Backlash as Local Mayo Falsely Accuses 9 Year Old Boy of Craving Gussy

1  2018-10-18 by WistopherWalken


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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What is this headline

Read the article you mouth breather

Is this from fucking Australia or some shit.

Jesus Christ, there is legitimately no helping you...

We don't have this specific racism problem fuckwit

What the fuck is #GUSSY


females terrible attempt to copy bussy

Women: Hey look, I can make people with this shit! Men: It's alright I guess continues fucking bussy

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girl bussy

Garbage bussy.


Truly national news worthy stuff

Also nice to see these people care about false accusation now, lmao

Getting a lot of shares on social media is enough to get you in newspapers now. People really like sharing videos of people involved in racist incidents apparently.

Do any of your families ever share any of this stuff? Like I'm from Mississippi and my facebook wall would consist of endless Trump propaganda if I weren't constantly filtering out dumb news sources (and people who just can't stop finding new ones to shove in my face). Not sure I ever see a video where people are like "Oh shit this guy was being racist!" Maybe occasional wokish stuff from my black friends but there I don't have too many.

Ew a waterperson

We've officially hit peak 2018.

Well done, white liberals.

Well done.

Peak 2018 Peak Mayo Peak Mayo Woman Peak Feminist

There's so much to choose from.

How about peak faggot? I feel that encapsulates all the above.

Call me when it’s peak bussy.

Dude bussy lmao.

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Shut the fuck up

Dude bussy lmao

dude bussy lmao

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Nah, 2015 was peak Feminist when Miss Piggy won award for Femynyzm and folks realized she pretty much was a spousal abuser of some green frog. That is peak Feminism.

This is it ladies and germs.

Write down the date. Where you were and when you saw it.

This is when mayocide became inevitable.

How do you know she’s a liberal? It’s just as likely she could be a racist POS conservative.

Haha you're right, she could be a racist POS conservatard.

But you have to think of who created the political climate which would give her the confidence to do something this retarded.

Conservatards didn't do that lol. 60-70 years ago, sure, but not today.

Both extremes are bad. On the far left (libtards), you have crazy liberals protesting grocery stores that sell meat and the “you raped” because you accidentally bumped me feminazis. On the far right, you have the flat earther climate change denying LOLtarians who think that a normal society should let them own rocket launchers and hand grenades along with their AR-15s.

• ᠌ ᠌ •

Hello fellow radical centrists. I too am a radical centrist who recognizes the absurdity of extremism on BOTH SIDES.

Dude NPCs lmao

The ambiguity of intent behind this response is weirdly beautiful. Very Mona Lisa. Much Zen.

Hey there friend! We should go get a drink sometime and kiss each others bussies. DO YOU AGREE?

• ᠌ ᠌ •


Trying too hard.

This is not radical centrism, radical centrism knows there are infinite numbers of sides that are all wrong.

The flat earth raped me... Am I doing radicall centrism right?

To be fair, that little boy would have been lynched for looking at a white woman 60-70 years ago


Hol up now

Well done, white liberals.

Ya even you should know this isn't the fault of "white liberals". This lady was obviously fucking nuts. Person by person basis.


"911, what is your emergency?"

"The blacks are acting uppity around me!!!1!1!"

Remember back in mid-November 2016, when the online ire was directed at white women who voted for the Republican candidate? They were looking in the right box - just the wrong corner.


The boy had a press conference and said he does not forgive her

But did you see the look in his eyes? I heard he ate erasers back in preschool. Even his friends say he's a heavy soda drinker, going on sugar binges all the time. This kid clearly has a dark past, and because of that I do not trust him. #BelieveAllWomen

He should never be allowed to step foot in school again. He is a rapist prodigy or something.


and redpilled based and redpilled based and redpilled based and redpilled

debased and edpilled

why would a woman ever lie about something like that? he must be guilty

If this fucking little rapist ever runs for the Supreme Court, I swear to god I’ll boof.

I dunno, she apologized. Its concerning because I've never seen a white woman apologize and admit they were wrong.

