1  2018-10-19 by ReichSmasher2018


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I'm still holding out hope that I'm really in a drug induced coma caused by my apendicitis and I'm still a young boy.

There is no way this is the real adult world lmao. This shit jumped the shark.

Oh please, this shit is tame compared to the other shit he was saying yesterday and all that crap he has done since he came into office.

Idk, I'm not saying this is bad I'm saying the other stuff he at least kind of had a reason to write about.

This tweet is some old man on the toilet type of shit which is even weirder for me.

Are you insinuating that this is some sort of Jacob’s ladder scenario?

We should have never let you watch that movie Jason.

As a 90s kid, I long ago resigned myself to understanding that I will never hear as good political rhetoric as I heard from President Whitmore, but I never thought it would get this awful. How can I leave this simulation?

Does he think this is deep or patriotic or...?

It reminds me of 13 year old atheists who think they're being edgy and subversive by not capitalizing God.

Those are the worst.

The older ones tend to just sneer at you behind your back and go away, leaving you to your own beliefs and them to theirs.


There are people whose lives revolve around waiting for Trump to tweet. 🤔

That's the only valuable insight here.

Which is sadder? The dementia-ridden moron or those that slavishly pay attention to the moron?

That Leafs have a worse leader than the dementia-ridden moron.

The latter, almost assuredly. Imagine how pathetic you must be to have a setup to instantly reply to Orange Daddy's latest shitpost

What does that even mean?

When referring to the USA, he will always capitalize the word Country. As in: The USA is a tremendous Country, unlike Belgium which is a shithole country.

I bet that in not even two weeks there will be a tweet where he capitalizes country while not referring to the US.

so basically, Daddy tried to virtue signal about how much he virtue signals, except he doesn't even actually virtue signal as much as he was trying to signal 🤔

Daddy is full of shit.

I thought he was just pandering to country music fans

He's making country a proper noun when referring to the US.


I’m sad this doesn’t exist.

Very cool!

Guarantee this is news bait.

Article tomorrow:

All the times Trump DIDN'T capitalize country after USA!

I mean it's such obvious bait it might was well be fishing with dynamite.

I honestly don't know if it's bait or Trump is so disconnected from reality that he believes that if he says it, it is true. I mean he's literally hanging out with Kanye, maybe that level of delusion is contagious.

The SA journalist thing is about to be really bad optics. I'd imagine this is a distraction.

Can't be bad optics if your constituents agree with it.

This isn't fucking bait dude. I'm sick of retards explaining away the blatant mental illness coming from Donald Trump as a "bait" or a "trick."

The man is literally just a moron.


I'm going to take back every time I called one of my own country's politicians retarded. There's just no comparison.

He already hasn't done this. What the fuck goes on in his head

Why are you posting like this is the Donald? How is this drama?

... because I am making fun of the idiots on the Donald?

Pretty obvious conclusion to draw if you ask me, you should have not missed it at all.

Yeah it's making fun of the Donald, but where is the drama?

Sidebar, read it

Just seems lazy

You must be new

Daddy is one of our best lolcows/assholes/trainwrecks. The greatest, tremendous cow

Oh I know that, but this tweet at most will get a "what?" From most people and then trumpies will call him brave or something. Just don't see the drama being that juicy

It's just a point and laugh at Daddy's retardation thread. Usually they can trigger a buttmad DDF response, but this one might be too retarded for them to defend.

Oh them trying to defend it would be funny. You right my bac

looks at front page

As opposed to trans post #14?

Idk dood leave me alone

I am shocked and appalled to see the lack of patriotism exhibited by /r/drama subscribers. Making fun of daddy is NOT nice.

I truly hope that the election of Donald Trump is the most retarded world event I live to witness.

I doubt it. 20 or so years ago it was a meme in popular culture to joke about Donald Trump being president or even being taken seriously.

He's been an international laughing stock for as long as I can remember. The fact he was elected, and the fact he has actual supporters within the GOP reveals mental illness is a way bigger problem in this country than anyone thought, and I doubt it ends here.

USA is divided by tribalism and both the far right and far left are too idiotic and close-minded to actually change.

The only solution is mayocide.


This is Boomer senility in action.

Epic Boomer moments

The best part is it's not even remotely true.

To be fair, he said " I will always" so he might just mean from now on. So it is true, for now.

Here's a coat, and a brick, and a shovel. Whatever else you need, msg the mods at /r/The_Donald. Welcome to the Daddy Defense Force.


Already deleted.

Just a list of dozens of Trump's tweets from the last month where he's called the USA a "country" with a small c.
