information sources are either to the extreme left, or extreme right. Being able to discern between information and rhetoric is becoming a rare skill. You can't possibly assert that a person who tries to achieve a balanced perspective is slacking in any way. They are literally doing twice the work you are.

This is choice /r/iamverysmart material.

"Centism is having no opinion, and the lest opinions you have, the more centristier it is"

  • Middle McCentrist, probably.

I like it either way.

In Europe, the most far-right parties are not denying universal healthcare, strict gun regulations and solid workplace protections. They are, even for them, basic standards of civilization that shouldn't be limited. Now, what does that says about all political activity in America? Who knows it? Who knows it?

political ideology is determined by a series of opinions on contextless single issue policy problems in a country. more yurotard news at 6

In modern America libertarians have effectively become mostly authoritarian supporters of the neo-fascist administration.

Lmao imagine believing this

Yeah, so speaking as a European... do y'all even know that all of your "socialists" aren't actually socialists?

Totally not an American posing as a Euro. Nope. Definitely not.

You know, he isn't entirely wrong.

True centrism shifts according to the relative political climate.

Yeah so fascism suddenly became centrism in the minds of tons of Americans when Trump seized power in the coupe of 2016.

Lol, did you get lost on your way to the Traphouse little Che?

dont bully the tankie we dont get them often enough i want to see them get into fights with the DDF

Classic r/politics slap fights.

It's seriously going to be the best sub when T_D, Chapotards, SPS, and run-of-the-mill politics-users all come together to prove once and for all who isn't doing anything with their lives.