Strong, empowered REEEEEEEmales literally shaking irl rn by Reddit’s advertising.

1  2018-10-21 by CharlesSchwabSucks2


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Pretty sure reddit ads are TARGETED to piss us off. I’m vegan and follow all the subreddits about it and such... yet I get ads about “butcher box” and some keto diet subscription box lmao.... like wtf

TFW can't ping

Imagine thinking the world revolves around your pussy to such an extent that you think Reddit ads are out to get you lmao

I’m pretty sure Reddit ads aren’t targeted towards you at all, let alone against

Another #meetoo moment! Women are under attack by this patriarchy again!

IMAGINE not running a fucking adblocker on reddit

Pretty sure you just have get affirmative consent. Pop in the thread and ask if you can ping them? Or lmk and I’ll do it for you?

Then there's this one:

My cat recently passed away and this account is newly made and I keep getting ads for pet supplies and pretty litter :,) thanks reddit. Thanks for the reminder that I’m cat-less.


What actually is TrollX I could never tell what the general character of the sub was

It is literally female incels

Would the universal survive a merge of those 2 subs?

If 2017 April fool's on 4chan is anything to go by, they would merge into a supercell community an wipe out the human race in a couple of weeks.

It’d be like Jonestown but all voluntary

r/GC femcels without the tranny fetish 👍

According to a highly upvoted comment, this is the most relatable thing ever to TrollX'ers.

is every interaction with a man supposed to feel like emotional labor

God lefties are the most fucking pretentious people that exist, they're right a lot but I want them to be wrong so badly.

Jesus Christ. This gave my cancer cancer.

>complains about other people's grammar

>doesn't capitalize

I am literally THIS mad right now.

And these people make fun of socially awkward nerds over thinking everything, lmao. At least the nerds are thinking their own retarded thoughts.

Originally it was a passably funny meme subreddit focused on female experiences, founded when rage comics and 'scumbag Stacy's esque memes were the big thing.

Over time it's grown into a forum for bitter, lonely and often depressed women to vent about their experiences, validating each other in the process. Similar to how /r/cringeanarchy started because /r/cringe was overmoderated but quickly became a cesspool of conservative hate.

To be fair when it started reddit was a very different place. It used to really hate feminists. Like even on meme subs if anyone posted anything related to women, they would get dog piled. Also back then the site was literally celebrating thier shared incel-hood.

Things are different now so idk why people are still there.

What actually is TrollX I could never tell what the general character of the sub was

Advertisers on Reddit are shameless. They have no respect for the sanctity of feet. Imagine using bare feet to promote your product when you could be showing feet stylishly attired with socks from Socks can deliver a message clearly about who you are. Get all your socks for 50% off everyday at socksoff.

Real customer testimony from Soq Lobai.

"My feet feel great when I wear socks I got at socksoff"

Get your designer socks at socksoff. You are unique, your socks should be too.

The picture looks more like somebody's toenails were ripped off than painted and it's unsettling to me.

Lose some weight you fat piece of shit.

Female fragility lol

no one cares.

Yeah mine keeps showing me engagement rings lol

Lmao saaaaaaame

It's because Google tracks your searches you knuckleheads.

I wish I got this ad instead of the Christian ones I get

That's God telling you to take your wanton, scarlet letter ass out and find a good Christian man.

For a couple of weeks I received adds from an homophobic church saying Jesus can fix me. I trans and gay as fuck. What the fuck reddit?

I'm going to roll the dice here and say this never happened. This cat is just looking to create a pity party. Also, lol, I Grog, I trans.

Wow. I bet that church pays specifically to have lbgt folks see their ads. Gross and terrible. 😤

Yes. I would love to be a fly on the wall when an advertiser tells the folks in Reddit's advertising department, that they want to specifically target trans members.

I'm going to roll the dice here and say this never happened. This cat is just looking to create a pity party. Also, lol, I Grog, I trans.

Eh, it wouldn't be surprising to me. Entreprises pay to target people that could be interested (which is why the fatass OP got her weightloss ad). Is it really surprising that church would pay to target trans ?

> I wonder if stress eating caused by being told you are gaining weight made the list.


I can guess the gender, socioeconomic status, race, and intelligence of the person that made this comment with 100% accuracy. Can you?

This is targeted advertising I can agree with. It is like having ads for financial planning and loan sharks on r/bitcoin.

can i pay to have targeted ads on a subreddit?

id pay to show rape hentai to GC

TrollX is about living Amy Schumer's standup routine.

I would bet money on OP being a fatty