Forget about hacking NORAD, electing Toronto mayor is what Russians are after

1  2018-10-22 by newcomer_ts


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Toronto is gay and I can only imagine a sub about Toronto to be filled with some of the gayest Canadians on the planet.

The U.S. should just sell Canada back to the Russians

Being Canadian and thinking your country is relevant enough to attract Russian attention

Causing chaos in Canada could allow them to swoop in on the high arctic. Also allows them to shove liberal civilizations nose in shit just one more time as yet another bastion falls to the hordes of illiberalism.

lmao is this serious?

They're an unironic srdine and chapoposter, so probably yes.

hacking NORAD I swear there was a book or a movie about Russia actually pulling this off and invading the USA.