LGBT reasonably discusses orange man dropping the T from existence. Naw, gib monies.

1  2018-10-23 by rationalhuckleberry


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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"Go to an evening class" is such a good insult.

Is /r/LGBT 90% trannies or something? Every time I go there it's mostly trans stuff

The LGBT movement is all about trannies these days. The homosexuals essentially won with gay marriage being legal in the USA, tons of other Western Countries and even in places like Taiwan, so I assume a lot of gays stopped caring and all that’s left are the mentally ill and hyperprogressives.

They aren't gonna stop, if we don't stop the tranny menace we'll be seeing pedophiles next.

Pedophiles, that oppressed minority!

Again? It didn't work in the 70s

Every few decades they keep trying for mainstream acceptance. The thing is, they only need to succeed once...


We can go back

Time to go back on some other things 👌🏻

They keep getting older, but the school kids stay the same age so they keep trying.

This is the exact same argument homosexual activists used towards the idea of gay marriage: "Legalise sodomy, it's not like we're asking to get married"

They should criminalize her marriage next tho

man right wing online kooks have been promising us the great woke pedo acceptance movement is around the corner for a good 15 years now

it would be funny as fuck, but its nowhere to be seen and will not ever happen, and the people who think so are dummies.

I mean, it's ready being normalised. Have you seen shows like Rick & Morty? Season 1 has an episode where a serial paedophile's crimes are overlooked because he was good as a king, so Morty destroys the evidence of his molestation (Dan Harmon is fond of childfucking jokes, too)

Wtf that's not what happens in the episode at all

hahaha this is some fantastic bait

They literally murder the pedophile king you absolute mongoloid

There definitely seems to be a push. Especially with the whole "teach children consent" and thinking kids can choose their gender.

no lol, there does not "definitely seem to be a push"

both you and the other guy have awful examples. R&M is a somewhat edgy comedy show and there is literally 0 traction for accepting sexual relationships between kids and adults among the people who push for things like trans kid acceptance or whatever. That the logical next step is accepting pedos is something only reactionary conspiracies ever think.

There was in fact way more pedo apologia in progressive academic spaces in the past (Derrida accepting it under justification of cultural difference etc) and its gone away even as people have felt more free to be loudly gay all over the place.

again, I would fucking love to read a sincere woke take on why we should let child rapists into the left, sounds hilarious but nope

It's popping up more and more. It's being labeled as a thought crime (non-offender label), and something they can't help.

Various opeds through the years:

The Tedx talk that went around:

The rebranding to MAP (minor attracted persons)

And the "non-offending" pedophile rhetoric:

There's also the article a few years ago where the guy said he was a non-offender and people supposedly found some posts where he said he was touching a girl.

yeah theres always steady trickle of edgy content what about-ing some controversial issue like this. It's a legit thought experiment at least, what to do with non offenders, wether to still ostracize etc. I don't see this as good evidence.

Is any of this related to LGBT kid acceptance or any of that though? That's the claim, that theres a powerful left agenda thats pushing for this as an end goal specifically through the LGBT movement etc and for that there really is 0 evidence.

Early gay rights groups were associated with NAMBLA up until it threatened to fracture the gay rights movement as a whole (lesbians weren't fans of them). Pedophiles was virtually unmentioned until gay rights/marriage became as close to a done deal as it could with Obama.

There's not an official leftist agenda for pedophile acceptance (I never claimed there was) but there wasn't for gays either up until relatively recently. It's still in the early normalization stages, like gay rights was in the 80s. Academics, progressives, those sorts.

Well there you go, you're pointing to historic evidence of pedo aceptance in the left/LGBT movements. Like you said, it threatened to fracture the gay rights movement.

How can it both only be getting into the early stages now, but also was big enough to almost fracture the movement in the 80s? Wouldn't there be some kind of significant fracturing to point to today? There are actual left fractures today too, as you see on this sub. But the pedo shit isn't one of those issues because its incredibly incredibly unpopular on the left. Bruh try searching for debates on age of consent on libertarian vs leftist/LGBT subreddits and forums

I'm not saying that LGBT are going to accept the pedophile movement. I said the pedophiles have tried to join them.

