Daddy has decided that there are only two genders

1  2018-10-21 by clubby789


This is why we need mayocide.


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The Trevor Project has seen a significant rise in contacts from young people who identify as transgender or non-binary over the last year, now making up over 30% of our total crisis volume," Paley said. "When government takes actions targeting the transgender community, our call volume spikes even higher."

Mods on suicidewatch

Trannys on suicide watch

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A final one

“The Trevor Project has seen a significant rise in contacts from young people who identify as transgender or non-binary over the last year, now making up over 30% of our total crisis volume,” Paley said. 

i understand why trannies are genuinely on suicide watch since their brain essentially fucking flips out that they don't have the right genitals but

non-binary kids are literally always a teenage girl who cut her hair short and dyed it blue and goes by some shitty unisex name like "Sam" with no gender dysphoria whatsoever

so why the fuck are they on suicide watch