Mod u/darqwolff getting hammered in TopMindsOfReddit for defending Drumpf

1  2018-10-20 by PlZZASHILL


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Tell them to stop its not nice to make fun of retarded people

I just don't want anyone running him off the site. He is a very special person

Plus, we don't want him to snap and shoot some place up or try to molest a teenage or vandalise some car or some shit

Or doing something stupid like destroying his step-dads property for no other reason than being a spoiled brat who can't handle people telling him "no".

No one's air conditioners are safe

Remind him never to leave r/drama without a football helmet and floaters

/u/DarqWolff please leave TMOR alone.

Waste of time. Explaining retardation to retards is retardation.

I've been saying this for two years now, the lack of self reflection of the burger left will cost them everything. They haven't learned anything. They keep doubling down. It's hilarious.

mfw rightoids rally around Darwolff


I literally don't know Darwolff is and I'm not a fatass burger so your idea of rightoid probably doesn't even match mone.

You have a 5 year old account and a shitty meta-Reddit inspired username and you don't know who darq is?

The fuck even are you? OUT OUT OUT

Literally doesn't know who DarqWolff is yet posts in a thread entirely around him

So you're a newfag rapefugee that doesn't know the biggest lolcow to ever exist yet comes here to agendapost about the libs. You need to go back to whatever shithole you came from

Ahahaha sure thing buddy.

I actually realized you're actually a Costa Rican daddy Trump supporter so I apologize for what I said. I didn't know you were mentally challenged so I'm sorry if I was rude in my previous comments. I didn't intend to mock the specially abled in anyway. Have a nice day my friend!


I literally don't know Darwolff is

Newfags OUT! OUT! OUT!

Even if you didn't know when you clicked on the post, there's multiple descriptions and links in the TMoR thread. Clearly you were in too much of a rush to mash the keyboard and shower us with your wisdom. I bet you like to fart under your sheets and huff it.

You are right.

I can't tell if you're stupid enough to think DarqWolff is liberal or are just slamming leddit politics into threads to feel better about yourself

Either way OUT OUT OUT

Obviously the latter considering that's what the linked thread is about. Honestly though, stop carrying your butthurt to this sub.

Imagine being retarded enough to defend /u/DarqWolff

Woah, teach me your mental gymnastics.

Doubling down worked real well for the GOP, why won't it work for the left?

Yeah that's true.

Jesus Christ, the leftists here literally fell for your post too.

Holy shit they even know who darqwolf is and they're still taking him seriously

Their AI doesn't have that level of nuance

You know what else amazes me? Everyone is so far up their own ass trying to shout "hypocrite" at each other that they all miss the real reason that the N.P.C thing is depressing as fuck

Trump supporters are learning to pretend to be bots as an active political statement and activity.

If the lines blur any further, we're gonna have problems with PR bots that are literally indistinguishable from real idiots. If a human can purposely fail a Turing test, then the bar is low enough for shitbots to pass.

Our REAL LORD AND SAVIOR AKA THE REAL TAYTAY is proof that we're already fucking there.

Trump supporters are learning to pretend to be bots as an active political statement and activity

The Donald has been pretending to be full of Russians for literally 2 Years now this isn't a new thing.

That's just sarcastic idiocy ... annoying and dismissive idiocy.

Always fun to read about the latest shenanigans of Darqwolff.

Years ago when he was like 14 and had that original copypasta I told him that when he's twenty he'd look back and cringe at it

I gotta admit I was very wrong and honestly very impressed by the fact that now at 20 or whatever not only does he not look back and cringe, he's gotten worse. It's almost admirable

What point? All I did was help lend context to how retarded dishonest, low-effort, and stupid it is to take your petty projection so far as to pretend "Drumph is finished" is an example of Trump supporters being the repetitive ones. You used the best example of your side being mocked for childishly simplistic and idiotic repetitions and tried to pretend it was an example of the mocking being more repetitive than the thing it's mocking and then tried to use that as proof that you're right to pretend the NPC meme is more repetitive than what it mocks as well... When in real life you guys saying "Drumph is finished" nonstop for the past year and a half is a real thing you guys did and continued doing, not something MAGA squad construed against you, and it's exactly the type of shit the NPC meme mocks you for. Those layers of hilariousness contain a lot of content yet nothing in there seems to prove any point you've started here.

so many layers

I count 2

I count 2

Congrats on finally being able to count past 1.


This lolcow’s still a mod and Lawlz isn’t?

smh my head tbqh famalam

its over for Lawlzcels πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚

More like MasterBlownthefuckout amiright? πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰



Well, that was the dumbest thread I've seen all day. Literally incapable of understanding a meme.

That's our boy!

While Darqwolff was indeed obnoxiously spergy in that thread, the other users seemed to be in complete denial that Their Sideβ„’ is fully capable of being robotic partisan shills.

Sort of pathetic to see, tbh.

Yeah, it's pretty hilarious when /u/darqwolff is the most reasonable and legitimately the most intelligent person in the entire thread.

My favorite part was the guy with zero self awareness criticizing darqwolff's level of self awareness.

Imagine arguing that you have "PhD level knowledge on multiple subjects" and failing to even get to college.

Temporarily embarrassed millionaires cofirmed as temporarily embarrassed mentally challenged people.

College is just brainwashing central for libtards, free thinkers should avoid it at all costs

I can't think of a single trillionaire who went to college.

Quickly, unleash your genius!

Mariuuana is a very milkable lolcow and a Republican congressman from the juicy three inch chart of the way this cock is going to be a good thing though

Fuck, can't he ever be punctual?

With deliveries yeah half the time at least

Npc isnt new! It has been around for months until politicalcels took it

Holy shit hes the origin of that copy pasta?

Ha! I’m always amazed when those guys are able to say anything beyond MAGA or Lock her up. β€œNPC” is within their vocabulary range I suppose .

I imagine this guy yelling at the crows that perch near his favorite bench, forgetting that crows are probably smarter than he is.

Dude NPCs lmao


Imagine not already being banned from tmor.

Liberalism and smugness should be estranged from each other, as far as I’m concerned. Didn’t feel like reading the whole thread, but I’m assuming it was a β€˜I know you are butt what am I’ circle jerk with a few problematics thrown in for good measure?

Dude NPCs lmao

Dude NPCs lmao
