Doctor Who 11x03 "Rosa" Post-Episode Discussion Thread • r/doctorwho

1  2018-10-22 by wisty


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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It takes the mind of a teenager to enjoy Dr Who.

Heavy-handed political messages, in a scifi show? What is the world coming to?!?!?!?!?!!??!

I don't watch Dr Who, but maybe I should start now so that in a couple years I can complain about how much worse it is than the current season.

I don't watch Dr Who, but maybe I should start now so that in a couple years I can complain about how much worse it is than the current season.

Start from the RTD era, then you can rage when Moffatt takes over.

Yep. Watch all the RTD eps, then rage quit halfway through Moffats reign.

They should impale Moffat on a pike.

Better yet, don't watch any of it, at it's a terrible show.

Amatuer... Start with the Colin Baker series as he attempts to recreate the Peter Davidson magic and fails spectacularly. The show literally can't be worse than that.

There's heavy handed political messages then there's having an episode that's literally about rosa parks

Is Rosa Parks the first historical figure to be on Doctor Who?

Adolf beat her to it.

Not even close.

Just go back and watch David Tennant and Matt Smith's tenure. The rest will be crap by default.

Imagine taking doctor who seriously

time-capeshit is bad

It only took them like 10 seasons and 5 different main characters to figure it out.

I never got the love for this show, this is CW capeshit level cheesiness.


Hopefully Doctor Who follow their own rules and end it after the 13th doctor.

Technically, they're already on 14.

15, if you count the second 10.

Guess how I know OP doesn't watch the show.

True... There's also the Valeyard, but let us not speak of that.

An entire series meta story about the Doctor being on trial for War Crimes essentially, officiated a Master created homunculus of the Doctor's dark side in order to wreck the Time Lord council should've been gold. But it felt like a mess.

Technically they already broke it with some wibbly wobbly timey whiney fuckery

Not if you assume the Moffatt years was just a time loop that deleted itself.

They gave him more regenerations.

Imao the mayos get really uppity whenever the tv shows their racism.

Anglos smh tbh fam

I think Gammon is the correct term tbh.

the gaters predicted this

Can someone explain what the fuck the drama assuming I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of awful British TV for losers mad that superheroes are popular now, and that sentences like "OMG Dr. Who zapped Mr. Robot with a quantum resonator and he got sent into the flux vortex!!!!" mean nothing to me

It means "the actor made a funny face and waved a prop around and this moved the plot forward in the right direction because of willing suspension of disbelief".

There seems to be some animosity that stopping Rosa Parks would have somehow stopped the civil rights movement in the US.

When in truth the NAACP was already looking for a lead plaintiff in a case to test the constitutionality of the Jim Crow law. So if the events of that day were changed it would just be the next person to trigger things.

The first person to refuse to move and was arrested was

This event took place nine months before the NAACP secretary Rosa Parks was famously arrested for the same offense. Claudette Colvin: "My mother told me to be quiet about what I did. She told me to let Rosa be the one: white people aren't going to bother Rosa, they like her".

For many years, Montgomery's black leaders did not publicize Colvin's pioneering effort because she was a teenager who was reportedly made pregnant by a married man.

It seems as though history is full of "Inspiring Moment!"*

*Inspiring moment subject to biases and cold Machiavellian calculations.

"My mother told me to be quiet about what I did. She told me to let Rosa be the one: white people aren't going to bother Rosa, they like her"

That's some real NAACPrivilege right there.

[ITT: Bunch of butt hurt white people bitching about a show showing them how shitty white people were when they have too much power. Black people had it shit back then because of ya'll. Deal with it.

I'm drowning in the tears.](

If you wan to get right to the drama



Even worse


The elusive ultrawoke version

Plain and simple, I watch this show for entertainment. And not to get this whole political thing jammed down my throat.

yet again the rightoids with the homosexual imagery.


I try to watch sci-fi, and all of a sudden I have this whole, large, thick political issue lubed up and inserted deep into my anus.

White people are really uncomfortable when shown the reality of the past and how racist it was for non-whites. They either rationalize saying it wasn't too bad as is stated, or that it was in the past and we can move on and have moved on. They don't want to look at it directly or just take a moment to think about how it is from a non-white person's perspective.

Now just swap in the colors of your choice!

But seriously DW fans are the best for drama. They’ll get riled up over any little thing and worship a TARDIS.

Doctor Who fans: white people complaining about white people because they're white.

It should be law that all y'all posters should be beaten into a coma.

Fuckin' right, y'all.

I haven't watched any of the new season yet. I was fine with Jodie taking the role, but the marketing campaign leading up to the season kinda killed my enthusiasm.

The first two episodes are actually pretty good. The "wokest" thing they pull is that the black guy has dyspraxia.

Dyspraxia? Does that mean bad acting?


Shouldn't the black dude have sickle cell anemia?

Isn't doctor who apprehending a time traveling white supremacist from stopping rosa parks litterally tumblr levels of fanfiction?

Haven't seen the new episode yet. I probably won't tbh, because it sounds like absolute wank.

From what I read, there's been complaints about some hamfisted politics each episode. First episode had a throwaway line about the Sonic Screwdriver being like a Swiss Army Knife, "but not actually a knife because knives are for idiots." And then the last episode had a weird scene where the Doctor was chewing out one of the companions for suggesting they use guns. Not because of the fact that the guns literally didn't work on the enemy they were fighting, but because pacifist reasons.

I don't watch the show though, only heard about the drama from those Dr Who threads.

The Doctor being a smug stupid hypocrite is actually totally in character.

The no-gun shit has been a thing for very long time. I'm okay with the character being against guns (like that flying mammal capeshit), but it's unbearable when they drag it out with Doctor being all holier-than-thou for 2 minutes. Especially so when you consider he has broken his "pacifist" crap before.

Doctor was chewing out one of the companions for suggesting they use guns

That's why I really liked the new companions. He told her to fuck off and used guns anyway.

Here's some low effort bait from comedian Limmy.

No actress is safe from the capeshitcels.

The industrial revolution was a mistake.

Didnt the show go on and on about how certain events cant be changed? Wouldnt Rosa Parks be one?

Just because the doctor is now a woman doesnt mean you have to write like one.

It is one thing to have a political message and another to shove your head up your own ass to sniff your own farts.

Mayo fragility is real. Can't even show historical events these days without caring about mayo feelings.

If you watch Dr. Libcuck then you are a cuckold. End of story. It is literally a preachy, low-quality children's show for lefty mongs.

a friend of mine has been a long time Dr who fan but he gave up after the season previous to the current one. Reason being is the BBC is pretty going insane and Dr Who is their primary megaphone for their agenda pushing nonsense.

I don't know how it will all play out but according to my friend's rants on the matter the fans are gonna turn on the show this season.

Based on what I saw from trailers and the discussion on it OP linked it looks like my friend's prediction is coming true. Turns out people want Dr Who to be a fun scifi romp, not a poorly made, horribly misinformed political message shoved down your throat on a weekly basis.

Title with zero value add.

This is just ripping off Time Squad tbqh

Man, this is unprecedented territory. Science fiction has never used that medium to tackle current political issues of the day. Never. Not in the history of science fiction.

Some science fiction even manages thoughful social commentary without being a hamfisted cringefest.

Riker bangs a transman but loses her to religious fundamentalism is a favorite.