Cringeanarchy analyses NPCs.

1  2018-10-18 by Snowayne2


They’ve always existed.

You’ve seen the bell curve of IQ distribution. Half of everyone is below 100.

They’re all in Plato’s cave. The ‘shadows on the wall’ are whatever the zeitgeist ideological tenets are of the age.

Monkey see monkey do.

If we look at a recent social movement like ‘metoo’, a clear shadow on the wall, we see the whole cave in action. ‘Me too’ is a way of saying ‘I support women’. Any kind of disagreement, or pointing out the inevitable consequences of the movement is met with derision, because if you disagree with the tenet, you instantly hate women.

The same shadows on the wall have been observed multiple times throughout history, just with a different name and societal context. Take ‘white feathers’ in WWI for instance, a movement to shame men who didn’t fight, but was applied to any man of conscription age regardless of his individual circumstances. Any kind of disagreement with the tenet, met with derision and ‘you hate the country’. But much like the metoo movement there was no critical thought. There are many examples of women white-feathering badged men who were in the country on leave/injured/receiving medals.

I would argue that NPCdom and groupthink are endemic in human females far more than in human males.

It’s clear from IQ distribution once again that females are more heavily clustered around the mean, and I would surmise that there is an IQ level close to the mean which is the ‘blisspoint’ of being an NPC, it could even be the mean itself.

However, men, while having a cluster around the mean, have a greater distribution above and below, meaning a greater number of non-NPC males than females, but also a greater number of males at the low end that can’t even be qualified as NPCs. A more accurate description would be fauna.


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The whole is more than the sum of it parts

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How do you make a distinction between naturally stupid people and people who can memorize or regurgitate stupid things?

From the point of right versus left, I personally don't find the majority of the pseudo-intellectual left as intelligent or non-stupid. They are just as zealous in their ignorance as anyone from the right. They have the same inclination to be stagnant on learning and exploring. A lot of them can memorize more of their own lies as the right tends to do. And from a religious point of view, they run just as many if not more churches than the right. The only real difference is morality. The simple right believe in moral divinity. But the left don't have any morality. So who are the savages? Who are the unintelligent?

With regards to being a social animal, the right has a leg up.

And from the point of atheism we have those that believe in following their cultural destinies versus those that believe in destroying cultures.

Multiculturalist, socialist liberals want to destroy culture and mix the world's population. But that almost always tends to reduce the average IQ and increase civil unrest. Nationalists believe in protecting a sovereign group against invasion and cultural elimination. They can be just as radical but perhaps they have a right since their ideologies come from the bottom where things are felt more and need protecting. Whereas the left take direction from the top where things are cold and calculated. Which is the reason they use emotional topics and minority causes to make them look human.

But someone who takes orders and regurgitates information doesn't strike me as someone who's more intelligent than someone quoting from the bible. You get the same glazed over effect in the eyes.

But when all is said and done, pseudo-intellectual liberals tend to destroy society, culture and progress while claiming they are building society, culture and progress. Which makes them hypocrites as well as idiots.


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They’re all in Plato’s cave. The ‘shadows on the wall’ are whatever the zeitgeist ideological tenets are of the age.

Does this mean that 2-D loli waifus are the Platonic Form of a woman?

Let me explain to all the men why YOU should care, perhaps even MORE than the women, right now. And I have no political correctness to pad this with.

I believe all men know that it's true there is some violence and perversion in all of us, in some of us moreso. And yet MOST of us aren't out there raping and perjuring. We're putting heart and soul into overcoming our genetic or cultural disposition into being hardworking, moral, even heroic people.

And then comes these fucks who waltz in and rape our women and children before us. As a man, every moment of your life you're pressured to be the protector and provider for your family. If we get even a slight pass for our darker nature, it's because we also fight the wars, do the dangerous jobs, and sacrifice our average lifespans.

So for that sacrifice, if you let these fucks in to rape your wards, and take your money, and yoke your freedoms, then you have failed your duty. They're taking what they want. YOU are being RAPED.

Even then, most rapists aren't brazenly bragging about their conquests in broad daylight. But these elite fucks are. Not only are they RAPING you, they are LAUGHING at you. This is why Dr. Ford said it isn't the sexual assault or the violence she remembers most traumatically, but the 'uproarious laughter'.

It's that laughter that tells you that you're not even human enough to be considered in their sins. They are laughing at YOU, your RAPED family, your RAPED livelihood, your RAPED duty, and ultimately the rule-of-law itself, wherein lies the identity of this nation, and its ability to protect and provide for YOU. You're a confused beast gunned down in a game you didn't know you were losing, like Laquan MacDonald, shot while dying with evidence rewritten.

So every man who has put any work into not being a degenerate rapist, who has had any conviction and responsibility for anyone around them, should be taking this assault as a literal and metaphysical RAPE. Roofied on fake news and existentially RAPED, are YOU going to stay silent for 32 years about it?

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Starship Litterbox


Lmao you owned that loser 👏😂



We can submit quotes?


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Everyone is an NPC because you can't play as anyone else.

Hindus and Buddhists get to respawn as other players

I wonder what the average /r/drama user would reincarnate as.

I wanna reincarnate as a dung beetle, or as a malaria mosquito.

Irredeemable and nothing beneath us. I think this is the last stop.

Wow dude, that's so deep...

I'll be sure to add your name to the list



Turning the NPC meme into a serious outlook on life

Never look a gift horse in the mouth

I don't think being an NPC is the same thing as being stupid. For me the term is suggestive of conformity and intellectual laziness, rather than outright stupidity. Intelligent people are susceptible to herd mentality and sloppy reasoning just as stupid people are (if perhaps not to the same extent).

Imagine posting this and not immediately deleting your account.