Imagine flooding your body with chemicals that may or may not have long term detrimental effects just so you can get someones shit under your foreskin?
FIRST OF ALL, I am a beaner. SECOND! I don't have a penis, but a pair of itty bitty titties. THIRD, I'm Catholic, so as Jesus' preferred, I wouldn't get AIDS.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-10-22
Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.
You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 -6x- 2018-10-22
Me on the left (right).
1 captainpriapism 2018-10-22
not enough aids tbh
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
1 serialflamingo 2018-10-22
Imagine not being on PrEP lmao
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
Imagine flooding your body with chemicals that may or may not have long term detrimental effects just so you can get someones shit under your foreskin?
1 SuperiorExcess 2018-10-22
>having a foreskin
Oy vey
1 BeastTrinity 2018-10-22
Cutting part of your dick off to own the libs
1 allendrio 2018-10-22
1 demotecontrol 2018-10-22
1 EternallyMiffed 2018-10-22
I'm sorry for your loss.
1 aqouta 2018-10-22
Imagine not thinkibg it's worth getting some of your dick pruned to be let into the (((meetings)))
1 serialflamingo 2018-10-22
You sound obese.
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
There he goes, folks. Drama's supposed "handsomest mod"......gone to fat.
1 serialflamingo 2018-10-22
Being jealous of me isn't making you skinny.
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
Wasting my time isn't making you taller, sweaty.
1 backltrack 2018-10-22
That was a good roast tbh
1 Plexipus 2018-10-22
Everytime I reply to your posts I get the Fuck Fever all over again
1 Matues49 2018-10-22
Needs more Tay-Tay
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
She’s the AIDS
1 Matues49 2018-10-22
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
1 DistortedLines 2018-10-22
1 Unkill_is_dill 2018-10-22
1 Mariokartfever 2018-10-22
1 Mircy 2018-10-22
1 itsCaffeine 2018-10-22
1 TheMotherfuckingFox_ 2018-10-22
Gonna need a name for the tranny
1 jackmulder 2018-10-22
1 BarelyThinking 2018-10-22
The internet is a strange place.....
1 TheMotherfuckingFox_ 2018-10-22
Good looks
1 Thebuguy 2018-10-22
OP's pic is really old. There's no way she is only 23
1 KingNothing305 2018-10-22
Rich Evans doesnt have this much aids
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2018-10-22
Rich Evans has crippling diabetes.
He just says "AIDS".
1 AnnArchist 2018-10-22
needs more cocaine. Like seriously. I ran out.
1 imissyouseattle 2018-10-22
The. Worst.
1 Neksyus 2018-10-22
Source of the bottom left pic? Asking for a friend.
1 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2018-10-22
What's the banned thing next to the woman with a penis?
1 CharlesSchwabSucks2 2018-10-22
Pussy hat
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-10-22
No gussy or feminism allowed 😥
1 RichEvansSextape 2018-10-22
This has gone TOO FUCKING FAR
1 Chin_Up_Chick 2018-10-22
It's a pussy hat and I agree
1 headasplodes 2018-10-22
leans into mic
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
dude bussy lmao
1 itsCaffeine 2018-10-22
Your bot sucks btw
1 SJCards 2018-10-22
1 loli_esports 2018-10-22
someone buy me a daki
1 UrMumsMyPassword 2018-10-22
that's a nice she dick
1 Somenakedguy 2018-10-22
8/10 would be penetrated by
1 RueysSoulDiegosFight 2018-10-22
FIRST OF ALL, I am a beaner. SECOND! I don't have a penis, but a pair of itty bitty titties. THIRD, I'm Catholic, so as Jesus' preferred, I wouldn't get AIDS.
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-10-22
Yss but as a catholic your priests will rape you and give you aids anyway
1 RueysSoulDiegosFight 2018-10-22
I'm not a young boy. Totes safe.
1 DistortedLines 2018-10-22
This is an Islamic server sister.
1 aqouta 2018-10-22
1 ToTheNintieth 2018-10-22
Can confirm
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-10-22
Needs more venus fly traps
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
No, that is new fag nonsense
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-10-22
It needs snallyposts, lawlz autism and furries
1 a_thumb_in_my_bum 2018-10-22
Um, furries?
1 itsCaffeine 2018-10-22
Umm... Sweaty? It’s spelled “sweety” sweatums.
1 Tobans 2018-10-22
Whatever you say, wheaty.
1 Pro_Extent 2018-10-22
Lol Wil Wheaton
1 itsCaffeine 2018-10-22
King Soy Extraordinaire
1 RyuunDragon 2018-10-22
Sweaty yes
1 RyuunDragon 2018-10-22
Yes to the first, Yes to the second, hell yes to the third
1 Alexlincoln2 2018-10-22
Need more antiwesterncosplayer movement to combat racists rapist westerners
1 Kiru-Kokujin16 2018-10-22
poor guy gave up
1 GIGGA_SAND_NIGGA 2018-10-22
Damn that’s a nice looking feminine penis
1 itsCaffeine 2018-10-22
I prefer it a bit more feminine tbqhwy
1 dramasexual 2018-10-22
This needs WAY more autism. I'm offended by this lack of representation.
1 demotecontrol 2018-10-22
There aren’t any dinos. It’s sad. We’ve failed radical centrism so hard.
1 sign5142 2018-10-22
dude dude dude lmao lmao lmao
1 SuicideBySunrise 2018-10-22
Distinct absence of birb pictures or user pings, seems accurate to how far this subreddit has fallen.
1 aggressiveturtle 2018-10-22
how is this not marked NSFW I just got fired
1 Tobans 2018-10-22
1 Voltairium 2018-10-22
1 ztoundas 2018-10-22
Scoopdy woop depoop
1 l3v1athaN_ 2018-10-22
Baste and aidspilled
1 Psycho_Robot 2018-10-22
Everything about this is actually an mdefugee starter pack. Including the dick girl
1 die_rattin 2018-10-22
Needs a bottle of estradiol
1 broden 2018-10-22
runs up right to u and stops face to face
Is there an issue here?
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-10-22
Forgot the broken dreams and general degeneracy.
1 r3stinpizza 2018-10-22
I just wanna know where I can find that picture in the lower left corner
1 Destirigon 2018-10-22
Lies, most of you are too uncultured to own loli body pillows.
1 The_Bum_Diaries 2018-10-22
What's with the tranny?
1 ObnoxiousFactczecher 2018-10-22
Hard to say, but he seems to be tight with those white-caped guys.
1 The_Bum_Diaries 2018-10-22
Good one, drumpf is now finished
1 Cdace 2018-10-22
Forgot the dinosaur 🦖 bruv
1 e-guy 2018-10-22
The absolute state if OP, not knowing we practice safe gay sex around here.
Also, not knowing about our (my) crippling fear of getting pozzed.
1 miraoister 2018-10-22
anyone got a source for that chick with the erect penis.
edit, wait a second 'chick with the erect penis.' something there doesnt quite add up, I cant put my finger on it.