Was Nelson Mandela a terrorist or just fed up with the wh*te man and wanted equality and healing for his nation? Mongs of r/getmotivated debate.

1  2018-10-20 by Honk4Tits


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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No, that was Joseph gobbels, whose doctrines were resurrected after the nixon era by roger ailes culminating in fox news, as it's donor's have said of it's viewership 'some of the most idiotic and gullible people in America'.

fox was DESIGNED as propaganda from the very start, refuted at every turn by knowledge and evidence based facts A.K.A truth and science, as was breitbart, daily stormer, NRO and infowars, to name but a few.

Hence why they only allow college dropouts (like hannity), climate dieniers and 'Christian-science' and pseudoscience advocates and not people with decades of corroborated and peer-reviewed work.

Still go for peer reviewed and provednn corroboration over pseudoscience, I prefer listening to ACTUAL intelligence over a college drop out yelling at the sun for everything that he himself screwed up in his life.

I just have standards, it's a shame 30% of america doesn't.

A pity, all that wasted potential, rotting over a bunch of audio and pixellated digital satellite signals as it tells you to fear the mighty immigrant as they are both a freeloader and a lazy bum, yet are simultaneously 'the biggest threat to america', and that same percentile then swallow it up like a hive mind collective, being told that blind obedience and subservience to authority is the 'right thing', to reject any possibility of fallibility and wrongdoing like it's a team sport. Regurgitating the same sentences like a broken protocol droid.

It's telling you it's a case of us (conservatives) vs them (liberals), when it should; as it always needs to be, us (the lower/middle class) vs them (upper/donor/political class).

I see my real enemy, and as fortune would have it, it is not you, but my enemy is using you against me, I only hope my enemy can become OUR enemy, which is at this point those who donate en masse to the political class (mercers, kochs, etc) and those who are against equality (anti-LGBT, anti-women) and perpetrate racist stereotypes who happen to, at minimum, be a conservative/republican 89% of the time, in my experience.

I have my priorities straight, fighting the tide of inherent and systematic oppression of others, as it has been since the entirety of recorded human history (there are those in goverment who want to overturn equal rights and civil rights legislation that would catapult society back to pre-suffrage days, most of whom in my experience are of a conservative mindset and vote in hard right conservatives who want to ban same-sex marriage, who want to undo brown v board of education, to undo women's right to vote or to be anything other than a homemaker.

As stated above, i have standards, and my own sense of mortality and resct puts me square against the conservative poltical class, who in this day and age are being supported by fox news and the like, who like to shout over dissenting opinion, to confirm pre-programmed biases and to skew facts (A.K.A stretch or break the truth) towards a conservative agenda, which at this point is anti-equality, anti-ethical, anti-morality and anti-law (given the numerous strikedowns of laws passed to judges like the travel ban, the trans military ban and the 'blame everyone else' rhetoric of GOP lawmakers).

It's a simple bit of ethics and morality: DON'T BE A DICK.

Modern conservatism has forgotten that, and are in support of extrajudicial arrests based on conspiracy theories like 'pizzagate' and disproven allegations like 'bengazhi' (9 separate republican investigations foubd nothing to corroborate criminal intent, as did 30 yeqrs of smear tactics).

Trump himself appointed rodenstein, who happens to be investigating him for potential crimes, it would be not only immoral, but also illegal to interfere with a criminal investigation and would implicitly state a guilty intent.

As a law-abiding citizen; who perhaps naively, may trust in the current system, let us see where it ends BEFORE casting judgement.

The only people with the evidence are those investigating, and as such we know little of what thay have found, but a conviction and a multitude of warrants and indictments, as well as a lawsuit akin to the nixon watergste era is intriguing, like repeating history.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Good post.

no u

No U!



Do you think the Nazis were resisted without killing a few Nazis? Nelson Mandela is literally the greatest hero of the 20th century.


Mayo detected

You misspelled Idi Amin. Common error though

Dude South Africans are lucky as fuck that they got someone like Mandela after the transfer of power rather than whatever insane figure they would have gotten after losing a civil war. If Cyril really does seize all the land, that's about 25 years longer you had the land than you would have if someone so cautious, forgiving, and far-sighted had not succeeded the apartheid government.

It seems that anyone who leads a faction in a civil war is a "terrorist" these days. Let's remember that a revolution is not a dinner party. In a war, people die. The Apartheid government committed numerous atrocities itself. One of the leaders of the side is going to take power. South Africa got Mandela. Zimbabwe got Mugabe. The former should count its blessings.

Israel elected a former terrorist, Menachem Begin, the leader of the terrorist group Irgun, which was responsible for the King David hotel bombing. He actually was not even that bad of a prime minister, he got the peace treaty with Egypt for instance and set about the withdrawal from the Sinai (which over the long term would've left Israel seriously overstretched otherwise).

Ewww 🤢🤢🤮🤮 unironically serious posting...

Whites were and always have been the sole core of any sort of civilized SA. SA is already gone, but once the worse-than-Hitler motherfucker they have leading them now gets his way, it'll be Rhodesia v2 Electric Boogaloo (except, significantly worse)

It's entirely possible to use terrorism as a tactic and be justified in doing so. This is what happens when people try to dumb everything down to the point where you just call someone a bad word and that makes them evil.