I don’t forgive this woman at all … she needs help.

“I was wrong,” she said. “Young man, I don’t know your name, but I’m sorry.”

TBF, Time editorial policies couldn't convey those were sarcastic air-quotes.

I think the only reason why she did was because there was a bunch of people crowded in the room from the neighborhood and they had it on video, they probably would have wooped her ass if she kept saying he grabbed her ass.

I bet if she saw the video from her own home she probably wouldn't have apologized.

Hmmmm goodpoint didn't think of that.

Mod her? Or should we let shit cool off first?

Oh well she's actually mtf trans

Gary Busey, got it.

Why does shit like this generally happen in "progressive" cities?

Nobody's interested in reading The Huntsville Times

You'd think those other rags would be happy to publish things like that.

The KKK Today

more people = more autists = more drama
more autists in a dense location leads to them feeding off each other in an autism-compounding cycle which leads to SuperDrama as well

SuperDrama that powers our cities. Renewable energy!

Progressive city is redundant

Because cities have millions of people in them usually?

Implying Scooba Mississippi is better


LMAO if you think small towns are not segregated as hell

In the newspaper trade, there's what's called a "dog bites man vs man bites dog" dichotomy.

See, you write a story about a dog biting a man, and nobody will read it because it happens every goddamn day. You write a story about a man snacking on a schnauzer, and it's front page news.

Same thing here. "People in racist backwater are racist" isn't a fucking story. Nobody would bother publishing it if anyone even reported it.

She lost the oppression points battle, but for awhile there it was close. 9 year old black kid is usually slightly lower on the victim pyramid than a white liberal woman with a believeallwomen buff, but the video evidence provided was barely enough of a bonus to put him over the top. Thus, the outrage mob eventually ruled in his favor.

Expect a long history of "past offenses" in her life to suddenly be brought up. She may be behind in the victim race atm, but she's not out. I expect her to be native american at any moment.

IDK, I always thought she was kinda a junkie.

why would she be a left winger

come on now, how else is he supposed to sustain his outrage narrative

What made him sound outraged in his post?

Cause they're retarded in a more humorous way when compared to right wingers who are more retarded in a boring way.

absurd #metoo histrionics is more of a left wing thing

I enjoyed this play by play synopsis. You may have a future in oppression olympics broadcasting.

This reminds me of some drama I found on Facebook. A native man was giving a lecture in a college about some ancient native laws and somehow managed to piss off feminists and trannies. I suspect it's because he said that historically only men were allowed to be chiefs.

This letter is peak oppression Olympics (I redacted all names).

Letter of concern from the (faggy group) re: (guy) lecture at (school).

"September 28th, 2018

To whom it may concern:

We, as students of the (faggy group), are concerned with the (school) and the (other group) decision to host Dr. (guy) to present the annual (lecture).

Dr. (guy) is well-known within the circle of Indigenous academics as a political theorist. Moreover, he has been celebrated as the founding director of the (program). That being said, earlier this year, the (program) suspended after a review which acknowledged that the program left current and former students “traumatized”. The confidential “participant’s report”, which was prepared by two conflict resolution experts and was based on the interviews of thirty current and former students and faculty, expresses that the program suffered from “discrimination” and “hyper-masculinity”. This environment, it was said, provided little classroom space for diverse points of view. Specifically, the report shares that the program had “little tolerance for LGBTQ and two-spirited individuals”.

Students of our faculty have been strongly dissuaded from applying or enrolling in the (program) from alumni of the program and other members within the community of Indigenous studies. Many of us have been warned of the culture of sexism, hypermasculinity, exclusion, and of the dogmatic nature of the program which has largely been created and proliferated by Dr. (guy). These warnings to not only come from students, but also faculty and members of the community. We can see one such example of this conduct expressed publicly by (hald breed lady), (curator of some shit), through the Student Society at (school) Indigenous Affairs Facebook page (posted April 25, 2017), which reads “I want to say in no uncertain terms: (guy) is a serial abuser of women, which is well known to community, and also well supported by community silence.”

