Discord updates their ToS in a way where you CAN'T sue Discord, r/DiscordApp mod replies, and drama ensues.

1  2018-10-18 by Ghdust2


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Everyone knows they spy on you anyway. Like half a dozen discord servers I've been in have been nuked for shit that wouldn't get you banned from reddit. Still more privacy and security than Skype.

They're just preemptively covering their ass for the moment they reveal they've been data-mining you or using your gaming PCs to mine [insert crypto here] or something worth suing over.

most likely trying to preemptively cover for data leaks

Or being a shitty service for shitty people that can't use proper software.

Or being a shitty service for shitty people that can't use proper software.

Why would anyone be outraged about that?

Discord is pc cancer but class action lawsuits are worse cancer.

This is America you can sue anyone.

I mean yeah Discord is shady as fuck but as soon as Steam stops sleeping like it's in the fucking ice age and gets its shit together to compete (which is very slowly is) then I'll start using it less

Dude NPCs lmao

Lol they should have fired their first legal team for never putting in that arbitration legalese in their TOS in the foist place

do any motherfuckers still use mumble? or did that only take off on minecraft servers?

fuck this discord shit the app is atrocious

We believe in doing right by you,

And yet they ban lolicon. Lies.

It is better for you, friend.

I will never get the ego of companies thinking their ToS can, in any way, protect them from being sued.


acting like they matter in the slightest

at least some introductory law classes should be part of every curriculum. change my view.