Oh, look! The Trumpets are going bananas because Daddy said he would capitalize the word "Country". Ironically the NPC meme they made to attack the Left fits them quite well if you ask me.

1  2018-10-19 by ReichSmasher2018


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The title is cringy and faggy.

BTW literally everyone with half a brain knows T_D has no capability of individual or constructive thought. They're bullied14 year olds who think feminists are trying to censor them from calling people faggots online. Why are you so mad about them?

The Donald is literally the NPC of subs

T_D is essentially 100% "Whiterun Talos town crier" NPC

Gamer detected 🤢

Fuck you Veronica!

Theyre stroking each others divk like every time daddy sends a tweet, wheres the drama

NPC was a thing before trump even ran for office

When referring to the USA, I will always capitalize the word Country!


Ok, fucking awesome. Because of this tweet, all the sudden, the left is going to constantly retweet his America first messages all because they want to prove he used a 'country' instead of 'Country'. He's having the loony left do campaigning for him, FOR FREE!


The goddamn White House is a ghost town, Mac!

cope harder OP 😂😂😂

It is like the world is filled with overgrown children 🤔🤔