Though certainly it would benefit those intending to attend the lecture to engage with the (topic), and with theories and practices of Indigenous Resurgence, there are many appropriate candidates to speak on this topic who have not recently been alleged to be toxic and abusive to learners, women, two-spirit and LGBTQ people, and survivors of abuse. We should be supporting Knowledge Keepers and academics who uphold values of responsibility, reciprocity, and respect. Moreover, we should hold Dr. (guy) accountable to these allegations – he has not publicly responded to any of these findings, which signifies that he does not uphold these values which are considered foundational to many Indigenous worldviews.

This concern is not expressed lightly. The decision to collectively author this letter was spearheaded by a group of Indigenous and settler women whose concerns have been echoed by many others. We believe it is of the utmost importance to stand in solidarity with women, two-spirit and LGBTQ people, and survivors of abuse. In ignoring the critiques of Dr. (guy), we explicitly silence the voices of these people. We are supportive of a model of Indigenous resurgence which is grounded in and in reverence of Indigenous women and two-spirit people. We do not believe Dr. (guy) is an appropriate candidate to speak on this topic, and more problematically, in choosing him to speak, the faculty has actively upheld power-dynamics which privilege toxic and abusive men in power at the expense of women, two-spirit, and LGBTQ individuals. We urge you to reconsider this event, or at the very least, to hold Dr. (guy) accountable for these allegations.

In solidarity,

The (faggy group)

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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I am a bot.

You're a shit bot.

believeallwomen buff

lmao. Based on your explanation, you've got to wonder what the final boss of this oppression RPG looks like

Too bad she cant use the I choose to live as a gay man defense, imo it would have worked wonders here


Klein is being listed alongside other white people who have immediately resorted to calling the police on African- Americans for mundane incidents.

white people


Good, knock that craving out of them while they're young. It starts with Winnoa Rider and Carol Kane and before you know it , they want to date Paris Hilton.

FYI, noticing some MDEgen comments in here which is a violation of y'alls very tenuous probation terms. The correct response to this news is "fucking mayos" or "this is peak whitey", dunno where y'all are tossing liberal or progressive in from you absolute cretins. Jesus fuck, I gotta spell this shit out for everyone.

Muh mde

Muh, shut the fuck up. Anyone with a brain knows that there is an infection of alt-tards spamming dumb shit.

Muh iNfEsTaTiOn

I’ve seen you in other subs. Boy were you retarded.


Man, I got you.

You're a novelty account. Be more novel.


You’re only around to a quick laugh no one wants to hear a novelty accounts opinion

Eat my ass

Lmao melt

if(this.Class == Npc) { console.writeline("y'all"); }

Dude NPCs lmao

NPCs lmao dude

Dude NPCs lmao

npc lmao dude

Dude NPCs lmao

lmao npcs dude

Dude NPCs lmao

npc bussy

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Dude NPCs lmao

Dude NPCs lmao


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what's MDE?

What a retarded woman. He is below the age of consent so if this had resulted in a court case, SHE would have been the criminal for having sexual contact with a minor.


More like Sidewalk Shlomit.


Who she? Whe she gettin so much attention?

White privilege.

The real story here is that you have to have a permit to bbq in a park on the west coast.

In May, footage of Jennifer Schulten (aka “BBQ Becky”) calling the police on black people using a charcoal grill in a Bay-Area park without a permit went viral.

Wow, fuck Cali.

That boy is sexually assaulting with the confidence and style of at least a 13 year old. Very advanced for his age

anyone got a link to the original video?

She certainly felt safe near all those dindus. Would have expected one of them would knock her out but i guess there were just to many cameras at the scene for that

The hilarious part of this Drama is not race based. It's that some post-wall ugly Gramma thought ANY NINE YEAR OLD wanted to touch her disgusting FLABBY ASS. Whit, Black or other, that's one delusional biatch.

That is one of the most fucking disgusting things I've ever seen.

Accusing somebody of wanting gussy. Absolutely degenerate.

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Has not a single mayo woman read to kill a mockongbird? Methinks not.
