r/BPT when u tell them how fake and white they areπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

1  2018-10-21 by sk33tasaurus


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Those some hard ass niggas

I love wiggers.

White Boy Carl!!

Mmmm, wiggers, the true sign of the white trash experience.

Mmmm, niggers, the true sign of the black trash experience.

Weird how racism works, huh?

It should be wibbas, like nibba is a replacement for the other word by low class racists

he's saying nigga without any repercussion around black people. bpt wishes they were this.

This is lit woke fam #berniecanstillmakeit #matchme


TBH this is real shut!πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

he's saying nigga without any repercussion around black people. bpt wishes they were this.

r/BPT strictly suburban mayos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

They feel sorry fot him I think

Black people really only get mad when you use the hard "R" or direct the word at them. And a lot of the times, it's like a dog smelling fear. If you act like you know you shouldn't have said it, they'll sense it.

Fuck no not around here. Sure there's some that might be okay with it but the vast majority here aren't

Whether it's within the context of what someone else said and still not diseespedtful, soft R, none of that fucking matters to most people I've talked to and I'm very sociable so it's not like it's only come up with 2 people

For reference, yes I do go up to each black person I see who I never saw before and say, in my whitest accent (note-this is not something I have to try hard for)- "pardon me sir, how do you feel about the use of the word NIGGER by my white bretheren?[stated big, Loud, bold; and hard R as fuck]

Related informative text: Here

Then I assure them that don't worry, I have a black friend and voted for Obama, so we're on the same side here!! And I sure hate those racists who consider you undesirable, for I desire you my brotha , oh yes, I desire you indeedπŸ˜πŸ˜‰

What if I don't have any friends, what words can I use?


I put the "h" on it to emphasize it's "naggAHHHH." You know - nigga. Nigga this. Nigga. Nigga pleease. NIGGA! Hey, you know. Can you lend a nigga a pencil?

NigEEEEE, and NigIIIIII are both still cool right?

Ok stinkmeaner



Whoa this is historical meme

stop posting anytime


that's cause he gangsta. savage πŸ’―πŸ’―

β€œIt don’t matter, pistol gang bitch”

And people say that the ones we let live after the mayocide won't be able to integrate. Here's hope for the select few.

These are the worst kind of mayos, you don't want them integrating.

But they are trying to become little nigglets. Trying so hard.


Lmao is that a real life J-Roc from trailer park boys?

Knaw I'm sayin?

Lol there is like 5 real black people on reddit lol. Black people don’t use gay sites like this.

ima keep it real wit you, you just dizrespected my site.

Sorry my nigga.

It’s cool πŸ…±οΈ

>Lol there is like 5 real black people on reddit lol.
I’ve never read a truther statement and I doubt that there will be any more powerful.

theres a lot of autistic black people and they do use reddit.

Hey, you’re talking about me! My weaponized autism allows me to shitposts on many different forums.

I guess black people just have slower internet - Dave Chappelle

Nah, they're here, but talking about "your race" is a mayo thing.

It's really, really hard for some people to believe that black people are just normal people.

Try r/dbz friend.

Well what gay sites do they use then?



nigga I'll show you how gangster I am


When you disrupt the /r/blackpeopletwitter minstrel show the mods simply lock the thread.

Those mods lock the thread even ahead of time often enough.

Their mods are such enormous pussies.

They'll lock up a thread before something happens

Not enough taking off shirts imo

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*nibba PLEASE


Why is reddit putting ads on youtube???

A billion years of evolution, countless obstacles overcome by his ancestors, all leading to this

Not a fair comparison. This fellow actually grew up in a lower income area, around black people, and has their respect. /r/BPT grew up in an upper middle class area and black people have nothing but contempt for them.

I hope he recovered from the stroke he was having.

I'm a Californian, and I know a Mexican when I see one