Pedophile acceptance is in the early stages again because it was killed off in the 80s with NAMBLA. It's not an issue for the "the left" (I didn't say it was, yet) but it's starting to be for progressives that fall under that umbrella. I already linked multiple examples of people/organizations trying to separate pedophile from child molester. It's a worthless distinction trying to frame one as simply a thought crime.

The various pedophile groups aren't going to hold allegiance to one party or another, but the left and Democrats have set themselves up as the sexually liberated group so they would try to join that party. Libertarian groups are endlessly self-masturbatory thought experiments so I'm not surprised that it would come up often there since it's a nice test case for people to scream "no government intervention!" at.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying it's going to work. I just don't see how you can see the 10 year old drag queen that was making rounds earlier this year, pedophile acceptance opeds, and the nitpicking of language to then go "nah nothing going on here". This has spiraled into effort posting on r/drama though, so I'll stop.

You really don't see children blatantly being sexualized by mainstream entertainment? It's happening at younger and younger ages. Disney is the most obvious example of this, but we're also seeing pedo bait shit like, child drag queens, and teaching middle schoolers about anal sex.

i think the people who are obsessed with "the sexualization of minors" are usually the ones who are fucking weirdos.

Disney - Um really? I haven't paid much attention to disney. Is this about frozen and jordan peterson's ridiculous problems with it? I remember watching hannah montanah on TV when I was like 13 and finding it weird how all the girls on those shows wore chaste long sleeved tees under their tank tops, which real teenage girls my age ever did. That's more the disney I'm familiar with. Why didn't you at least say Nickelodeon, who actually had a confirmed serial pedo rapist director whod put creepy shit in his shows and social media? - Ok so kids dancing to rap songs about thots I guess? I don't really see this as "sexualization of minors" everyone was on MSN and facebook from before you were supposed to be as well? I think kids just are into stupid social media like this

child drag queens - Eh the examples I've seen of this don't phase me although I suppose drag derives from sex-heavy culture. Its a boy dressed as a girl? So? I don't see the victimization nor normalization of anything unhealthy. Kids didnt get gay, gay shit got sanitized.

Teaching middle schoolers about anal sex - Middle school is ages 12-14 or so right? I for sure as hell didn't need to be "taught about anal sex" then, fucking in the ass was a well established punchline by then.

and save for drag queens, none of this has even a tangiental relation to the LGBT rights movement or leftism or anything. The only thing causing kids to be "sexualized" in any real way is the market trying to sell beauty insecurity and grooming to a younger demographic and kids being keen to be like the older kids.

The fact that you register all this shit as "pedo bait" is pretty hilarious

That degree finally paying off

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And then, I shall fuck him in the ass

Right wing loons are massive pedos themselves. Half the posts in r/whitebeauty used to be jailbaits.

jailbait in the US and pedophile are two pretty distinct venn diagrams tbh. US already infantilizes people.

Idc if the age of consent / drinking / etc is dropped to 16 across the board or whatever. if you're sucking dick between Sunday morning cartoons though shit is obviously fucked up

I'm still waiting for the metal music inspired apocalypse.


It's not accidental.

There's a graph out their that shows the new york times publishing about trans issues by year. Surprisingly, right after gay marriage was legalized, their publishing of trans issues went up something like 10x.

I will try to find the graph and edit. But the point is a lot of America's "cultural issues" are driven by the media.

Like trans people are such a minority it's pretty incredible the sort of coverage they get. Completely not proportional.

Surprisingly, right after gay marriage was legalized, their publishing of trans issues went up something like 10x.

What the fuck is the deal with progressives? As soon as they subvert one tradition they relentlessly move onto the next without even thinking whether it's a good idea or not.

All those gender studies activists need to justify their existence somehow so they keep inventing reasons to be triggerd.

unironically calling tranny activists triggered

its not like conservanaughts act like new labels on bathrooms is the sign on the end times or anything

There's a clue right in the name man.

