User writes 3 Paragraph essay on why traps aren't gay and why everyone is actually bisexual

1  2018-10-20 by GoogMastr


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Traps aren't gay though

"Men dressing up as women and have anal sex with other men isn't gay"

It depends entirely on who's fucking who

Look at the wisdom of the Romans for answers

And where are the romans now? That's right, delivering your pizza pasta in a cum stained '02 Corolla.

Then why do gays not like traps eh?

Because there is such a thing as "too gay."

Traps aren’t gay though

Relevant username


Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?

I bet you use "men who have sex with men" as though it's anything other than gay.

Nah, if anything, people that like traps tend to realize that sexuality is more than penis or vagina. It's similar to futa lovers. Maybe you like traps because they are men, but do you like non-trap males? I think people tend to look at things a bit backwards. Do you like men because of the penis or the other way around? If you aren't attracted to non-trap men, can you really claim to be gay or bisexual. If the only men you are attracted to are the ones that look specifically not like men, isn't that the same as basically not being gay? How do you square your sexual identity with the reality that not everybody fits neatly into a box. For instance intersex people usually don't fit well into the idea that you are what your genitals are. Transgender people also make that harder to square since many haven't gone through surgery yet or may not be able to.

Another thing that makes it harder is that even if you go by gender identity, we're largely talking about fictional characters sometimes completely original characters that have no background to guess. Does the character you fap to identify as male or female. Even in the real world, not all traps identify as male. And some identify as female when they are crossdressing. BTW this particular image is an edit. The original is of a female and it's not animated. If you like this image, is it truly because you see the character as a man, despite the original version being of a female. And you realize how often even traps are drawn this way, by essentially drawing a female and then giving them a penis. Granted, not all are done this way, but even the more masculine traps still tend to look very feminine, and this is helped by the fact that men in anime often look more feminine anyway even if they aren't bishounen characters. It's why most trap fans tend to see traps as women. With nothing else to go by, most default to gender expression, so the character that looks, sounds, and dresses like a woman is seen as most likely somebody wanting to be seen as a woman.

Lastly, scientifically, certain things are practically guaranteed to arouse you. No matter your sex, gender, or sexuality, generally it's been found that the penis will arouse you. Similarly, breasts do as well. In a way, it could be argued everybody is bisexual, but it also kind of renders the word useless. Studies have shown that seeing these things can arouse you. Human sexuality is a lot more complex than people like to give it credit for. The irony is that people that should know this because the way they were treated end up turning this back on others. Your sexuality is your own, no stranger can know you more than you know yourself. If you think you're gay because you like traps, more power to you. But not everybody shares this opinion and it's not just denial. There's often a different thought process going on such as considering the characters a different gender, even if only subconsciously. There's also psychological elements that could be taken into consideration. And lastly, it could just be something they fancy in the fantasy of 2D. Not everybody carries their fetishes into the third dimension.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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I will endorse your paper in the Hermetic Society, my dude

Hang on, rewriting this to be about pinging.

Ah yes, everyone is bisexual, except those for those gay people of course.

This but unironically

Can we get this guy to replace u/YameteOtosanItai ?

Your love for Taytay is finally making sense now


The only take on this I've seen so far that's worth reading is the plato vs aristotle one

Nice meme

Thank you, I follow all the freshest facebook meme pages so I don't become out of touch.

you better post what page that is😤

also, what a sad world we live in, that facebook has better meme pages than Reddit.

Facebook has always had better memes than Reddit in certain communities because of the nature of the sites.

The specific page is called non-existent existentialist memes. They have their fair share of garbage and it feels like they've gotten worse especially because they post more unrelated shit, but they also have some pretty good posts.

Reddit 'humor' is literally bottom of the barrel though. People on this site like to mouth off on facebook and twitter, but not only is a shit ton of content just straight up ripped from those sites, reddit original stuff like pun comment chains are among the worst things I could think of. Facebook (as well as Instagram and other sites) are also filled to the brim with trash, but the only subreddit I actually find funny is /r/drama.

Diogenes wins again.

