This sub has lost its way.

1  2018-10-20 by Snowayne2


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Chess players being autistic? Wow, such surprise.

(board)gamers were a mistake

How much is there to say about chess

Queen is the best piece. Chess invented feminazis

Only in the west. Eastern European and Asian countries have different names for that piece.



Hafar was the only Disney villain to have the juice to turn the hero’s song against him.

Russians are so lucky. They get a daddy that can dominate them properly too.

I'm good at chess strategy but almost laughably bad at tactics

Like I always set up near impenetrable sets of defenses and little traps in the early game that takes a while to unravel, but I can almost never make a successful push to checkmate

Who cares

It’s not my job to educate people. There are resources you can use but I’m not going giving you emotional labor for free.

For a minute there I thought this was a weebshit thing

The endless reddit debate, do you want a smug, stuffy nerdscape or a brainless memejungle.

Gatekeeping at /r/chess?

It's more common than you think...

LOL literally every reddit community ever at some point

There is something almost intrinsic about the nature of reddit that leads to communities developing a complicated set of snobberies about their subject of interest (like even trivial and lowbrow stuff like anime will have it's own preferred set of snobbish attributes on reddit). And this almost always gets worse with time. Then you get these posts. Rinse and repeat as more snobberies develop and the community becomes ever more and more unbearable.

My theory is that the snobberies are a way for the "old guard" to tell themselves apart from newbies? Like, "lol you have [forbidden opinion x], fuck off newb". The old guard has all these unwritten rules of behavior memorized over time, new people who don't are either driven off or must spend time learning them themselves until they can use them against newer people and thus receive the respect of the community.

Basically etiquette developed the same way, the old aristocrats of europe for thousands of years developed a set of behaviors they'd just intrinsically learned and developed over time. In the 19th and 20th century when social mobility increased these behaviors become one thing the old aristocrats could use to distinguish themselves and shame the new former commoners as unlearned bores. The rules of etiquette became more and more harshly enforced and defined as the old aristocrats sought to distinguish themselves from the upstarts. And eventually there was an entire etiquette industry dedicated to training the unlearned bores in how not to embarrass themselves in interactions with the upper class.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Haha this is the best bot

You tell em' chief.

gay and fake

Chess is a game of thrones and a former NFL team who will not play in this instance are not going anywhere near that one and then communists are the only way out to get it done in a game and then make a big deal of them gang rape r they have better be a little too young than they do with

What's that "bizarre rant" they're referring to?