They want "progress", yes, but what's the point of it in the end? Are they just interested in everything being the exact opposite of when society functions well?

It's a combination of constantly throwing the baby out with the bathwater on the social issues they do have a point in critiquing, and "fuck you dad" tier reflexively contrarian politics.

gays causing society to collapse

oy vey i sure do miss the 50s where everything was better because of less progressives.

I'm not saying the 50s were better. The fact that mentally ill men who voluntarily castrated themselves and slabbed on some lipsticks weren't allowed in the women's bathroom was certainly better though.


the moral panic is real lol, yeah im sure thisbelongs in the womens bathroom and wouldnt result in hilarious amounts of autistic screeching

I don't want them taking up men's toilet space.

Then you get MTF in the mens and if you then let them have a third toilet conservatives reee about that too, literally whatever happens conservatives sperg the fuck out and then call progressives snowflakes while simultaneously having tantrums about fucking toilets.

Well as long as they use the urinals I DGAF about what they think they are. I don't like the third bathroom option not because of any ideological bullshit, but because it's a massive waste of money.

Fragile masculinity. Even the bathroom needs to be a fucking safe space.

It belongs in therapy or a mental institution, not on life changing medication because of "tolerant" progressives. Despite, hormonally challenged soyboys and trannies already have their own designated shitting city. It's called Portland.

we should pay for expensive healthcare instead of letting them into bathrooms

fuck off to Venezuela commie

>we should encourage the insanity of lunatics so that we don't hurt their feelings

First, it's not like your tranny meds and castrations are free either. Second, extensive healthcare for citizens is a sign of civilization.

we should encourage the insanity of lunatics so that we don't hurt their feelings

TIL "Letting people go to the bathroom" is a strong encouragement that explains all those uppity blacks.

It's not about letting people go to the bathroom. It's about letting the government pay for the castration of mentally ill people, pump them up with exogenous hormones and then letting these freaks loose in society while forcing everyone to treat them like they're normal people of the opposite sex.

It's not about letting people go to the bathroom.

yes it is you just changed the subject because all you could do was sperg out no matter who went to the bathroom and where

It's about letting the government pay for the castration of mentally ill people, pump them up with exogenous hormones and then letting these freaks loose in society while forcing everyone to treat them like they're normal people of the opposite sex.


yes it is you just changed the subject because all you could do was sperg out no matter who went to the bathroom and where

My first position was that trannies should be able to force themselves into the bathrooms of the opposite sex. I'm fine with biological men going to the men's room and biological women going to the women's room. I don't think trannies should shit outside, just that their delusion shouldn't be encouraged by society so that progressives can feel good about themselves.


I don't think they should be "outlawed", whatever that means. I think they should be treated in therapy for gender dysphoria and learn to accept who they are rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion that invasive surgery and exogenous hormones are needed. You'd probably see the suicide rates go down if someone tried to fix their mental state rather than shoving pills and scalpels in their face right away, saying that they're gorgeous and brave for wanting to chop their dick off.

dude conversion therapy lmao

My first position was that trannies should not be able to force themselves into the bathrooms of the opposite sex.

"forcing themselves" oh yes i remember the great tranny storming of bathrooms fucking lmao

I'm fine with biological men going to the men's room and biological women going to the women's room.

implying that you wouldnt freak out over the post transition trannies that are indistinguishable to most and your idea would let anyone go into a bathroom and simply claim "im post transition"

when conservatards are so obsessed with who goes to the toilet and where they would likely implement TSA for toilets.

saying that they're gorgeous and brave for wanting to chop their dick off.

"REEEE WHY DONT PEOPLE CALL ME BRAVE AND STUNNING," its because your a pathetic mayo with TDS - Tranny derangement syndrome.

"forcing themselves"

Demanding access to. If you prefer that wording.

implying that you wouldnt freak out over the post transition trannies

I'm not implying that at all. I said outright that I think those afflicted with gender dysphoria should be treated with therapy, not castration and hormones. Post-castration trannies are definitely not indistinguishable from normal people. They look like

and the root of the whole cause beyond being a obvious closet tranny

I don't get how you reached that conclusion. Because I don't want trannies to be castrated and fed hormones that must mean I secretly want it to happen to me? You'd have to explain your line of thought here.


