Beginner's guide to mayo women

1  2018-10-20 by YameteOtosanItai


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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This sub is 50% hilarious 50% terrifying.

It’s over for pedocels.

14 to 18


burgers, lmao

thinking there is much of a difference

from a weeb

Dude krauts lmao

Yea it's hilarious. Your chart starts at the age where pedos would be like "too old, gtfo".

Its not my chart, just found it and thought it was funny. But yeah, 14 is barely maybe hebephile territory. Pedos wouldn't usually cares for teenage girls

Wtf did I just read?

truth about mayo females

I think the problem is I need to go Google "mayo females"

Some chart made by someone who is not allowed within 100 yards of the nearest Middle School.

bothering with women ever

Mayo men are similar. Especially the fatty (who call themselves "fluffy") lard balls.

fucker, its not my fault that Im too poor to afford steroids

Eww. Poor mayo men age even quicker.

Also it's called a diet.

a diet doesn't help you to stay lean while gaining muscle mass, when you're not on drugs you'll also gain fat. When you diet you just prevent any progress as you need a calorie surplus. Of course I'll cut down eventually.

r/fatlogic right here.

what? So let me explain this to you since you seem to be a bit slow. When you want to gain muscle mass you need a calorie surplus unless you're a newbie. You'll gain both fat and muscle mass when you're natural, so your bodyfat percentage will increase. The components of your diet will affect how efficiently you build muscle, apparently up to 2g protein per kg bodyweight may be beneficial but fat gain is simply a function of your calorie surplus.

r/loseit disagrees. Your adipose tissues (aka that of a lardball) contain enough stored fat so you can eat at a caloric deficit, gain muscle and not die.

I'll have you know my diet is basically just oatmeal, high protein yogurt (Its called skyr), and nuts / dark chocolate. So I got all my macronutrients.

Uh protein..

This works when you're a newbie and / or very fat. Someone who's been lifting for two years and is 14% bf will be barely able to make any progress when he only eats at maintenance or in a deficit. Rather his strength will decrease in a caloric deficit.

Also very telling that you'd mention that sub. Are we projecting a bit, fatties?

This works when you're a newbie and / or very fat

Which is you

No you. You literally have a post in your history how you want to get in shape. Keep projecting, fattie

You obviously haven't found my main account where I post full body pics then. :p Keep searching.

Im not really into Muslim chicks tbh. I prefer small, cute East-Asian women.

Even they think you are creepy.

No they dont. And I'm not creepy in any case

Dude. My best friend/workout buddy is Japanese. You are the stereotypical fat weeb who tries to hit on her when we are doing reps.

Im not fat, a weeb maybe.

Is she cute though?

Judging by the amount of weebs she has trying to hit on her at a given time - yeah

why are there fat weebs at your gym? they shouldnt be allowed there.

It saddens me that there aren't any cute, petite Japanese women working out at mine.

⬆️ Fat weeb

Im genuinely curious why there's a reasonable number of fat weebs at your gym though? They don't strike me as the sort of people who work out or would even consider going to a gym

And with reps you mean when you both share the sled leg press?

Are you retarded or a skinny fat manlet? You don't get perfect nutrient portioning where they skip going into fat. You can get better results depending on the drug.

He already mentioned he's too poor for steroids.

he's just saying you're retarded which is true

Says the HAES

What are you even on about? I never said being fat was healthy

Actually steroid do let you gain muscle while burning fat way easier, so he's not wrong there.

I know. If he's not on something like tren, he's stuck with the bulk, cut, and pray cycle.

I think you're confusing getting fat with bulking, bulking doesn't make you fat, a clean bulk doesn't have you gain much fat at all, but even a dirty bulk is giving you maybe 5-10 lbs of fat at most of the whole course, which shouldn't make you look fat, it should make you look less defined.

I never said I was fat, the other idiots did, I gained some fat obviously and look less defined than I used to but I wouldn't say I'm fat. My surplus is actually quite moderate. I think I gained around 4kg of fat over the time, granted it's a bit of an estimate.

