In a tabletop roleplaying subreddit : female DM is annoyed that her husband is the most annoying player. Redditors go full /r/TrollX and advise her to get a divorce yesterday. Reaches front page, gets locked...

1  2018-10-21 by UnalignedRando


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Wrong kind of gamers, snappy. But pretty close.

I'm pretty sure Gamergate did, in fact, extend to cover tabletop games at some point.

I did see a lot of articles (and whining on Reddit) about how tabletop treats women.

Whats the most confusing day in Detroit? Fathers day.

Serious post: That mods comment belongs at the top of every r/relationship_advice thread.


holy shit this is r/relationships tier

She sounds like an awesome DM tho

Agreed. I'll always respect DMs who put a ton of effort into their campaign and still try to be flexible for their players. Hopefully her spergy husband doesn't completely turn her off of DMing.

Ideally she mercs her sperg of a husband with a meteor and everyone else has a fun and enjoyable game while he is stuck getting them beers and generally pampering her to make up for being such a sperg

Her campaign is garbage.

Great point. Thanks for this!

Eventually I got stuck with husband incessantly arguing that, in the form of a fox, he should totally be able to use his whiskers to pick a lock

Okay, tbh she should divorce him if he seriously thinks that whiskers can be manipulated like that. Just saying.

Some people spend way to much time trying to see what they can get away with rather than just play the game.

To some people, the game is about seeing what you can get away with rather than the story the DM wants to tell.

This is one of the reasons why I don't ever want to do tabletop roleplaying. I know I'd be way too self-conscious about whether I'm screwing things up for the DM to actually enjoy it.

It's great for a bit, but even as a player it requires too much personal time to be a normal adult. As a DM, you might as well just forget about any other form of social life.

You may as well not do anything if that's going to be your attitude.

This tbh. 🤦‍😔

Tbh self-conscious about not screwing things up for others is the only reason why I haven't necked myself yet.

Just get drunk enough to overcome your inhibitions and get it over with

See a therapist m8

already on it

he was probably busting her balls for being an obnoxious cunt trying to push her lame ass campaign

They found the least violent yet most retarded way to work out their domestic disputes.

And I'm sad. I feel like they saw me as someone who throws a strop. They didn't seem to understand that, for me, it's about telling a story, not arguing that your movement is 30ft and no you can't just double it. It's not about killing their characters, it's about challenging them and seeing them become fully fledged out, rather than meme spouting murder hobos who whine when assaulting and robbing townsfolk gets them in trouble, or the powerful weapon they hoped to find wasn't there, or if they drank a potion they were explicitly told turns people into animals and was turned into a fox.

Isn't that, like, every D&D game? DM wants it to be taken seriously, everyone else just wants to fuck around and roll dice.

Pretty much

No, not really

How would I know? I'm not some fucking nerd like you. 😂😂😂 NERD!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Video unavailable... probably because us burgers aren't allowed to watch nerd videos for our own good.

Please commit Sudoku

That's every game I've tried playing.

I tried DMing in college, almost 20 years ago, and most players wanted to just fuck around rolling dice getting cool equipment. A very few wanted story.

It's a bitch trying to balance some story with fucking around by most other players, but it can be done.

But if the whole group just wants to fuck around the DM shouldn't try to force a story on them.

The group I regurarly play with usually plays for the story. We even designed our own game to minimize the amount dice we have to roll.

On the other hand, every single session seems to turn into some weird rape scenario.

Sounds gay

These fags should just right a book instead

Indeed. Who needs a book that's the wrong way up?

On the other hand, every single session seems to turn into some weird rape scenario.

Have you been playing D&D with Onitan?

Obviously not, he's still alive

GOOD point.

You sound exactly like the sort of person whom FATAL was made for.

I was gutted because it was a campaign I put SO much work into (think 15-20 interwoven arcs each with their own NPCs, mini worlds and special distinguishing factors). But my players weren’t respecting me.

Oh god this sounds like the most railroading, ironically unprepared DM I've heard of in awhile.

I have friends that are way too into D&D and spend literal weeks forming their campaigns and writing these long stories and plot hooks. They figure out how the world's calendar works, moon cycles, all kinds of inane and almost assuredly irrelevant things.

