Man finally blames Daddy for his own groping๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

1  2018-10-23 by CSGloballyTriggered


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Sadly not in this case robot

Nobody let their bussy get grabbed

When is Daddy going to be impeached?

Idk why anyone wants him impeached tbh. Even if you're a partisan he'll drag the Republican party into the trenches.

You should want him in office.


What is preventing you from going back to seriousposting in /r/politics again?

I got banned from /r/politics for being too woke.

My boi

Please post the kill shot

"Everything is the fault of the jews" ~IDFSHILL

Idk why anyone wants him impeached tbh

Because they secretly want Mike "taze away the gay" Pence in the big seat

What if Joe Scarborough is right and Daddy doesn't run for reelection?

Daddy Joe tells me how to feel about orange man

Tell me, when the Republicans maintain control in the midterms are you going to maintain your safety? Or will you just be completely absorbed by your cognitive dissonance?

So if the GOP loses the house and governor seats in the upcoming midterm, are you going to admit Donald Trump is not a popular president?

governor seats

OK now you're just getting desparate with the goal post shifting.

are you going to admit Donald Trump is not a popular president?

I mean, maybe, but the data doesn't support that

OK now you're just getting desparate with the goal post shifting.

What? The house is also going to shift.

I mean, maybe, but the data doesn't support that

Few things:

A) Obama wasn't popular going into the midterms either.

B) That's a single poll, the data does, in fact support my claim that Donald Trump is historically unpopular:

Why do you think looking at a single poll is a valid way to read polling?

Isnt this objectively trash? It just averages all the scores into one score. Problem is 90% of the media is owned by left democrat jews. It skews the score massively. The newest scores from several center left sites say hes 47%, which is higher than obamas was. You can't just score dump a bunch of third rate sites together and pretend thats the real number. People definitely have an agenda here.

It's worse than that.

A majority of the data apparently comes from you gov, which is a basically an unknown internet only polling company that is based in the UK. Not sure how that is relevant to understand how the American voting population is going to vote.

Imagine thinking yougov is an unknown internet polling company.

Can you suck Nate's dick any harder lmao? I swear if Nate told you to kill your own mother with a 90% probably, you would probably do it.

Like for a failed statistician that can't even model the Presidential election properly I have no idea why people like you worship him.

How is he a "failed statistician" lmao. Based on what? His model gave Trump a 30% to win.

His model also called pretty much every primary. And he correctly called the winner of 2 previous elections.

I'm actually convinced you have a severe learning disability, there's no way this is natural. There is no way you are actually this dumb.

How can you not even understand polling?

His model of the electoral college (the only thing that matters) didn't have the final results of the tally within his own self reported confidence interval. Failed model

you understand the electoral college is winner take all, and Trump won multiple swing states by razor thin margins, correct?

It's insane to me how far you uneducated morons will go to avoid admitting you're just uneducated morons.

you understand the electoral college is winner take all, and Trump won multiple swing states by razor thin margins, correct?

Dont you think any model should include this as a possibility? Nate didn't even model what happened as possible, which is completely stupid because they are called swing states for a fucking reason.

It's funny because you know this and are just grasping at straws to try to protect your statistics Jesus. Look he had a good run, but for some reason he decided to destroy his model. Probably to prevent the leftist horde from hanging him for saying Trump had a chance to win.

Dont you think any model should include this as a possibility?

It literally did you mong. They correctly predicted that if PA, for example, went red, so too would the other "blue states."

As in PA has the same demographics as WA.

You understand that none of those questions are included in the poll tracker, correct?

The fucking site is in the image. We have no idea how 80% of these polls ask questions. Dont even tell me theres no chance theyre doing this.

To be clear, you think 538 is basing approval rating on questions like "did this person lie" and you see no reason why that belief is retarded?

Imagine not understanding how polling or election models work.

You mean like all the mainstream media during the last election?

The polls were literally within margin of error. They were more accurate in 2016 than in 2012.

The poll that said hillary had a 99.8% chance to win was in the margin of error? It wasn't even a close victory.

I swear to god where do you people come from.

A) No, it wasn't a "poll" it was an election model, and 538 didn't even give Clinton a 99.8% to win, you made that up.

B) The polls had Clinton up by 3% nationally and she won the popular vote by nearly 3%. Meaning national polls were within margin of error:

This is your brain on Trumpism, you are now the 3rd Trumptard to respond to me and reveal you have not even a basic comprehension of this subject, yet you still decided to engage on it.


Well it really depends by how much, doesnโ€™t it? The party in power loses congressional elections the vast majority of the time. Assuming Democrats and Republicans both win every seat leaning towards them and split the toss ups 50/50, Dems win the house 220-215, which is a 28 seat swing. For reference, Republicans picked up 63 seats in 2010. And given most of the toss ups are Republican incumbents Iโ€™d expect them to do a little better than 50/50, so Dems taking the house isnโ€™t even close to a done deal.

It's highly likely the DNC takes the house.

538 and RCP seem to model the toss ups differently, which is interesting. I'd say they're still probably the favorite, but it would only require a small polling error for Republicans to eek out a majority.Here's how I'd categorize the possibilities, since you asked for a quantification:

Dems take >60 seats: Massive Trump defeat, Dems have huge majority, blue wave vindicated.

Dems take 41-59 seats: Trump defeat, Dems have a bigger majority than Reps do now.

Dems take 24-40 seats: Wash, Dems have narrow majority and probably break down into infighting over the new speaker because Pelosi won't have enough votes.

Dems take <23 seats: Trump victory, Reps keep majority, Dems go even more insane than they already are and self immolate.

i need to watch idiocracy again to figure out how this election will play out tbh

Even if you're a partisan he'll drag the Republican party into the trenches.

Keep telling yourself that while you jerk yourself off yelling at pictures of hot women who don't want you.

Imagine thinking Trump is good for the demographics death spiral the GOP is in.

death spiral

Tell me more of this tumblr level fan fic.

Imagine being so poorly educated you think rallies in areas you're popular in correlate with electoral support.

Here's a great one for you:

Centipedos on suicide watch ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

How the hell else are you supposed to jerk off?

Because there are more important things than just politics.

He won't, r/politics lied to you about their law credentials.

Everyone downvote this person, it's a Trump supporter.

Hot take.

Can we get a cold take instead?

cold pockets


Pee is stored in the balls.


About 6 more years.



100% this guy is a boomer


This is a good reference.

If I found my son's weed I would steal it without mentioning it. Let's call it a tax.

Tfw taxation is really theft

Do you want an ancap son? Because this is how you get an ancap son.

He missed the part where he said being rich and powerful.

Of course itโ€™s a Florida man

Liberals on my FB are freaking out about this and blaming Trump. You cannot make this shit up.