Lesbian ends up having sex with transwoman without her knowledge

1  2018-10-20 by Kiru-Kokujin14


I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their beliefs.


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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I know a number of lesbians who are ok with a penis in the bedroom.

Bullshit like this is what cis men use as an excuse to murder trans women. Grow up. If this bothers you so much stop hooking up with people in bars.

Yeah, I'm sure most tranny murder is done by dudes reading weak bait posts on reddit.

"it’s 2018, women have penisses, it was up to you to ask"

This part is literally verbatim from a 4chan pasta, just with 2018 instead of 2017. The creative writers of reddit arent even trying anymore

Completely justified.

I think it's often guys who knew it was a transwoman, and feel guilty after sex.

It's like post-wank shame. Some people find a video really arousing, but after the sexual excitement ceases to be a factor they just get disgusted. Then they scrub their internet history, pray for forgiveness, and swear to never jerk off to anything like that again.

I guess it's okay for trans activists to define how a woman feels, but not how a trans woman feels then?

The whole trans murder issue is massively overblown. It's literally a few dozen a year. The way trans activists talk about it you would think it would at least be in the hundreds. The other thing they leave out is the occupation of most trans murder victims: prostitute. Breaking news, prostitutes are disproportionately murdered! Guess which population is disproportionately represented among prostitutes? Trans people. Mystery fucking solved.

0 is a number.

Christ the delusions of some people.

Isn't impromptu dicks like that considered rape? As in, you clearly haven't consented to it?

Depends on the state probably, but it was oral (his mouth to her vagina)

She decided to keep that from me and insisted on oral sex ( she on me ) . I was drunk and agreed. Then she started freaking out and told me I really had to know something and she told me about her being a trans woman. She should have told me beforehand and I feel betrayed and a little bit raped to be honest.

Apparently they didn't actually have sex.

She should have told me beforehand and I feel betrayed and a little bit raped

a little bit raped

White women, smh.

It's definitely poorly worded, but I think the title clears it up:

She took me to her place, asked to give me oral, I was drunk and agreed and she only disclosed after it happened.

So she only said it after the oral stuff already happened.

Ah ok, that makes more sense. I'm a retard.

I don't know if its rape but I feel you should tell someone that you're trans beforehand, it could be mentally troubling to them if they thought you were cis.

I don't know if its rape

It is definitely rape. I call bullshit on "Lesbian" trans, that is just guys in a dress tricking lesbian women into sexual acts. There are plenty of trans that flat out gloat about tricking people into oral sex and not revealing their trans till after. Every one who do not reveal who they are beforehand are rapists assholes.

After some thought, it's deffo not rape. No sex or nudity took place, and they told them beforehand that they're trans.

Legally, it isn't. There are zero states where "he flat out lied about his sex/gender" makes otherwise consensual sex rape, legally.

Now, if they were to use that penis on you, when you never knew of or explicitly consented to sexual activity with a penis, you'd have some kind of case. But right now, "he said he was a girl and lied" matters as much as "he said he was rich and lied".

"he said he was rich and lied"

So you're saying the accusations hold up


That is absolutely a valid reason to accuse someone of sexual misconduct in current year.

sexual 'misconduct'

who givafuck, tho

boo hoo at me all the way to the Supreme Court, idgaf. if it's legal it's legal

You can get "sexual misconduct"'d by jacking off while on the phone with someone.

Legally, it isn't.

That is not a good argument in defense of rape. Regardless, it is only a matter of time before a case comes up like the U.K. one that will put some laws on the books for this sort of thing.

That is not a good argument in defense of rape.

Pretty sure that the actions not actually being contrary to the laws on rape is a pretty solid legal defense against rape accusations in court of law

Except cis people are normal so they can function on autopilot.

Legally, it isn't.

That is not a good argument in defense of rape.

Well, seeing as you're discussing a legal concept, a legal argument seems completely appropriate.

I am going for the morale answer, people once said you couldn't rape your wife before, obviously that was bullshit, this is the same. Just because its not legal, does not mean its not rape.

Legal terms have legal meanings. You wrote something silly and wrong on the internet, but I'm not calling it "wire fraud."

Be aware that lawyers are going to roll their eyes at you if you take specialized terms of art and use them to mean "anything that I think is bad."

Legally, it isn't. There are zero states where "he flat out lied about his sex/gender" makes otherwise consensual sex rape, legally.

