Popular female twitch streamer goes without makeup, everyone is conflicted.

1  2018-10-23 by happyhappyhuh


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Hapas were a mistake


1 of many reason 2 never trust a foid especially 1 who looks like she has some mayo blood 😷😷

Look at all those orbiters in the comments trying to make OP think that all her money and fame is totally due to her insane talent and "twitch chat" and not due to being a good looking hapa that lost her way, accidentally ended up in the nerd spheres, and gets worshipped as a result.


She's Moroccan.

hapas are a mistake

ur attitude is a mistake tbh 😒



Gross. Please be joking.

she isnt asian at all

She's Moroccan.

I heard she was a hapa

i dont care about gussy especially camwhore gussy

She’s gorgeous with makeup on and really sweet and innocent looking without. A large proportion on this sub would be a-ok 👌 waking up to her.

She looks like a child. A good thirst trap for the large glut of tweenagers with mommies credit card in hand that peruse twitch or pedophiles such as yourself.

Lol @ u

I only like men, slightly rough looking, darker skin, deep brown eyes 👀 and dark hair is the number one preference tbh.

sick alt, fag

Thanks, I’m really proud of her too.

you should stop using faggy phrases like "lol @ u" that only a select handful of discordtards here use. gives it away too easily

Ok Sherlock 🕵️‍♂️ Slow 👏🏻 Just 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 U

Now, call it in to the fuzz.

lol @ u

She doesn't look young at all, you old person larp.

she actually looks older than her actual age, that being 22 ... it's a white women thing I guess.


She isn't white though.

White enough.

I'm afraid the mayoesses plague can only be cured by a strict adherence to the one drop rule.

She actually looks more mayo without the makeup.



Moroccan are white. everyone this is the proof

Come on, we're centrist enough here to admit she's pretty fucking ugly.

She’s not stunning without makeup but I wouldn’t say ugly tbh. Somewhere in the middle.

how is she ugly? she's a bit plain, but lots of women are without makeup. I don't mind plain too much personally.

She’s not just plain, she looks like a 30 year old with bulimia and bags under her eyes from years of overwork at the ripe age of her early 20s. If this was a man the consensus would be that he was pretty fucking goblin looking but women are always rated higher due to the amount of desperate men who would stick their dick in a literal hole in the ground if it called them bae let alone a human being.



Giving women internet access was a mistake

Those who say she’s ugly are neckbeard with unreasonable standards. Those who say she’s hot are thirsty whiteknight beta orbiters.

Truly a radical centrist thing to say that she looks okay-ish.

Eh, I'd hit it.

That is what you say.


The question wasn't would you do her, the question was is she hot.

A radical centrist does not worry about if they are hot, only if they would tap dat ass.

The question that's important to answer isn't necessarily the question that was asked.

I wouldn't say she's hot, but she's cute.


She's homely

It looks like she has bulimia cheeks, but if she's in her 30's then she looks much better than most women without makeup. Her eyes are adorable.

Yeah I'd wife her still


She 22.

Bulimia claims another victim


That's a big oof.

she looks like shit, foid.

Do you currently see a therapist or psychiatrist?

nope. want to volunteer? 😏😘

I'm being serious.

if you're a qt i'll let you psychoanalyze me



It's very considerate of you to wear your sexual dysfunction like a badge.

my 6 incher is quite functional and much paid has been laid, fellow dramat*rd


bulimia cheeks

wtf, 99% you see those chipmunk kinda cheeks on someone, it's not bulimia, it's just what they look like.

She's ugly as fuck. Why do women always compliment other women?

Perfect term. Wouldn't hit on her directly unless I was semi-drunk and on my second rejection.

This but unironically. She's a solid 6, maybe a 7 in better lighting

man if this is a 6 in your world...

6 isn’t great. It’s average, kinda weak. Not attractive

let's just say i struggle with subjectivity but imho she looks nowhere near a 6 without makeup and is significantly below what an average non-overweight 22 year old female looks like

6 is literally above average lol

unless your scale goes up to 12 or higher

7 is average, it’s like a C. 3 star products on Amazon aren’t average and 50% on a test isn’t average

No. No fucking way do we do this. We're not gonna make it like video game reviews where if you get less than 85% you shoot yourself.

That’s how every single scale out of 10 works. No one ever calls average, normal people or things 5/10

7 is average

wow so your scale goes up to 14?

or are you just retarded?

Average isn't median you fuckinf retard

If you dont have a set of data you can't have an average of anything.

op said "a 6" which doesn't tell you anything if you don't know of what the 6 is, 6 of 10, 6 of 100. I assumed it is 6/10 because that is usually what people go by.

from a set of numbers 1-10 or 0-10 5 or 5.5 is average. conclusion 6 is above average.

there you go.

yes, we know. Unless you are autistic as fuck.

