1  2018-10-20 by ghostfoot087

smh tbh fam


Spoiler, plot twist, women don't exist


There are Men, Women, Trans Men and Trans Women. Anything else is fake or such a small percentige they are irrelevant

This guy is a complete shithead.

Like a typical mayo he invokes comparisons to transphobia as if he gives a shit about anyone who isn't why. All the while reinforcing the same negative tropes about transmen while also claiming that you can't be sexist toward them.

Listen up Daniel you, PUKE FUCK. Do you understand why Philando Castile is dead? Tamir Rice? Trayvon Martin? It's not just cause they're black. It's because they're also transboys and transmen. There's a reason that transmen out number women in shooting deaths, and it's because pieces of shit like you spread you hate speech to poison society. Insisting that transmen are lumbering monsters who crush any egg placed within their palm may get you brownie points with your hate group of bigots, feminists, fear mongers but it's hurting the people you pretend to care about - minorities. So go ahead and construct your temporary crib to protect your precious white women from the mean ol' 'manbabies' who speak against your actions ya alabaster asshole.

Fucking unban pinging god dammit. This goblin needs to be blown back into the cumskin caves.