User posts data comparing Reddit posts about false rape accusations with actual rape statistics. The expected reaction happens.

1  2018-10-20 by Ghdust2


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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White fragile males of reddit at it once again

The only thinks that's worse than being raped is a false rape accusation, obviously

nah there are a million things worse than rape. if women had to choose between a broken leg and rape, they'd pick the rape any day. that's all you need to know about the rape meme

Who the fuck would prefer being raped to having their leg broken? Are you retarded? Maybe there would be an argument about having your legs removed or something, but not over a broken leg. The fact that you just came up with that bullshit thing off the top of your head because it sounded plausible to you, and then four other tards came through and were like "Yeah that totally sounds right!" and upvoted you, shows just how stupid any discussion of rape where nearly every participant is male quickly becomes.

People aren't bad at empathy, they're incredibly good at false empathy. Like all the retarded people who nod their head in agreement if you say something like "If I had the choice, I would choose to be an educated black man, because I think they have the advantage today." Like Trump said. Literally I think in their heads they just imagine them as they, with their current experience and knowledge, suddenly having their skin turn black for no reason. Yay now I get that sweet AA! They don't actually want to grow up as an average black kid did, they don't want to live in the ghetto, they don't want to have to go to a shit school because whites possess nearly all the wealth in the country and all fled to the suburbs to get away from black people and so their school district has practically no property tax funding.

Let me try to put this in terms that you (let me guess, an edgy teenage or college age right wing male?) can understand. Would you rather that your mother be raped, or have a leg broken?

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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good bot

Cool wall of NPC autism, bro! Sorry for not reading it!

Let's list a few more things that women would choose rape over:

  • Having their eyes poked out.

  • Having their teeth removed.

  • Having their fingers broken one by one.

  • Getting a dumb face tattoo.

  • Having their heads shaved.

Dude NPCs lmao

hell yeah

having their head shaved

worse than rape

why am I even surprised

Who the fuck would prefer being raped to having their leg broken?

Women. Can't you read?

Depends if it's a college uncomfortable "I don't really want to do this" rape or your stereotypical horny nigger down a dark alleyway who will probably also beat/kill you rape.

>gender calls itself a "survivor" because you received an undocumented dicking

>calling other people 'fragile'

I'd probably prefer to be raped than have appendicitis.

62.7% of rapes go unreported

No, 62.7% of respondents to surveys claim to have been victims of unreported rapes. And since 100% of all women are lyin' ass bitches, I'll take that number with a grain of salt šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹



What a fucking retard, holy shit.

Juxtaposing two completely unrelated things.

the expected reaction happens

Where does anyone even mention what percent of women are raped? You sound like a touchy white man who doesn't even want to look at what the data is measuring because you know that it will snap you back to reality from the MRA fantasy world you live in.

Are you retarded? It was an example of juxtaposing two unrelated things.

"just an example"

What a fucking retard, holy shit.

Juxtaposing two completely unrelated things.

Percent of women on Reddit who talk about rape vs percent of women who've been raped.

Lol, k.

I didn't say you were a white man, just that you sound just like one. Research shows that white men are by far the most likely to hold anti-feminist views.

Are you really not understanding why that post is super dumb?

They're comparing the percent of posts that talk about false rape accusations vs the incidence of false rape accusations. These two things are not related at all.

False accusations get a hugely disproportionate amount of coverage on Reddit compared to actual rapes. That's very clearly the point of the comparison.

How though? What amount of coverage would be proportionate? 5% of posts, to match the amount of false accusations?

There's no metric for what amount of coverage is proportionate.

You might as well argue that since only 1 in 4 women get raped, all this talk about rape is disproportionate. You wouldn't argue that because that would be stupid. And so is this.

Redditors have ridiculously irrational fears of being falsly accused when they're actually more likely to get raped than to be falsly accused. They're afraid of the OPPOSITE of what they should be afraid of! And it's becuase of how false accusations are covered, not just on Reddit but in the larger media.

actually more likely to get raped than to be falsly accused.

That's pretty misleading, if you don't go to prison, probably not gonna be raped, it's one of those things like "you're more likely to get killed by sharks than x" disregarding if you never go in the ocean.

1 in 4 women get raped

do people actually believe this

1 in 4 women are raped? Thatā€™s outrageous! What the fuck is wrong with men these days? I think we need some serious dedication to this problem from men. Guys, if we all worked together on this, we can get that number up to 3 out of 4.

According to my Facebook 100% of middle class liberal women have been sexually assaulted.

And maybe gruesome serial killers get a disproportionate amount of coverage compared to the percentage of total murderers they represent.

And that's ok, because it's a more interesting discussion topic

That is not why false accusations get more coverage and you know it. The analogious rape would be an extra gruesome one.

That is not why false accusations get more coverage

It is. How much can you say about rapes? Wow bad shit happens every day.

On the other hand, false accusations lead to very important and controversial discussions, for example on what should constitute sufficient proof of a rape. Or the whole relationship between alcohol consumption and consent.

They mostly get big because they're clickbait for anti-feminists and for people who irrationally fear that they or a loved one will be falsly accused.