Just because you and your soyboy idpol liberal friends believe that all politics must be formulated from your highly subjective feelings on an issue doesn't mean it works that way for normal people. Also, easy with the meme lingo buddy, it makes it pretty hard to follow your comments.

I'm not implying that at all. I said outright that I think those afflicted with gender dysphoria should be treated with therapy, not castration and hormones. Post-castration trannies are definitely not indistinguishable from normal people. They look like

"im an expert at detecting trannies from normals i look at them all day to hone my craft i would volunteer for tranny inspection duty."

Just because you and your soyboy idpol liberal friends believe that all politics must be formulated from your highly subjective feelings on an issue doesn't mean it works that way for normal people.

He says as he spergs out incoherently about the plight of mayo penises everywhere and (((HORMONES)))

detecting trannies

It's not exactly hard to spot. Do they look exactly like men? If yes then they are probably trannies.

the plight of mayo penises everywhere

I haven't even mentioned mayos or race. What are you on about lad?

you act like they gonna hold you down and cut off your dick

No, I'm worried that people like you are allowed to do that to the mentally ill in order to get some kind of virtue kick out of it. Those people then have to live with the repercussions their whole life and a lot of them end up killing themselves. I'm saying therapy is probably a better alternative.

yes behold the "super obvious" men in wigs

No, I'm worried that people like you are allowed to do that to the mentally ill in order to get some kind of virtue kick out of it. Those people then have to live with the repercussions their whole life and a lot of them end up killing themselves. I'm saying therapy is probably a better alternative.

i fucking knew it you referenced bullshit "transition makes them kill themselves study" that explicitly stated in its findings the methods it used disqualified it from reaching such a conclusion, literally every other study says the opposite.

That's tranny models in photoshop. This is how they look like in reality 2 3. And that's still considered some of the least freakish ones with enough money to spend on plastic surgery. Most trannies look like this

Also, did you seriously google "beautiful trans women" for this? I wonder if it's you or me that's in the closet. lol

"transition makes them kill themselves study"

I haven't read any study. I'm using common sense. If you feed into the delusions of mentally unstable people and promise them everything will sort itself out if they simply surgically alter themselves things will eventually come crashing down when they realize everything isn't fine. Everything is just like before except that now they've done irreversible damage to their bodies.

I'm using common sense.

of course common sense says you can "convert' people with gender dysphoria , they are working on the tech right after they cure being gay.


lol ok did you just google or do you have a hardrive of trans pics? if so then you are no better.

Also the second link isnt photoshop and you have no evidence in either case for photoshop apart from autistic screeching, it doesnt matter if most trans people look ugly your idea that "you can easily tell" is hilariously wrong in many cases, what do you actually expect to happen, people ask to see each others junk for inspection?

of course common sense says you can "convert' people with gender dysphoria

Common sense says that you should get people to accept their bodies. Common sense does not say that you should "convert" people into the opposite sex and then force everyone to pretend like they actually belong to that sex.

they cure being gay

Gay people just fuck same sex people and that's the end of it. If a gay man forces me to accept his worldview, wants to amputate certain body parts, wants to eat life changing meds, wants me to call him gay pronouns, crying when he's not invited to a straight strip club and whatever I'd have a problem with that too. If he fucks someone at home and then acts like a normal person I don't care.

Trannies and their "allies" (more like enemies) demand society and tax money to accommodate their sick needs. That's what I have a problem with.

lol ok did you just google or do you have a hardrive of trans pics? if so then you are no better.

I googled the names of the people in your link.

you are pretty much advocating for a shitty southpark gag of toilet TSA

No, I'm asking for mentally ill people to get proper treatment instead of a suggestion over which body parts they should unnecessarily amputate.

pretending FTM doesnt exist

I never said anything along that line.

you realize not every trannie gets their dick chopped off, why are you so fixated on trannie dicks its fucking weird.

