/r/menslib talks about weight lifting

1  2018-10-23 by YameteOtosanItai


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Nothing causes as much simultaneous joy and anger in me as reading menslib posts.

Hey, I do x and it makes me feel more confident as a man. What does menslib think?

Hmm, probably toxic.

well it is toxic. but that's a good thing, it keeps out the male feminists and the soyboys.

Do you remember the fat German kid Üter Zörke from the simpsons? I imagine you are the grown up version of that character.

i'm curious why you would imagine him as grown up

The character wasn't a weeb yet, nor a pedoephebhebophile

makes me feel more confident as a man

Also known as toxic, abusive behavior 😤😤😤

Menslib is too obsessed about not being problematic to actually help their userbase.

Holy fuck. It’s a goddamn hugbox full of whiny bitches.

the butch dykes at gc have more test than /r/bodybuilding

Most people on r/bb are actual homosexuals

Wouldn’t surprise me. I like fitness and subscribed there for a few weeks. And unsubscribed when I realized it was less about getting bulked and shredded, more about worshipping bulked and shreddded dudes.

The sub makes it very clear in sticky’s and the sidebar that it is not a sub about fitness advice but is a place to talk about the sport of bodybuilding. Same thing goes for subs like /r/soccer , do you go there to learn how to kick a ball better or to just watch highlights?



So that’s why I like to watch the sport of Victoria’s Secret fashion modeling

Its got to be like 95% third wave feminists on that sub

More like 95% lebgeards, like a reversal of /r/girlgamers.

Idk about girl gamers being all male, tbh. The stuff they post is basically what I imagine their actual demographic is interested in, which half the time is stupid as hell. And at the same time there are some good takes.

One example is that they actually acknowledge the “alpha female” thing in online circles, which I know no other feminist sub would do.

Yep, all larpers


Imagine trying to set a PR while worrying about "toxic masculinity" instead of huffing some nose tork and blaring death metal

Imagine lifting while natty 😂😂😂

Sometimes I wonder too tbh

I have an IV drip feeding my veins with tren suspension 24/7. It's literally impossible for me to not make humping motions anymore

It's literally impossible for me to not make humping motions anymore

What's it like being 13 again?

Wait what do you mean again 🤔

I feel more manly after reading all that but slightly emotional 😭

If you’re not happy with the way you look and you don’t feel attractive to women you shouldn’t lift weights. Instead you should, uh... I dunno but don’t lift weights.

buy a bunch of cocaine

trying to get approval for anything from online communities lol