daily dose of "r/cursedimages isn't cursed anymore" drama

1  2018-10-21 by AchtungMaybe


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Dude nps lmao

Dude ups lmao

Ups is better than FedEx imo

edit: anybody else who wants to talk shit, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really worth the 5 seconds. i wont give a shit and god will give you more bad-boy points, the time's better spent giving your mom a call or some shit


I don't know what that board is supposed to be about, but the picture in the linked thread ("divorce selfie!") is pretty funny

it’s for “cursed images”, images that make you go who what when where and why. it’s not really good anymore though

“cursed images”, images that make you go who what when where and why

That makes absolutely no sense.

look at the sub then lol if you can’t figure it out idk how to help you

What you wrote is like saying "A cloudy day. You know, like a day where you eat spaghetti.". It's completely logically disconnected. And now you're salty over your poor thinking/communications skills.

I literally fucking wrote what the subreddit is for dumbass. it’s a sub for “cursed images” images that make you go who what when where and why. that’s literally their description of a cursed image. I’m sorry you can’t fucking comprehend that boomer.

Hey maybe if you write the same thing a few more times it'll start to make sense.

again it’s not my fault you’re too retarded to understand. it makes sense to everyone else there.

Just because you found 2400 people as dumb as you doesn't mean it makes sense.

lol dude that’s 2400 online. the sub has 310,000 subscribers. you’re clearly an old fuck who has no clue how reddit or the internet in general works. fuck off boomer

Wow, sick bantz. I mean, those are also clearly more words you don't understand the meaning of, but who cares about that, right? Go back to your dying sub. Make sure you post the same description of the sub a few more times on your way out!

Jesus christ dude how stupid can you be? it’s not my fault you’re too fucking stupid to get anything. you’re retarded and god i can’t wait for boomers to fucking die off

Jesus Christ, what's it like to be that upset because your identity is tied to a subreddit description?

I don’t even like that sub lmao, i’m irritated because you’re too fucking stupid to get it and you’re acting like that’s my fault.

Oh yeah, you don't care at all. GOD YOU DON'T CARE! ARRRGH!!!!

i said nothing about not caring braindead fucking loser. learn to fucking read faggot. i don’t like the sub. i do care about you being a massive fucking faggot. you’re pathetic

MAN you are heated up. It's been super fun baiting you, but I have to go finish my CISC homework now (you know, like us boomers do). Feel free to keep posting the same 3 things while I'm gone!

i really hope you act more mature when interacting with your fucking children. you should seriously be ashamed of acting like a fucking teenage 4chan fag.

You are an absolute retard please leave

No he should definitely stay

lmao the srd thread is just crying about npc

Dude NPCs lmao


Jesus who cares