Schizophrenic /r/politics poster sees fascists everywhere. Thinks anyone who disagrees with him is also a fascist.

1  2018-10-23 by Ultrashitposter


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I love how these guys have found Karl Popper and think just because he once said you should limit free speech they keep quoting him as if just because this guy once said something it must be true.

Btw when are /politics getting banned for inciting violence? Every single article is about how we have to get physical with senators these days lol

I love how these guys have found Karl Popper and think just because he once said you should limit free speech they keep quoting him as if just because this guy once said something it must be true.

I wonder what karl pepper says to the people skipping this part of his argument:

for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. 

When your argument are meet with actually violence then that is when you can not tolerate the intolerant.

Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat System and is trying to take over Corneria! Our army alone can't do the job! Hurry Star Fox!”

General Karl Pepper

Its like the Nietzsche quote about god every fart sniffing atheists spouts. They leave all the context out and some how, since they have now said it, it proves all religion is wrong.

Which one? The famous “god is dead.” That’s hardly an argument for atheism.


god is dead christ cuck, game set match

oh yah i forgot to include that he said naive atheists killed him with ignorance and wont beable to replace him with anything thus leading to communism/nazism

oh well, gotcha you dumb christ loving faggot!

Lmao I wasn’t aware of that. Nietzsche actually turned me in to god. I used to not care about religion at all but reading him really helped me connect the dots between the degenerates I was so disgusted by and our secular society. Without a higher being or a “rules” of how you should live man will slump into vice and immorality.

Made me really far right as a previous lolbert.

That's what's so fucking funny about them parroting the karl popper quote. He says unlimited tolerance. When the other side is shooting you, and being violent, then fucking obviously you don't just keep being infinitely tolerant. Of course the retards on the left feel like accepting "this guy disagrees with me, but thats ok" means you have entered the realm of infinite tolerance, and now it's time to get violent.

They really seem to think that just quoting something makes it infallible. You could just make some bullshit up credit it to a fake person and they'd upvote it

"Orange Man Bad."1

  1. Plato (381 BC) The Republic

/r/politics are desperate to play baseball but lack the conviction to follow through

Imagine letting the alt-right look like fucking Chads by comparison 😂😂😂

I'm not sure what they want to get rid of more the first or second amendment

We need another constitutional convention and completely replace this racist constitution.

lmfao oh lordy

The constitution was written by Mayo slave owners and is the product of, and innately imbued with, Mayo racist nonsense. Let's get Tariq Nasheed to chair an update committee

They wrote it on white paper FFS!

Seriouspost: The US would be better off splitting North-South as it tried to do once before.

They wan't to replace all of the constitution and government and just have diversity officers.

Diversity commissar Cletus and Jamal ready to punish some Kulaks!

Glass the whole country, it's constitution will be glass

Hopefully white people.

I don't see a schizophrenic poster. Are you sure you're not hallucinating?

God, I hope this makes it to the top. Let’s see how many reasonable independents we can get to #walkaway from the Dem party today. You guys have no idea how batshit crazy you sound.

Lol he got downvoted hard.

Karl Popper

Literally who?

A famous 20th century philosopher, particularly known for his work on the philosophy of science and liberalism.

AKA some fucking nerd.


You have to pay for the good jokes my friend.

Stupid science bitch

some philosophy nerd

So an average /r/politics poster. What do these people look like in real life? I have to assume they're mostly kids, but the adults...where do they work? What do they do for fun? I've never stumbled across one.

What do these people look like in real life?


15 year olds. They sit at the table with all the losers during lunch. Tells the fat goth girl nonstop how he's going to cut his dick off and how progressive he is. The other kids ignore them, anti bullying campaigns have festered an environment where these faggots dont get their shit slapped in like they need it.


"Eww it's that creepy kid who always talks about the president and calls himself non-binary."

Schizophrenic is redundant

Boring, gay and agendaposty op. An r/politics did a thing post is as bad as a t_d did a thing post. I literally don’t see the drama. R/politics users have been hyperbolic bugmen since the dawn of time, why does this warrant a post?

Because it's drama you sperg. Irrational people are funny, no matter what side of the isle they are on.


We are all political islands

Suck it Rousseau

Butthurt detected.

