A new front opens in the Tranny vs Femcel war opens as trannies invade /r/feminist_videos

1  2018-10-19 by Osterion


Ackk title. Whatever

Why do the trannies need to have control/domination over everything? They do this IRL too.
Let the TERFs have their little video sub ffs.

They have this bizzare pathalogical need to stamp out any dissenting opinion... almost like their whole 'trans women are women' thing falls apart under the lightest of scrutiny.

almost like their whole 'trans women are women' thing falls apart under the lightest of scrutiny.

wonder y that wud b 🤔🤔🤔

Why do the trannies need to have control/domination over everything?

Male socialization combined with the special kind of unstable narcissism that makes a man think he's a woman.

It creates some damn cute traps and twinks, though. +1 for trannies

Twinks aren’t trannies retard.

They've still got cute butts so I don't care they're hot to me

Why do the trannies need to have control/domination over everything?

Men make better women than women do.

The holy power of Testosterone


They do this IRL too.

Yeah, no shit. One of them doing this IRL and being called out for it is what prompted this. We need Shariah Law ASAP.

Now this is trans vs terf drama. I can just imagine the lee press on nails and blue dreads flying.

Femcels are at it again! Lmao

Everyone involved here is some variant of *cel.

“Go to the light” is a creative “KYS” replacement