Thats unironically a very good meme


I’m bisexual for porn sure. But I’m not gonna touch gussy in real life. I’ve tried, it’s not for me.

Our guy?

Our gay

Why were you on a trap porn subreddit?

I like traps, but also understand they're gay

Only those that understand that can truly love traps

I can appeciate an honest manl


New Snappy quote

Actually, I'm trans so I would be straight. But that also assumes that I exclusively like traps. I have many tastes, like all sorts of characters no matter what is between their legs, but one thing they all have in common is that they look feminine. My IRL tastes aren't much different. I like cisgender or transgender women. I also like some traps.

I find it ironic though how a lot of straight people tend to think that liking traps makes you gay, when in reality, most gay people generally don't. It's probably largely because of how many transgender women are mislabeled traps, but generally it is understood that what draws a gay man to another man isn't the penis. Tell me if you find somebody like Buck Angel attractive sometime, because they look no different from a cisgender man, and yet they lack a penis. Despite this, a gay man would probably find themselves attracted. Or maybe not, maybe they go through similar phases where they wonder if liking somebody like that means they must turn in their gay card or something.

I get that it can look like somebody is the closet, but maybe consider that they have given it a lot more thought to it than you. On the surface, it can be easy to put these things in boxes. This is gay, this is straight, but if you step a little outside of your comfort zone, you see that these labels end up contradicted more and more. To some degree, it could be argued that most people are actually bisexual, very few people fit at either extremes when they're honest. But at the same time, words carry certain connotations and people tend to assume that if you said you were bisexual, that you liked both masculine and feminine people, when in reality you may have only leaned one way and your sexual desires worked along those lines. There's a book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts that looks at a lot of habits on the internet and when you look at the bigger picture, you realize that those boxes are incredibly flimsy. A lot of straight people look at only the surface and assume that you are in the closet if you take even one step outside of their preconceived labels. On the other hand, a lot of people take their own self-label way too seriously and assume that anybody that likes what they like must also share the same label.

So whether you see yourself as gay, straight, bi, or whatever, not everybody sees it the same. Personally, I initially did consider myself as bisexual at a time, but I never really felt like I fit in with the term. I learned a lot of people go through this phase too, but tend to find out pretty quickly if they actually are gay or bisexual if they were to wander into the gay section of a site. It's like the difference between yaoi and bara. Yaoi is targeted towards women while bara is targeted towards gay men. Similarly, the otoko no ko genre is targeted almost exclusively towards straight men. Maybe those straight men aren't actually straight, but compared to yaoi and definitely compared to bara, I would hope the difference would be pretty obvious. And since otoko no ko characters can also be in other genres such as vanilla or femdom and are not always paired with other men or otoko no ko characters. Lastly, while Trans women are relatively common in real life porn, they tend to be pretty rare in manga/anime/games usually being called newhalfs and such so for many, the otoko no ko genre is the closest thing to it. There's also some overlap with futanari fans, though not always. Rather than being uncomfortable with the idea of being gay, the people always bringing it up read more that they are afraid of liking what they like because they've got this notion that it will somehow taint their sexuality. Or they've only given it a bit of thought and are afraid that if liking traps isn't enough to really make you gay or straight, that they will lose a part of their identity. While the trap fan usually considers themselves straight, they aren't likely to change their tastes even if convinced that it somehow makes them gay. On the other hand, often those least comfortable with their sexuality are the ones with the most rigid labels whether they consider themselves straight or gay. The rules tend to be made at an early age before their tastes have truly begun to evolve and either the rules are bent to acomodate their sexual preferences or their sexual preferences are repressed to stay within the rules they made. Not everyone is into that.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bot?

Not reading this shit, fuck off.

listen here kid, i'm thirsty as hell and i only drink two things: battery acid and cum. so unless you have some double a's lying around i suggest you get those jeans off right fucking now

Hot take that gay men don't care about dick.


links with utm parameters


Judging by his comment history, this guy really likes to write essays on Reddit. Even I have more of a life outside Reddit than he does.