Common sense says that you should get people to accept their bodies. Common sense does not say that you should "convert" people into the opposite sex and then force everyone to pretend like they actually belong to that sex.

yeah except you cant magically therapy away gender dysphoria just like they couldnt magically therapy away being gay.

I don't think we'll get much further from here.

i hope one day you cure your obsession with tranny dick, TDS affects millions you are not alone.

Have you considered letting others live their own damn lives, and ceasing to be the morality police? Why are you such a busybody obsessed with the lives of trannies?

It belongs in therapy or a mental institution

Okay, but which bathroom?

Pre women’s suffrage is better

Like said above it's driven by the media and I'll add social science Marxists. After the American public fully digests transgenderism it think that there next move is "Pedo-sexuals" It's already staring a bit.


It’s obviously about profit, not progress. Gotta get that click, gotta get that promotion, gotta get that writing gig - better find a cause and fight for it, quickly, before anyone else does.

Go read Industrial Society and its Future. Uncle Ted explains leftists very well.

I've read it actually and yes it's very good. At least when it comes to American leftism. I think it's a cushy way for them to feel as if they're going through the power process also.

It’s almost as if they keep Inventing new ways to be annoying

BBC World Service is literally government funded propaganda operated as part of the Foreign Secretary's Office (afterall, they don't broadcast in Farsi and Russian because they care).

they don't broadcast in Farsi and Russian because they care

The BBC broadcast in Pygmy, why wouldn't they broadcast in these more widespread (and less ridiculous) languages?

They even write in pidgen!

There was no slipery slope until we made it.

Great asshole, now I have to respond in a sensible way to a comment in this sub.

I try to explain this concept to people over and over again. Extremism on both sides is completely driving the political debate in this country due to the media. Put a nut on TV, cause at the end of the day it's entertaining, or showcase him in an op-ed piece. Sperg rage and ad revenue clicks result from sides that hate and support him. The Opposition views this political nut as a honest representation of the other side of the isle. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Who is in the white house is most of the deciding factor of what type of nut that is showcased. Reps = Lefty nuts, Dems in the Whitehouse = More Ted Nugent. If the Dems ever come back we will all see Milo again.

What are you even talking about?

Are you trying to say the media is only focusing on trannys because Trump is in the white house? If so that is obviously not true, as my source above shows the media started blasting us with tranny stuff in 2014, well before Trump even announced he was running and when everyone thought Hillary was going to win easy.

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. They don't invent issues as much as pour kerosene on them. Think about it at what level was sexism, immigration, racism discussed during the Obama years? Not saying it wasn't talked about, just not nearly as insane. And when one runs it course they move on to a new one that will whip the public into a tizzy. Just look at all the clickbaity headlines from the lefty publications like WaPo. It's designed to inflame. Getting people mad is a cashcow for them.


When #metoo came around, it was time to post every lefty feminist rant as an op-ed piece. When the dems are in power, you will tend to see more nutty conservatives, not so much in print, but defiantly on CNN. It's good business to keep the left and the right at each other's throats.

the mentally ill and hyperprogressives.


you're acting like gays arent mentally ill as well.

There are way more feminised men thinking they are women than actual gay people on Reddit

Tranny women make up about 78% of the trannys. So it is mostly feminised men

Correction: everyone on reddit is trans except you.

Everyone fucking hates trannies so most of the LGB people go somewhere else or aren't enough of a faggot to bother going to a sexuality sub to begin with.

Yeah. They took over a reasonable movement based on sexual orientation and now want everyone to cater to their delusions.

Yeah the "LGBT" movement has been almost entirely co-opted by narcy trannies. All the sane LGBs avoid it these days.

Yes. Reddit is, unironically, overrun with trannies.

Nobody even vaguely normal likes being around trannies, that includes gay people, so anywhere that trannies congregate becomes nothing but trannies in short order.

Well the L’s the G’s the B’s got pretty much what they want. They can stick their genitalia wherever they want and marry whoever they want so they pretty much won and really it’s on the T’s that aren’t doin’ is that well. So the Gussy’s good, the Bussy is good, but that damned Tussy causing problems again.

