A League of Legends player writes an essay about people being dicks in game. With gamers being well, gamers, drama ensues.

1  2018-10-22 by Ghdust2

Some users say it's a bad writeup and question if OP has ever played soccer before.


Is OP just tilted?


One user says OP just wants sympathy.


And the full comments because the bottom of the thread is a sea of redditors who don't take kindly to someone calling them out.



I'm not "triggered" by you throwing insults

Proceeds to write essay on how "not triggered" he is.

Seriouspost incoming, brace your bussies

What the fuck is the point of posts like this? I can confirm with certainty that a minimum of once every two weeks some autist writes one of these blogposts on the league subreddit; i can also personally confirm that this has been the case for the last 3 years. Its always a post that spans 1500+ words and boils down entirely to "don't be a dick"

Who in the fuck is the intended audience for this? The 12 year olds being toxic online? Theyre not going to be browsing reddit, and if they are, they sure as shit wont spend 25 minutes sifting through your spergy essay. Your reddit circlejerk? Okay, im sure some of them will gladly read it for you, but then what? The only ones buttblasted enough to give a fuck arent the ones youre trying to convince in the first place, so that doesnt help your cause either.

There exists no scenario where this sort of garbage can have even a marginal effect, you would have to be sub 85iq to not understand that

The whole sub is just a circle jerk where people like to remind themselves that they are positive etc. Essentially most of the player on the league sub are low ranked and like to blame other people for that, but if they just said "my team sucks" they would get downvoted.

Instead they invent this story whereby people who flame bring down games and hence by extension cause them to lose games. The reassuring each other that they are positive is essentially a cope to say "it's not my fault I'm bad it's someone elses" without outright blaming people

Just don't read chat

Problem solved