I honestly think the best way for feminists to undo this is to pretend to think that men never get raped. Anti-feminists will launch any interesting stories of men getting raped into motion --> the public develops a fear of the rape of men --> men actually realize that they're more likely to get raped than be falsly accused. Then we can get hopefully be rid of these ridiculous consent apps and mass hysteria over false accusations.

men actually realize that they're more likely to get raped than be falsly accused.

Debating what should constitute proof of rape is still much more interesting. If people get falsely accused or convicted we should reflect on what police/courts are doing wrong. A testimony should never be sufficient proof for convicting somebody of rape.

we should reflect on what police/courts are doing wrong.

We have bigger fish to fry in that department.

Itt: a bunch of straight white men jerking each other off and stunned that another person has a different position contrary to their complete and total autistic blind spot

Yeah, just like posts about cats and cats are completely unrelated. Absolutely no relation at all between those two things. None.

No wonder men have such a hard time understanding consent. Seems like their brains are too small to understand even the simplest of things.

It is ok if I say that women's brains are too small to understand how to park a car?

Yep, you're definitely white.

You're a mayo cuck.

Have you ever met Mexicans?

Or you know, people from countries where women can't drive?

I'm not gonna bother digging up the research but iirc the idea is that white men are the most likely to see feminism as let's say a "problem." The have strong opinions on it and mostly want to burn it down. It's the neckbeard race, despite their lack of machismo.

Yeah but women are the neckbeard gender.

Pretty sure black guys and Hispanics are far more anti feminist...

Not sure why you are being downvoted, there are way too many maleoids on this sub right now.

Took a second look.
He lumps "false rape accusations" and "unreported rapes" together.

so... 5% of all reported rapes are false or 5% of total rapes including unreported rapes?

Bit further down he acknowledges that he purposely took the highest estimates he could find as well as phrasing it ambiguously.

And then goes to say "I'm just presenting it, not comparing them" as though he's fooling anyone.

How fucking stupid are you you fucking retard that you can't see the correlation? If rapes are 10 times more prevalent than false rape accusations, wouldn't you sort of expect talk about actual rapes to be more prevalent? If you took a look at the community and then saw that nearly all their discussion about the issue was concerning false rape accusations, would you be wrong to come to the conclusion that their worldview is distorted?

Reddit is dominated my men, men have no fear of rape pretty much. All they care about is false rape accusations. Thus they talk about that all the time, because they are genuinely more concerned with that issue due to their interests. It's why homogenous communities almost always lead to circlerjerks about bizzarre ideas that would never fly in mainstream society, they have zero outside perspective.

Literally this is why reddit is such an insane and shit space, a bunch of men jerking each other off and forming a victim complex. "Jeez here at reddit we talk endlessly about false rape accusations, why don't I see that on the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?! Must be bein suppressed!" No it's because you participate in sausage fest communities with no regard for women.

trusting gussy


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wouldn't you sort of expect talk about actual rapes to be more prevalent?

This is a fallacy, talk about things doesn't correlate to how common they are, bowel movements happen far more often than football games but football games are talked about farm more commonly. The implication that rarity and noteworthiness are directly related is simply wrong.

bowel movements happen far more often than football games but football games are talked about farm more commonly.

not in my experience

I guess youre right, thats that happen exactly correlate to to how often they are discussed.

If rapes are 10 times more prevalent than false rape accusations, wouldn't you sort of expect talk about actual rapes to be more prevalent?

Petty theft is way more prevalent than rape, but nobody talks about that. Turns out Reddit is a huge theft-don't-real circlejerk that hates theft victims, who knew?

I hate those that have been robbed; you fucking dirty non-consenting welfare givers.

How fucking stupid are you you fucking retard that you can't see the correlation?

lol mad

If rapes are 10 times more prevalent than false rape accusations, wouldn't you sort of expect talk about actual rapes to be more prevalent?

rape is talked about far more frequently than false accusations, don't be mad that other conversations happen from time to time.

If you took a look at the community and then saw that nearly all their discussion about the issue was concerning false rape accusations, would you be wrong to come to the conclusion that their worldview is distorted? Reddit is dominated my men, men have no fear of rape pretty much. All they care about is false rape accusations. Thus they talk about that all the time, because they are genuinely more concerned with that issue due to their interests. It's why homogenous communities almost always lead to circlerjerks about bizzarre ideas that would never fly in mainstream society, they have zero outside perspective.

people are self-interested and prefer to talk about issues that effect them personally, more news and weather at 11

let us know when you start telling female dominated groups to stop talking about rape. include a link.

Literally this is why reddit is such an insane and shit space, a bunch of men jerking each other off and forming a victim complex. "Jeez here at reddit we talk endlessly about false rape accusations, why don't I a similiar proportion on the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?! Must be bein suppressed!" No it's because you participate in sausage fest communities with no regard for women.

lol so mad

Anyway please include a tl;dr at the end of your post along the lines of "STOP TALKING ABOUT THINGS I DON'T CARE ABOUT"

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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how fucking dare you accuse me of longposting

shilly never would have done this

If say it be the tru tru, it be the tru tru.

