PSA: The correct way to refer to trans

1  2018-10-20 by mukumukum10

There's been a lot of confusion here lately in regard to how one should refer to people who identify as trans people so I thought I'd clarify it all for y'all- 👏

Transwoman = If you're a tranny, you may call yourself this.

Tranny = The third most correct way to referring to a tranny

Dude in a dress = Probably the most second correct way to identify a tranny.

And then my personal:

That mentally ill faggot who think he's a chick. (most correct)

Note: notice in the last one I not used the male pronoun, also the fact that 99% of trannies suffer from mental illness and trannyism itself is one, and that they're all just faggots larping women. Trannies will notice that and they like that shit.

But wait, you only instructed about mtf, what about ftm?

True, but since ftm doesn't exist, they're irrelevant, but lets pretend for a while that they do, what would you call them?

  • Confused lesbians.

  • Damned Femcels

  • Wow that chick really looks like a faggot (prob my favourite)

and last but not least:

  • I could fuck the faggot out of her.

So next time you think its ok to call someone trans woman. Remember: It's never OK.


Inb4 tranny mods burn this fucker to the ground.

They can't because I jerk off to black traps. If they delet this they will be committing a HATE CRIME. Drama mods BTFO.

I just banned the user, won't delete the post don't worry 💖

I've unbanned him lol. Muku can be entertaining at times.



power tripping manlet absolutely btfo

It never even began for modcels

Wait do you seriously fuck a tranny? Willingly??

idk, do i?

And you took their mod badge? NOOO! 🤣 Y'all act like the YouTube Drama Livestream Community 😆

Nah, they seem to have undistinguished their comments themselves.

I just noticed the green badge wasn't by their name. I'm not the most experienced Redditor, so does it not show the moderator badge on every post they make? Mods on YouTube Drama lose their shit when they lose a mod wrench... I really need to venture out more 🤣

Nah, you have to press the distinguish button.

😆 no shame from me, all kudos!

you're ok but only for this one time

I've seen that image a few times, what's the context?

Widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, this mob drama, based on Mario Puzo's novel of the same name, focuses on the powerful Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando). When the don's youngest son, Michael (Al Pacino), reluctantly joins the Mafia, he becomes involved in the inevitable cycle of violence and betrayal. Although Michael tries to maintain a normal relationship with his wife, Kay (Diane Keaton), he is drawn deeper into the family business.


She looks like a dude

All women are just inferior versions of dudes

Their outies are wet smelly innies!

debt free

Why would anyone want indebted women???



without tattoos

Tattos are ugly and 90% of people with them are using them to cover up their lack of personality

Girls with tattoos put out


Het scums are truly retarded.

Hey buddy, a good blower has multiple year of experience under the belt. Life's too short to waste it on training your SO, pick a slut.

Women are more proper and obedient if you catch em fresh and easily programmed. Dudes are different because they are capable of learning new skills and staying focused. Women age much worse once they catch the 100-dick beatdown, while men get better the more dicks you put in them.

Another way in which bussy>gussy.


is this confirmed as good and woke? it sounds right to me but i need to be sure

Redditor for 12 days

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. you know what that means, right?

Don't ban him, he's homegrown.

Okay fine 🙃

Yar is bhenchod tayposter ko kaabu karo. Lun se bhi badtar ha Taylor swift

Sorry bhai, mujhe Urdu ati hai, Hindi nahi.

... Ye urdu ha. Jao yar mujhe gau mutar peene wala bana diya

Sorry bhai, mai jahil admi hou.

Homegrown like hydroponic?

At least you didn't ban him for being a faggot. Props for upholding the rules.

Fuck this feminazi sub.

Based and redpilled

I use a less offensive alternative. "LARPing as a man/woman". It's clear, concise, and technically doesn't use any slurs.

But then aren't we all LARP'ing - Xavier Renegade Angel

Xavier Renegade Angel

I watch that show while very high on pills. Didn't understand a thing. Watched it again sober. Same results.

Pills alone don't necessarily work since they only put you into a state where your neurology is in chaos. After the chaos ends, your brain will attempt to reorganize itself, most often there is only slight difference, as neurons creating familiar connections is more likely than creating unfamiliar connections, however, when combined with tools such as positive psychotherapy, it allows you re-organize your neurology in a way that positive change are enforced and negative pathology is deconstructed. The success of the treatment is not due to the pill itself but pills plus the transference relationship that develops, which is usually an infantile love-hate nature, and after liberating excessive hate towards their inherent heterosexuality, the love relationship is cemented by the direct physical approach with the therapist conducting the psychotherapy, which causes the original fusion with their true heterosexuality to be relived as a sort of mystical experience as it was at the early childhood phase. This allows the subject to make conscious and express all his previously repressed physical love feelings for heterosexuality, and not be afraid of them or feel they were wrong, but was able to develop them to an adult level, and then transfer them to someone else who will eventually become their heterosexual partner. Without this direct approach the transference relationship would, have taken much longer to resolve and would not have been so effective. As Freud points out, transexuality is just a form of homosexuality which is usually caused by an arrest in the emotional development of the child, most having been severely arrested at an oral level, and later identifying with parent. The severity of the early emotional arrest is when they someone calls the a man and they become almost psychotic and show such strong paranoid features, which through the transference situation clear up fairly quickly. The violent early hostility is also eventually resolved in the same way, through the therapist staying with the patient throughout the session of six hours or so, being patient and understanding, and then finally giving the dynamic physical heterosexual true love support at the right moment to restore the early love-fusion relationship with parent. Without this restoration the frustration feeling would continue much longer.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

men are women

Women are men

Let's all shake cocks and be happy again.

Dance puppets, dance?

Glad I found this sub, lmao. I was getting bored of Reddit.

angry effortposting

Effortposting can be good. It's seriousposters that need the gulag.

Fake gussy?

lmao yes

You could be out fighting crime or taking down corrupt pigs but here you are, OP.

You could be out fighting crime or taking down corrupt pigs but here you are, OP.

IMO if a dude wants to be called a chick you should call him a chick.

This post is yet another unfunny barely disguised agenda post. I wish the head mods would just ban all the mdegenerates already, they've really taken this sub to shit lately. And /r/drama used to be the best source of entertainment on reddit before these unfunny tards.

why do you care so much, faggot?

Oh man just wait till SRD sees this

Im more confused now then i was vefore. Im just going to call everyone man, because thats the best gender

Your forgot two

“Trap (gay)”

“Trap (not gay)”

I prefer the term MTERF - mayo trans exclusionary.

Essentially includes all trans except for mayos. Mayos are just attention whores.

There's been a lot of confusion here lately in regard to how one should refer to people who identify as trans people so I thought I'd clarify it all for y'all-👏

Transwoman = If you're a tranny, you may call yourself this.

Tranny = The third most correct way to referring to a tranny

Dude in a dress = Probably the most second correct way to identify a tranny.

And then my personal:

That mentally ill faggot who think he's a chick. (most correct)

Note: notice in the last one I not used the male pronoun, also the fact that 99% of trannies suffer from mental illness and trannyism itself is one, and that they're all just faggots larping women. Trannies will notice that and they like that shit.

But wait, you only instructed about mtf, what about ftm?

True, but since ftm doesn't exist, they're irrelevant, but lets pretend for a while that they do, what would you call them?

Confused lesbians.

Damned Femcels

Wow that chick really looks like a faggot (prob my favourite)

and last but not least:

I could fuck the faggot out of her.

So next time you think its ok to call someone trans woman. Remember: It's never OK.