Bunch of mayos buttmad at a meme.

1  2018-10-22 by Snowayne2


So I decided to get in bed with her and kind of just laid there. She said she was cold, so I closed my window next to my bed. Later she shifted so her butt was kind of pressed against my leg, but I don't know if it was intentional or not, maybe she was just sleeping and rolled.


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Lol they immediately downvoted this too. It's adorable how insecure they are while at the same time complaining about muh PC

The same people who'll say "why can't you take a joke bro" when a meme about another race is posted.

The most basic bitch of /pol/ bait, and these degenerates still trip over each-other to sperg out about it. But they're part of "the master race."

Okay buddy.

TFW Baghdad was a bustling multicultural metropolis while your great great great great great great grandmother was getting raped by demi-Neanderthals in a mud hut

Quality truth bombs are being dropped in that thread.

his own post is proof its true 👌👌👌