Is /r/LGBT 90% trannies or something?

Accurate. Also, 90% of them are communists for some weird reason.

Spending too much time on reddit, meme politics, and being trans are all positively correlated with being autistic. People really shouldn't be surprised this place is filled with trannies.

The proletariat will for sure spend thousands to pay for my sex reassignment surgery instead of just executing me

Traaaaaans is basically just chapo memes at this point.

What is it with trannies and begging for money?

it's just the tumblr types in general. a lot of them say they're physically or mentally disabled and spam paypal/patreon links.

i don't get it either

Digital panhandling.

It works!

If you could make a living writing garbage on tumblr and doing nothing productive with your life, would you?

I'd probably neck myself.

Most transgenders (or a disproportionately higher percent compared to regular people) are lazy, selfish, neurotic individuals. These people collapsed under the social pressures of being a man (one of which includes being expected to earn a wage), and so they chose to be a woman instead. Much easier for a woman-- even a transgender one-- with no self-respect to live through begging/whoring than a man with the exact same personality.

These queer poc folk deserve to be compensated for the labor of tweeting out their wokeness.

The severely mentally ill and unexceptional typically don't produce much of monetary value.

Woman-like brain

reminder that gender comes from a pedophile scientist who chopped of the genitalia of a boy to raise him as a girl to prove that sex is fluid, only for the boy to kill himself in adulthood.

not before he went back to living as his birth sex. his twin brother also killed himself after that

The so called “scientific consensus” on gender being purely a social construct is based off Feminist Theory, in other words there’s nothing scientific about it.

Don't forget he had them simulating sexual acts.




Honestly, this wasn't the appropriate time Mr. Zozbot

Link my nigga

Correct me if im wrong, but the T means trans. So that person is or has transitioned to the opposite sex. So why would they need a third gender?

Also Bi means two. So by adding trannies to lgbt, they are insulting their beliefs.

To be more special, obvs.

gib monies

It's really sad but that's what a lot of these arguments essentially boils down to.

Give me money. I will reward you thusly: I will continue to shit up family gatherings with horrible dye jobs and endless screeching about myself


If they actually manage to change it that would mean that workplaces could have rules that discriminate against trans people because they wouldn’t exist to them.

This seems mostly like scare mongering to me, since discrimination based on sex is actually illegal.

So, either these people are retarded (not a huge stretch, this is reddit after all) or there is some aspect of being a tranny right now that they're afraid of being lost? Like maybe using toilets or something designated for the sex they are claiming.

What's being rolled back specifically is an extension reading of Title IX (You can't discriminate based on sex) that was expanded to (You can't discriminate based on sex, also that means gender expression, not just sex).

It's a really flimsy extension that was made to get political points and it was a matter of time before someone realized you actually have to amend the title if you wanted to do this, not just amend it by executive reading. It's like DACA all over again.

This seems mostly like scare mongering to me, since discrimination based on sex is actually illegal.

They'll probably say something about at will contracts, ignoring how those allow discrimination of all kinds equally as long as you don't brag about it too loudly

Oh for fuck’s sake. Science isn’t black and white, okay? Biology is full of variables and variations. Why is it a surprise to you hat your high school bio isn’t the most advanced science there is? I’m sick and fucking tired of explaining and justifying my existence to people who think they know all there is to know. It doesn’t fucking matter what you leaned in biology and you can google the information like every other asshole who comes here to tell people that “well actually you don’t exist” despite the fact that actual biologists don’t fucking agree. Why does it even matter to you? Why is our existence so fucking threatening that you have to come here to be an asshole about it? Just fuck off.

Snappy. SNAPPY!

/u/LightUmbra you know I love you bby


"Republicans are anti-science!"

despite the fact that actual biologists don’t fucking agree

Horseshoe theory confirmed, a handful of scientists agreeing with you means the science isn't settled.

Climate change deniers are the real heroes.

Then disabled people, and I continued screaming into the void. Now it's trans and non-binary folks (again!), and I'm still fucking screaming.

No need to repeat yourself