I know for a fact that "deceit as to gender" is a form of rape under UK law. One of the few things they get right.


don't you have freedom fry sandwiches to eat right now, smh

Why though? Why not "deceit as to wealth", or "deceit as to relationship status"? Why does lying as to what's between your legs get you a special victim status in the UK?


That's literally the dumbest argument for rape I've ever heard.

That's literally the dumbest argument for rape I've ever heard.

Really? Damn, son. You aren't even beginning to go down the rabbit hole on dumb arguments for calling things rape.

The government has no business trying to get involved in the highly personal politics surrounding consensual sex. Change my mind.

Change my mind.

It is the duty of the government to supply bussy to all its citizens.

Oh shit you’re right.


How is it rape? Would one lesbian putting hers in fingers in another lesbian while they're in the bedroom be considered rape? The trans woman's penis is a "female" penis.

Yes it would be considered rape if one lesbian performed a nonconsensual sexual act on another.

Depends how feminine the penis is.

thats gay

no u

There's no indication that there wasn't consent for things relevant to the encounter. In addition, the very fact that the ability to retract consent when you find out new things exists would immediately make all previous sexual activity rape. Good luck convincing legal people about this. At the very least, the drunkenness and impaired judgment seems to be a much more actionable issue in most jurisdictions.

Yeah but trannies are a protected class, they can't commit rape by deception.

Isn't impromptu dicks like that considered rape?

Depends on which party is higher in the progressive stack.

Ahhh, intersectionalism, the belief that some people are born more valid than others.

Ahh intersectionalism, the practice of telling straight white men they're just inherently better than everyone else and then getting assblasted when they start agreeing.

I believe the academic term you're looking for is 'oppression olympics'

If you don't use said penis, no.

That was a bizarre ass case. How the fuck is one not able to tell the difference between a silicone penis and an organic penis? And a silicone penis that "actually" feels like a real penis cost about 2000$ a pop even then that penis is attached to an entire doll, ain't no lessie can afford that in the U.K.

Yeah, that's what I didn't get. I'm sure most girls could tell the difference. Also, there had to be a point where she had to put it in her mouth. Anyone not completely devoid of their senses would be able to tell.

Also, there had to be a point where she had it in her mouth.


How the fuck is one not able to tell the difference between a silicone penis and an organic penis

Maybe pretend to have a really thick condom? Maybe chicks who are willing to wear a blindfold every sexual encounter don't have a lot of other dickings to compare it to?

And a silicone penis that "actually" feels like a real penis cost about 2000$ a pop even then that penis is attached to an entire doll, ain't no lessie can afford that in the U.K.

There would still be pretty obvious differences in temperature until it had warmed up with enough sexual activity. Like you can't tell the difference between a room temperature and body temperature item being shoved inside of you?

There was a case in England where a chick would bang another chick with a strapon. She thought she was a dude because she would always wear a blindfold during all encounters.

The fuck?



She decided to keep that from me and insisted on oral sex ( she on me ) . I was drunk and agreed. Then she started freaking out and told me I really had to know something and she told me about her being a trans woman. She should have told me beforehand and I feel betrayed and a little bit raped to be honest.

Apparently they didn't actually have sex.


Yep, that one's going in my "why does everyone hate trans folk?" response compilation.

If we decide that rape by deception is a thing a lot of dudes are going to jail for telling women they love them.

It’s easier to prove you have a penis than it is to prove you didn’t love someone when you said it.

Those comments are awful. Great find btw.

Legaladvice is an absolute cesspool of a sub and is run by cops, not lawyers, which tells you all you need to know.

But muh tree law!

Caw! Caw!

The tree law is unironically the best part.

This is bait you dumb motherfucker

Doesn't matter. It's still interesting to see the legal arguments that there's no legal basis to sue and the TERFs who "feel betrayed and a little bit raped to be honest."

The other day I was ripped off when buying a soda. They charged me $1.75 when it was labeled as $1.50. I felt betrayed and a little bit raped to be honest.

Damn good bait apparently.

The reactions are the topic here

Could be they think the transwomen are stealing the girls that GC thinks is belonging to them

Wait, you think butch lesbians and translesbians are kinda in competition?

Might be sometimes. Maybe not all the time but sometimes

You ever see how mad incels get at the ones they call Chads? Each side fighting over the same pussy

A TERF war is the thought I was having




Femcels are mad that men make better women than they do.

Apparently in the UK that's rape by deception. For extra hilarity see this section on the wiki 'Trans activist Sophie Cook has stated that the UK Sexual Offences Act requires transgender people to tell partners about their gender history as part of its requirements that people making sexual consent decisions can make informed consent, and that the law is an infringement on trans peoples' human rights and on their privacy'.

