Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are splitting up 😱💔

1  2018-10-18 by SignalEvent


This, but unironically.


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He found love in Trump's arms.

This is literal fake news tho

Trump is a submissive bottom

Casual homophobia - nice.

Do you know where you are lmao


Reported for ableism

Somewhere that respects bussy.

Low quality bait from couple days old account. Begone degenerate.

This, but unironically.

Fuck off nerd

I don't care.

Donald and Kanye at Washington. Kellyanne, her legs wide.

Aye aye, Capn. Picard!

Apparently it's fake and a "joke" by Elle.

Women are funny get over it.

I know you’re being ironic but women actually are funny - even more so than men - it’s just that the male sense of humor has been imposed on western society by centuries of patriarchy. Women’s humor is inclusive which is antithetical to exclusive and privileged male “humor”.

Thank you for the information, do you have a pamphlet where I can read more?

Moreover, feminine humor is peaceful and spiritual, unlike the violent and aggressive humor of m*n. As the original, superior gender womyn are the ambassadors of Mother Nature and of the higher realms of reality.

This but unironically

This is such an amazing insight. Women just don’t get male humor they say but really it’s that male humor just isn’t universally funny but we get away with our stupid jokes because of thousands of years of oppression, murder, and sexism.



holy shit I feel like a dumbass for missing the username.

That's actually sort of clever

I couldn’t tell if this was Cartman copypasta or not

I know you’re being ironic but women actually are funny - even more so than men - it’s just that the “male” sense of humor has been imposed on western society by centuries of patriarchal mores. Women’s humor is inclusive and antithetical to exclusive and privileged male “humor”, which is why you don’t find it funny.

Is this a take on how that /r/AskFeminists user explained that women are just as good as sport, but all the sports we play are ones where the rules are written to benefit men?

The winner is the one who throws the thingy the farthest.


ಠ_ಠ username

“...vagina...” - Amy Schumer

you forgot "muh"

no you're wrong, we're better ofc!

I would have accepted a reaction such as "Women can be as funny as men", but "Women can be as funny as men, even more so, because patriarchy and oppression" is just pathetic.

I suggest you educate yourself on the different form of humour, then watch different humorists and different "humour" medias.

Then you'll eventually realize you'll find artists for all kinds of humour in both genders.

The issue has never been that women can't be funny, they can, but they simply don't need to. Men need to be funny, therefore there are more funny men out there. And in my book, a social requirement is not a privilege.

this but unironically

Getting people to vote and resist Trump is no joke.

Fuck off.

You reactionaries would like that, wouldn’t you?

I’m not even Republican. I hate Trump as much as the next guy. I’m just goddamn sick of hearing this shit day and day out. Get a life.

then it sounds like you're part of the problem instead of part of the solution 😎

Oh yeah, good job, instead of fighting the two party system that got Trump elected in the first place, you’ve elected to assimilate into The Borg for however long it takes for the next Nixon/Reagan/Trump gets elected. Tell me, do your Good Person Points come with the ballot or after you vote?

lol i was just shitposting before but did you just admit to not voting?

Yeah, no thanks. They’re all a bunch of tools who won’t fulfill their promises.

hahah you deserve everything you get

And dramatards say seriousposting is bad for this sub. Never stop sperging, friend

I’m glad I could provide an evening’s entertainment 😊😊😊

hate Trump as much as the next guy

I would let Trump touch my monkey. I love daddy.

What if he came up to your one day and whispered these words into your ears:

"Don't make me regret the day I raped your mother"

"I won't dad, MAGA!"

Trump. trump. Trump. Trump. Trump

Voting for anyone in a fascist system is reactionary

This ain’t it chief

Eat my nutsack ironically

Kanye isnt a real musician.


I’m sorry, it must be hard to remember sometimes that no one asked.

You need to go back.

I share a town with that guy. Literally the only thing I know about Lost.

Out chapotard

Oh dear its retarded.

LOL so you guys can turn take this place and get it banned like your last one

Great plan friendo

Who is you guys? people to the right of Lenin?

Your retard

Yes, this is r/drama. You must be new.

You're* also illiterate.

If you say so sweaty

That was powerful stuff there

Needs more drama tbh

Kanye is a closet tranny and his fans are pedos.

Sounds like a perfect messiah tbh

oh no you done crossed black daddy

Kanye is my religion CMV

You'll need the r/drama toolkit for that I'm afraid.

I'm not allowed to recommend it in detail.

must defend daddy

Getting people to vote and resist Trump is no joke.

Giant spiders are no joke. Resisting Trump is meh, nowhere the NO JOKE quality of giant spiders.

I love the way you troll, girl


Does this mean I have a chance with Kim now???

Bridget the Midget is the hotter dwarf


Rosie Cotton > Kim Kardashian.

All you need is gold and silk.

Does this mean I have a chance with Kanye now???

he's already taken

It's like HSV. The more sexually active you are in a degenerate way, the higher your chances.

More like, you have a chance with Kanye

lol another instance of fake news.

fkn luying libural media again

Lmao this is so fucking retarded that i kinda liked it.

well you'll be pleased to learn they copied the idea from another tweet, so nothing about this is original

Now we can join him with Tay.

*Kanye splitting up with Kim.

I saw this in a magazine a week ago. So why am i hearing it again only now

Whoever stickied this fake news is a mod instead of me


Women, not even once

We could see that coming!

Fuuuuuuccckkkk. Even Kim got tired of Kanye cucking her with Trump.

Yeah this fake news

I thought this was real fuck off man

God I hope this means he winds up with tay tay

Idiots who actually thought they were getting to see drama are SEETHING because they are the prime demographic for unregistered, lazy voters and it paints too true a picture.

the state of mayo journalism in 2018 to literally just clickbait with obvious lies

Oh no, what a shame.