Maybe you can post more commentless articles as "drama."

you sound like someone who really does use "different opinions" as a dogwhistle

All I hear is a lot of bootyblasted butt whistles that are making a high pitch whine at a super innocuous take.

both sides

Funny how you hated it when Trump said it, probably because you weren't amused at him coopting your own tactics

Yet the only people who can hear "fascist dog-whistles" are people like the ones on this stupid subreddit. You know what that means. Nice conspiracy theories, truly the mark of rationality.

This subreddit needs to be nuked from orbit, it's a festering cesspool of low-IQ pseudo-intellectuals, whose opinions are clearly out of touch with reality.

Snappy quote when

They call anything a dog whistle when they can't refute it but still don't like it. Anything can be used to lump someone in with a unwanted group that way. Wants to lower taxes? Racist dog whistle. Doesn't like Trump but doesn't think he's Hitler incarnate? Facist.

this is a decent comment string

who is calling for an ethno state?

tucker carlson

show me where he said that

literally posts the wiki definition of dog whistle

No wonder we are where we are today

I like how asking for proof has become some sort of form of oppression to these people. It either gets called concern trolling or they just lump you in with racists be ause you don't believe them.

dude, didn't you know ICE agents rape 12 year old immigrant girls then leave them to die in cages? I read about it on vox so it MUST BE TRUE.

I think we should open a betting pool for the midterms. When the dems inevitably fail to accomplish anything again we can place bets on how many r/politics users completely melt down and implode.

They've been reinforced everyday for the last 2 years that there would be a blue wave. This will be a bigger meltdown than when trump wom

I remember when a bunch of retards showed up to protest an ice raid on a house that was literally running a child sex ring.

Stop gaslighting me

Sea-lioning was the their go-to phrase up until recently. It’s fun watching them try out these super spooky sounding phrases (gaslight, dog-whistle) and seeing which ones go mainstream

Stochastic terrorism has been making the rounds as well.

That’s too hard to pronounce.

I wouldn't worry about it as the definition sounds retarded as well.

The use of mass, public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random

I don't think sea lionig ever really took off except in the most fringe segments.

Definition of dog whistle: when I infer something incredibly malicious do to my paranoid mindset but you don't.

Welcome to politics: were every conversation goes from 0 to Hitler eating babies in 1 post.

I'm so glad these sociopaths banned me.

If you are an American, you are a fascist sociopath who masturbates to killing unarmed children just because you can't imagine convincing them to vote for your insane neo-fascist ideology.

Oh no. Its retarded.

I can’t wait to team up with the Russians and make the world truly centrist with the blinding light of 20,000 nuclear explosions

"Dogwhistle" is one of the regressive progressives' favourite phrases, since they can attribute anything and anything they disagree with to ulterior motives which must be acted upon immediately lest Nazism starts spontaneously growing out of the ground

implying burgerstani politics isnt 90% dogwhistling for mayos

It would do good for thees people to read real fascist book. Good old italian fascist theory not some bullshit that Adolf wrote. Maybe they wouldn't be so full of hate and be more open to other people.

The majority of Americans are fascists. That's a provable fact. They are fascists trying to kill as many people as possible before their shitty nation falls apart on itself.

Too obvious troll

Nah, pretty sure it's just me

Further down some degenerate is writing fan fic of a 12 year old getting raped by ICE.

He probably wrote that one-handed.

whats with these constant /r/politics posts they are never that interesting just hyperbolic

You just got to let them circle jerk until they get it all out of their system. Next week it’ll be back to trannys did a thing or chapotards did a thing. I’m not offended that they’re linking politics I just think this particular post is hella boring and lazy as is most meta sub drama.

Its been getting worse i think DDF gets its bussy blasted whenever some news article makes the front page.

It's truly a weird-ass Orwellian timeline when "We must protect free speech for all!" has successfully turned into a rallying cry to stop free speech and build a fascist state.

So close to self awareness, yet so far away.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Anyone who continued to support the GOP or the Trump administration after kids were ripped from their families, and left to die in cages are a lost cause. Even if they "come to their senses" later. If literal genocide wasn't where you drew the line, then I don't give a flying fuck about your politics.

This has 145 upvotes

"Look at all these Russian bots dehumanizing me with NPC memes."


I really dont care what this fucker has to say TBQH

What has to go wrong in someones life for them to post purely in r/politics unironically?