Statistics aside, that data is objectively not beautiful. The colors clash so much I couldnā€™t read some words without zooming in.

They look like Word charts lmao.


No. There's a number of studies that approximate rates off of real data. A compilation can be found here: Also, as the source I included notes, the real number is probably closer to .5%, considering how few rapes are actually reported...The paper isn't relevant, the linked studies are.

False Reporting: Overview

A review of research finds that the prevalence of false reporting is between 2 percent and 10 percent. The following studies support these findings:

  • A multi-site study of eight U.S. communities including 2,059 cases of sexual assault found a 7.1 percent rate of false reports (Lonsway, Archambault, & Lisak, 2009).

  • A study of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston from 1998-2007 found a 5.9 percent rate of false reports (Lisak et al., 2010).

  • Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-2003 and found a 2.1 percent rate of false reports (Heenan & Murray 2006).

The linked studies:

*False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assaultāˆ—

I cannot find 7.1% in this study. It is a review of other studies that have arrived at 7%, 6%, 8.3%, 10.9%, 8%, 2.1% estimates.

False Allegations of Sexual Assualt: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases

Paywalled, but I have a copy.

Applying IACP guidelines, a case was classified as a false report if there was evidence that a thorough investigation was pursued and that the investigation had yielded evidence that the reported sexual assault had in fact not occurred. That conclusion would have been based not on a single interview, or on intuitions about the credibility of the victim, but on a ā€œpreponderanceā€ of evidence gathered over the course of a thorough investigation.

Of the 136 cases of sexual assault 8 (5.9%) were coded as false reports

Study of Reported Rapes in Victoria 2000-2003

Only 2.1 per cent of reports were designated by police as false.

15.1 per cent of rape complaints were withdrawn.

46.4 per cent of rape complaints resulted in No Further Police Action.

21.3 per cent of rape complaints were ā€˜still ongoingā€™ or could not be determined on the basis of the information in the case records.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Wonder Woman bout to metoo a bot

Even the biggest estimate, 11% is still significantly lower than how much they are talked about on reddit.

Which is sad. Those are rookies numbers. Women should all make false accusations until at last we achieve parity in how often they happen and how much they are talked about on reddit.

Well, 11% proven false. It's incredible hard to prove it false even if you know it's false. The number could be anything from 2% to over 20%. Or maybe something else.

The studies did not require that the rape reported be proven false to the standards of a legal trial, it merely required that there be evidence that it actually didn't occur.

This was a poor use of your afternoon.

Please give yourself a good slap in the face and get your life together.

What did you do with your "afternoon"?

got butthurt and posted all over this thread

it's making my afternoon a bit more funny

Yer nan, 8

I just spoke with her and she's claiming she has no memory of this. Did you slip her a date rape drug?

She is lying to you, m8


I can't take that pie chart seriously since it doesn't include an "unreported false allegations" slice.

I think the number of men in court of law who claim the woman is lying pretty closely approaches 100% whether or not they did it.

An interesting insight, thank you.

How can you have unreported false allegations though? The unreported is people who say they have been raped but whether through fear or circumstance never reported it to the authorities.

In as much as I was serious posting, the point is that pie charts are only a good visualization if they represent a partition of some conceptual domain. Having "unreported rapes" in the same pie graph as "false allegations" is thus not a good visualization as they are essentially independent of each other unless you throw in "unreported false allegations" (which would make the pie chart totally dumb).

I get you. Even if they had changed the labeling to read "False Allegations (all categories)" or "False Allegations (% of total rapes documented & undocumented)" it would have been clearer.

I actually don't think it's misleading textually (though the various numbers are obviously debatable), just visually. But it's really misleading visually (even assuming the numbers are solid).

Uhm yes because false accusations are a more interesting topic than real rape, so naturally more comments.

Exactly. Most male redditors have by now committed so many rapes that they're simply bored by the topic.

> percentage of men who are potential rapists: 100%

> percentage of rapists who are men: 100%

> percentage of men who are aroused by depictions of rape in pornography: 100%

> percentage of men who admit they would rape if they knew they could get away with it: 100%

hmm wonder why this group of people is so worried about "false" rape accusations


Top Tier Bait

Then rape must be pretty dope if everyone likes it

Terrible and biased chart but I like the idea. I just wish he wasn't this biased. For example, don't use the words "only 5%". And don't send a forced message via the chart. Let the data be there by itself. I think this could have shown something interesting but the data is just not clear. It's all assumptions about stats and he forces his opinion into it. I still think comparison could be made between specific subs.

How do you report on something unreporte

Like 90% of reddit users are men. Men being raped by women is so rare probably by far the greatest fear a man has with regards to the issue is false rape accusations. The result is one gigantic circlejerk about rape.

Btw diversity is not necessary and groups of people composed of a single identity group are perfectly capable of forming accurate and sane opinions of all other identity groups so no attempt should ever be made to correct diversity problems because it always means a worse product than if the people behind it are uniformly white males.

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