It's an absolute scale (absolute relative to your own preferences but still), not relative to how good looking other people are.

If a girl is stunning, she would be 9+ regardless of the average. If there are 1000 cuties and no one else, they would still be considered cute.

Since there's no dataset you can't just extrapolate an average, so the scale is absolute by default.

why have a scale then to begin with?

x/10 is bullshit anyways

it really is, not only because not everyone has the same preferences but attaching number ratings to it is just meaningless. Since they don't actually refer to anything they'd just be code for "cute", "super hot", "ugly", etc. which you could just say instead and it would be more descriptive. Then again there isn't even an agreed upon code what a "7" for instance even is supposed to mean.

How are you guys arguing about this??

slow day at work

studying all night on adhd meds makes me ramble and become spergy af. Sorry about that brodie ♥️

lol dont care I just wanna kill time on reddit. I love stuff like this

She looks like she fought professionaly for years.

This is almost always the case.

without makeup and lighting I'd say shes about a 6

what does that make me

A radical centrist.

It also seems a lot of women are really mad over it.

I really was not expecting her to look like that. Still attractive but holy shit what a difference makeup makes. Honestly the titty streamers have made it so foids can't win on Twitch. Pokimane actually plays games, tries to be good at them and actively avoids sexualizing herself or letting guys think they have a chance with her, and she still gets criticized for being attractive.

Inb4 whiteknight.

actively avoids sexualizing herself


Yes, right, unless you have examples to the contrary

The only one that even comes to sexual is the last one, and that's stretching it. There is a huge huge difference between showing off your looks and sexualizing yourself for personal gain. Even if you had a point and any of this was sexual (it's not and you're retarded), compare to any other popular female streamer like Stpeach or Pink Sparkles and it's a completely different ball game.

Neck urself retard

Calm the fuck down beta male, ur probably mad she beat you in your diamond 5 promos and cry salty tears about it whenever someone brings her up

shes not going to date you just because you whiteknight'd her on reddit. you need $$CASHMONEY$$

Cool it there, Sheikh Ghdust2. It's not haram to let men occasionally catch a glimpse of your hair in most of the world.


Gussy is truely revolting

https://youtu.be/oVfstG-3mZY?t=770 she obviously knows
https://imgur.com/a/FsPv8xP photoshops to look curvier
https://imgur.com/a/Vp6WqC5 always knew about the mirror but nooo she doesnt want to be knows as thicc guys (she literally placed a mirror there for that purpose, it wasnt there before she tried to act uwu innocent)


Am I missing something. How are these sexualized? Are you that much of an incel, jesus christ.

The photoshop one is a pretty solid example actually. All the others aren't proof.

you think bending over so people see your ass is not sexualizing herself? wow

Women existing. REEEEEE

Yeah because claiming not to show your body when you do, not to mention you Photoshop to look curvier end sexier is totally not sexualizing oneself. Not to mention bending over on stream to show your ass "accidentally", definitely just being a woman lol

REEEEE burkas for all women!

How do you get burkas from pointing out that showing off your ass on stream is sexualizing herself lol

If seeing the shape of a woman’s but sets you off. The only solution is a burka.

I don't care about the ass but saying her showing it off is not sexualizing herself is just wrong

She's a Twitch streamer.

unless you have examples to the contrary

she breathes

actively avoids sexualizing herself

HAHAHAHHhahahahahHAHhahahHAHhahahahaaaa imagine actually believing this hahahahHAHhahahahahh lmao

I really was not expecting her to look like that. Still attractive but holy shit what a difference makeup makes.

Webcam and the lightning doesn’t help here. It’s mostly the picture quality etc. that makes the biggest impact here. Guarantee it’s not as jarring a difference irl.

Make up doesn’t change your jaw structure - picture angles and lighting does effect this quite a bit tho (and contouring of course).

A fairer comparison would be make up shot in front of webcam with the same lightning

Still attractive

lol no and those puffy cheeks? give it 3-5 years before the wall hits fucking hard

You can't have ever had a girlfriend if you don't know what women look like without makeup.

I have, I'm just not used to seeing them like 5 fucking skin tones lighter

The other morning my girlfriend woke up early and turned on the lights. I nearly vomited, and I had to firmly remind her that she is not under any circumstances to present herself to me in that condition.

she is not under any circumstances to present herself to me in that condition.

As gussy? She better be trap

This why we have burkas.

إن شاء الله‎


She looks kinda sickly to be honest.

So do you ❤️

If you are dry heaving at the no makeup pic, then you probably have never seen many women without it. There's a reason that shit is a trillion dollar industry. She's probably in the top 5th percentile for attractiveness; most women just kind of look like goblins when they don't have their face on.