It doesn't cost anything to eat less fatty.

obviously I'll cut down eventually but for now I'm cultivating mass for which you need a calorie surplus, which means you also gain fat, that's just how it is.

Lol I guess eating cheetos and masturbating to anime as your work out could be considered cultivating mass. Pro tip, 14 year old girls don't like fatties. They like 14 year old boys.

I'll have you know my diet is basically just oatmeal, high protein yogurt (Its called skyr), and nuts / dark chocolate. So I got all my macronutrients.

Pro tip, 14 year old girls don't like fatties. They like 14 year old boys.

And some girls like fit older guys. Girls that age sometimes seek validation from older men. Or sometimes they feel like they can't relate to their peers and prefer the company of others.

Yeah but you are an older fatty. Nobody likes them

Im not fat I'm cultivating mass. Soon I'll lose the fat I gained again and will be wonderfully lean.

Uh huh. After a whole month of "dieting" you'll give up after you lose your water weight

In a month I can lose between 2 to 4kg bodyfat depending on how aggressively I cut. Why would I give a shit about water weight? In fact I don't even have to weigh myself at all.

In fact I don't even have to weigh myself at all.

We know. You just feel hungry and guess that you've lost 4 kg after a couple weeks.

You're projecting hard, fattie. I don't ha e to weigh myself since I know my maintenance calories and will know my daily caloric deficit since I track calories.

Lol. Sure. You're the one with the HAES logic.

I know my maintenance calories and will know my daily caloric deficit since I track calories

You just skip recording all your snacks and dinner.

Is that what you do? I always track my calories, whether Im cutting or not so I stay in a reasonable surplus. As I said you're one projecting fattie.

You're the one who calls everybody in your gym "skinny twinks"

Well I'm not going to call their 12 inch stick arms massive, lol

Uh. You went crying to r/fitnesscirclejerk and even they called you put.

Just like all those skinny twinks in the gym right?

they work out, probably not that regularly, but don't eat. They're like David Laid in that regard except not on steroids so they're just skinny and not strong and jacked.

Im not fat I'm cultivating mass.


Eat meat or you will grow a vagina.

Its called skyr

Ah fuck, please tell me you're not from Norway. I thought we purged people like you afyer WW2.

Let's hang out.

ItS WiNtEr So Im BuLkInG

lol, I'll probably do a mini cut for a month or so until christmas. I dislike doing it for too long.

You dislike staying away from cheetos for too long

I dislike cutting / bulking for too long. Shorter periods are better manageable, you get less frustrated, and it may be beneficial for hormonal reasons.

you get less frustrated

This says a lot.

yeah it's frustrating to have your lifts stall for 2 to 3 months when you're cutting for a long time. You wouldn't know obviously

"I nEed MuH NuTriEnts"

I'm sure you are literally dying there.

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put a fucking pistol in your mouth dude. Ur a pedo and ur not funny

Steroids are pretty fucking cheap, though.

It's a dadbod and chicks dig it

Only chicks over 30 do


Not if you're a mayo weeb like YameteOtosanItai.

That's the most pathetic thing I've ever read.

What up with the faggy obsession with eastern Europe? I bet the guy who wrote this is big time into Daddy and Putin.

Listen pedocel, either you stop with shit like this, or it will really be over for ebibophicels.

This chart starts when it starts going downhill. Political correctness smh.

a common misconception on the internet is that females peak in their 30's

literally no man ever πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

that doesnt change u still a degenerate weeb πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

imagine being so intimidated by adult gussy u gotta go after 14 yo

Oh I was like a pedo post then saw op ah that explains it.

lol a grown man has absolutely nothing in common with a teenager.. have you tried talking to one?

also, thats disgusting.. as an adult you should be interested in a woman to spend your life with.. not immature little schoolgirls

Someone should put a bullet in you

I'm not saying I would, because that would be threatening. Just saying somebody should.