Then of course that all goes off the rails when the players see something shiny and chase after it.

The best preparation you can do is preparing for them to do unexpected and insane things. A fleshed out world can help, but your 12 chapter story won't when they get bored of it halfway through the second chapter.

That's not to say the DM is wrong for trying to do something cool, but at the end of the day D&D is about a group of people having fun. When you try to put one person's fun above everyone else's it's a little selfish and a recipe for trouble. Ultimately the DM sets up the campaign but the players are the ones actually, you know, playing it.

At the same time, players need to understand that the DM is a person, too. The DM is there to have fun as well, not just to facilitate the everyone else's fun. It's one thing to not be super interested in exploring the DM's world or roleplaying and be more focused on your character getting stronger. But if you're like the OP's players and you just want to kill everyone you run into and not have to deal with any consequences you're just as selfish as a GM that shoots down anything that doesn't meet their plan for the campaign. At that point you should stop playing D&D and go back to Skyrim.

you're not wrong, but as a DM it's about reading the room. she should know what kind of players she's running for and cater accordingly, that's your job as a DM too. cooking up some heartwrenching tale set in a meticulously crafted world is you being an idiot if you know your players are wacky murderhobos.

Sure but even by wacky murderhobo standards her players are pretty autistic. When the players are that extreme there needs to be give and take. She mentioned trying to adapt the campaign to her players, but when her husband is constantly arguing over stupid shit like if he can pick a lock with his fox whiskers it's pretty clear that the players aren't interested in meeting her halfway.

Oh for sure, they sound awful. But you can't make a bunch of vegans eat steak no matter how you cook it.

Oh lord. Her first mistake was doing all that shit. Unless she wants to maintain elements in her campaign for world building purposes in her own time, all she did was waste time for herself.

A good GM should not waste resources in all this elaborate shit if their party just wants to get drunk and go murder hoboing.

You didn't create the right atmos

Try compiling a playlist with some ruddy mysterious music

Ya but that's real world everything is opposite in reddit.

It depends on the setting. In my university group? Abso-fucking-lutely, and that's fine, because nothing about the campaign is serious. In my online group? Fuck no, the GM doesn't pull punches.

That's not to say we DON'T fuck around in the online game, just that it's all done within-setting. In the university game I'm a not!Don Quixote paladin who derails everything by trying to convert everyone to his own personal religion. In the online game I'm a knight who's convinced he's a hero for keeping feudalism alive. Both are fun, but one of them's working within the world the GM's made.

I’m running a pretty intense and serious Curse of Strahd campaign and the players have been very much into it, but that’s because I work hard to make the world come to life. It’s a very sandboxy module and I’ve pushed it to be even a bit more of a sandbox, and the trick to making it feel like a sandbox is making the world react believably.

So when they do something goofy, the NPCs and the world react more or less the same way they would to someone doing that in real life. For the most part it’s heightened their immersion and gotten them to take it seriously — it’s also encouraged some goofiness but that’s perfectly fine, a bit of comedy here and there keeps them from getting desensitized to the terror.

DMs are like mods but worse. Their sole purpose in life is to let their tiny amount of power go to their heads and then shit on everyone's fun.

If you mention video games or d and d on a date then I am justified to behead you with my dessert spoon.

Bitch I'm not going to mention anything except my location to the emergency services if I ever find myself on a date with you.

And if you mention Vampire (the RPG) I'm allowed to call an airstrike on your family.

Isn't this a pretty typical problem in pen & paper. I think there are two very distinct groups of players: Those who want to clown around and primarily looking for popcorn entertainment and role players who take everything way too seriously.

Seems doomed to fail if you mix those.

Spot on, it's the reason that even us pen and paper losers avoid table top games with strangers 99% of the time.

That guy doesn't even seem he wants to pretend to play the game.

Yeah. Players who literally refuse to have anything to do with the story of the campaign are bad enough. OP's husband is a ridiculously extreme example of that. He's the kind of person who sees D&D as a video game with the DM as the game's engine.

And also think the DM should accomodate every retarded impulse of his.

Lol fucking nerds.

D&D is gay lmao