Tfw society has sperged out so completely about sex trannies that someone thought it a good idea to bureaucratise it

How does it infringe on your privacy when you're doing it with someone you fully intend to be naked with in half an hour?

TERFS so mad no one wants to tongue punch their piss flaps

Want transphobia?

Because this is how you get transphobia.

Keep it up trannies. Dramacoin appreciates you.

No sex hppens.

No nudity either.

Tranny tells them beofrehand they're trans.

Retards see "a little bit raped" and stop reading.

Are you trying to convince me not to dislike rapey transfolk?

Because you're just helping to stoke my reasonable suspicion that they do indeed suffer from a mental condition based on this kind of behavior and their communities defense of it.

Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition; that's why it's in the DSM.

If only autism led to rape...this sub would then be consistent.

A sexual act occurred, with consent being given with the understanding it was to another woman.

After said sexual act occurred, that person revealed they were a man, which violates previously given consent.

And nudity had to have occurred if it was oral, duh.

That is by definition sexual assault.

I misread the post lol.

Did you choke on your girlfriends feminine penis too long and suffer brain damage? The bait said she got oral sex and the tranny told her she was a dude after he munched her rug.

I didn't read it properly, lol.

Also I'd have you know that I'm a vqolcel.


Begome briest xdxd

Don't go home drunk with strangers perhaps?


I'm surprised no one asked what she was wearing.

Combat boots and a rugby jersey. Practically asking for a tongue up her snatch wearing clothes like that.

So when it's a man and a woman, it's the man's fault for having sex with a drunk woman. But it it's a tranny and a woman it's the woman's fault for being a slut?

🤔🤔🤔 Really gets my transition transitioning 🤔🤔🤔

I think we should compromise by making it always the woman's fault, at least if she's white.

This is the only right answer.

Women are higher in the oppression olympics than men, but transgender men and women are higher than both of them combined

Victim blaming! Woo this is new

That part really stuck out to me. 🤔

I have no idea what a TERF is. Also, IANAL.

Legal advice in a fucking nutshell

I ANAL 😘😘🤩🤗🙄


You can trick lesbians into sex while their drunk = rape. Do the same thing but be trans = woman should be more tolerant.

The trans activists have a really really strange notion of what rights are. Nobody has a right to deceptive sexual practices, what would a right to that even look like? At least with gay marriage if you squinted it did look like people were trying to take rights away but what right does a trans person lack?

Confirming the notion that traps aren't gay.

By prison rules is she a filthy hetero now?

Trans activists are actually supporting rape. Incredible.

And this is why i oppose anything trans.

How the fuck is this rape? The bitch agreed to get oral sex from this person. If she was so concerned about what the person was packing, then she should have made sure.

How about if I think a person is white and then it turns out that they're actually half black - did I get raped? What if I assume someone has a two legs but then it turns out it was actually a prosthetic limb?

It's like if I pretend to be a muslim and fuck a muslim girl and then say lol I am not actually a muslim. Do you think that's ok? The transwoman tricked her into having sex with her, she clearly knew that she wouldn't have sex with a transwoman otherwise and she's out there actively hurting other women right now.

It's like if I pretend to be a muslim and fuck a muslim girl and then say lol I am not actually a muslim. Do you think that's ok?

No, I don't think it's okay. It's deceptive. Do I think it's rape? Fuck no.

You mean she fucked a man by accident?

from what little legal lit ive read its only rape if the cunnilingus wasnt up to snuff

I feel a little bit raped

Sweaty, just the tip?

I know a number of lesbians who are ok with a pen is in the bedroom.

Bullshit like this is what cis men use as an excuse to murder trans women.

What's the direct opposite of a TERF, where you only like trans people and hate womynkin?

I think that's called progressive

Chicks with dicks are still chicks.

wow this thread is worse than /lgbt/

I made this argument before about the famous scene in Revenge of the Nerds where one of the nerds steals one of the jocks halloween costume, impersonates the jock, and then fucks his girlfriend.

In 1982 that was comedy. In 2018 with the me too movement that is considered a fucked up example of 80's rape culture and I actually happen to agree. That nerd knew that girl would not fuck him under normal circumstances so he impersonated a person she would fuck and basically raped her.

Isnt that the same as dressing up as a member of the opposite sex and tricking somebody into having sex with you?

I think having a surprise penis in your pants and not telling the other person beforehand is pretty deceptive and basically sexual assault.

rape by deception. google it faggots