The guy defending him posts on GenderCritical. Why am I not surprised?

Straight people who don’t want to admit they’re bi are pathetic smh my head 😒😒

Liking feminine penis doesn't make you bisexual or gay. Get over yourself normie

Nah, if anything, people that like traps tend to realize that sexuality is more than penis or vagina.

It's also the butthole.


The famous genital

It's a versatile hole.

The butthole isn't a genital either, numbnuts.

I only said that genitals were the central focus of sexuality. Dicks in buttholes or mouths on vaginas only furthers that point.

I don't agree. I'd still be attracted to girls even if they didn't have a pussy.

I didn't read that autistic wall of text, but the first line just says something trivially true.

Have you ever been attracted to someone with no genitals?

No but obviously i see clothed women every day and i'm attracted to their whole body.

Yeah, all of that is a precursor to enjoying their whole body. Usually focusing on the genitals.

their whole body

So you are agreeing with the guy. Sexuality is about the whole body and not only genitals.

Sexuality is the anticipation which includes a anticipation of the genitals.

Sexuality is the anticipation which includes an anticipation of the genitals.

So the actual real thing that sends photons to your eyes and then excites certain areas of your brain is less real than the anticipated vagina? 🤔

The guess at those photons to come excites certain areas of your brain too.

But why stop here? It's pretty clear that when we are willing to ignore the actual photons and arousal, the real point of sexuality is anticipated procreation. Children, basically. So if you have safe sex with women instead of jerking it to the thoughts of your future children you are the big gay.

Yeah, and genitals are the way to make kids.

We can duck this punch, but it doesn't change the central thrust.

Sexuality is about desire. You wanna suck a guy happy, have at it. But you're just sexual noise around the true purpose.

What I'm pointing out that the "true purpose" is way too far away from anything real to help make any sense about the real stuff. It's not just the uncertainty, there's literally no causal connection: you want to have sex because your parents had children, not because of your own hypothetical children. You're executing an adaptation, not trying to achieve some goal.

Structure is purpose. Meaning is use.

If you like dudes, like 'em. But the central thrust of this whole song and dance is docks in gussies.

There's no escaping ourselves.

Structure is purpose. Meaning is use.

Well that's some mysticist bullshit imo. It's pretty easy to escape it, just watch how the world actually works, look with your eyes nigga!

Well the first comes from Francis Crick who uses that insight to discover DNA and the second from Wittigenstein but ok.

Well I wasn't holding the candle when they wrote that so idk what exactly they meant, but you definitely use those words in a bullshit mystic fashion.

It is true that your penis resembles your father's penis, so it's a good heuristic to assume that things that are true about the latter are also true of the former.

But don't you dare ever forget that this is just a heuristic and convince yourself that the two are really one and the same object. That way lies an abyss of gay.

What's wrong with being gay?

Nothing, of course.

I'm going into that gay abyss.

Godspeed, and don't forget to rescue your father from it 🤣

You seem to be mixing up several terms Traps by their very definition pass for women. That doesn't mean they have to crossdress, and it doesn't mean that somebody that crossdresses is a trap, it's just that with anime, a lot of leeway is given to characters that real people often aren't given. But even then, there are plenty of cases where a character crossdresses and doesn't pass, or rather they don't look attractive as a female. But it's also not a yes or no question since some things can be less attractive or more, and some can be very attractive, and others barely so. There's a very good example of this in Persona 4, where some of the characters get forced into crossdressing pageant (as revenge for making the girls participate in a swimsuit pageant). At the most extremes were Kanji that looked like this. And then there was Teddie that looked like this. Lastly, generally as one becomes less masculine and more feminine (or vice versa, they become androgynous. At some point this androgyny may allow them to pass, and depending on the other person, that may differ.

To answer your question. It becomes not gay the moment that the person looks attractive in the way that a female looks. Maybe that means they look a bit more androgynous than many women, but a lot of women are also androgynous as well. Barring that, if the person was willingly transitioning as opposed to being forcefully transformed with magic or something supernatural, I would also consider it not gay.