She's probably in the top 5th percentile for attractiveness

calm down

I don't think you realize how fucking ugly the average person is.

the average person has eyelashes and isn't mushed. 6/10, take it or leave it.

but maybe you're comparing her to grandmas instead of other 22 year old chicks and maybe you don't know she's still sneaking some concealer in, who knows, that could stretch it

she looks completely average. not really ugly or pretty.

no but seriously, I've seen plenty of these "no makeup" shots of random net celebs and real celebs and whoever and the before and after for this chick is pretty striking. She looks almost completely different. Looks like she's middle aged.

It's her jowls. I'm pretty sure lighting is a big factor here. In the "natural" pic, it's bright, raking light coming in from the window. In the "make-up" pic, she probably has light boxes set up creating soft, diffused light. Have you ever had professional portraits taken? When I've gotten them, I look pretty attractive. When I just get in some random group shot with a phone outside, I look like a fucking cro-magnon.

One bite, everyone knows the rules, 6.7/10 frankie

then you probably have never seen many women without it.

This is such a stupid fucking thing that continuously gets parroted. It's wrong. Most girls don't look radically different without makeup.

She doesn't look radically different either. It looks like it's mostly just mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow filler or whatever. Eyes are kind of the major thing you look at with people. Her complexion looks fine, and that's the biggest problem most women have. They wear makeup to cover up some minor skin imperfections, which then fucks up their skin worse causing them to need to slather on more makeup to hide it. Maybe it's the natural lighting, and not the nice light box setup she has, combined with the lack of foundation to reduce shine, but it makes her jowls more noticeable, but that's really about it.

no she looks radically fucking different. she goes from an 8 to a 5. like i wouldn't smash her without makeup. she looks like shit.

We're all very impressed by your discerning tastes.

i'm not trying to brag i'm trying to express how shit she looks without makeup

She doesn't look radically different either.


LOL at looking like goblins.

Weird how men look exactly the same. Closest thing to makeup for us is growing facial hair.

Imagine if a man looked like a chiseled faced Chad during the day and banged a chick overnight. She sees him the next mourning and he has a weak chin, round cheeks, and asymmetrical features. Wouldn’t she feel deceived?

meh my girl is 5x hotter with no makeup. maybe that's why she's a keeper.

user reports:
1: who the fuck cares

Don't talk about his imaginary girlfriend like that! She's a nice girl.

no mods no masters, begone fash

She's probably in the top 5th percentile for attractiveness

Are you cosplaying as a con attendee or are you restricting your sampling to literal subhumans?

funny thing is in the right picture it is a 90% certainty she is still wearing some sort of evening primer/foundation. Even no makeup picture are rarely without that.

yet more proof being gay is best.

If men are consistently cute without makeup, and that's what the average woman looks like without makeup... imagine what men would look like if we did doll ourselves up more. We'd legit be a 10/10 master race sex!

But gay men use makeup...that's why they're gay.

Jesus can you stop worshipping fucking women. 5'th percentile XD XD


Guess I'm one in a billion then lookswise.

Guess I'm one in a billion then lookswise.

Sure is a lot of big fucking talk around here. But since we're on the internet, I'd still probably not fuck your gross ass with my 9" dick. Not even if I was drunk on Macallan 65 year at my villa.

Well what can I say? My mother the most beautiful woman alive when she was young and my dad 6'5 most broad shouldered guy I've ever seen and handsome as fuck.

The misogyny is real

man then i will probably look like zeus with makeup on. If she's top 5%.

that's not even a huge leap in those pics, what kind of basement dweller doesn't know what makeup does? there's no wizardry here, just thick special-event makeup.

Pretty sure they cherry-picked that image too, she looks a lot better in other frames ( https://imgur.com/a/x6zdBMz ) or in video https://twitter.com/TristanGHill/status/1054832684764200960

She has piggish features. I'm pretty sure the hentai I read earlier today featured her dad fucking the shit out of an idol.


Surely that’s not just makeup.

if anyone who watched twitch got pics from women then saw them in real life theyd realize why people need makeup in pictures

What exactly is twitch? Is it a titty streamer website?

Twitch is a streaming website, mostly for gamers or other technology based stuff. Mostly gamers though, but theres some art twitch livestreams or they'll broadcast live competitions with robots or stuff

But its games. And porn too I guess depending on who you watchz

She’s very cute

this but unironically

Looks like pam

Lmao those tilted eyes

anyone who makes their entire career off of their appearance alone should not be immune to criticism about their appearance. it's not 'shaming' it's the double edged sword of deliberately making yourself an object for money

The difference in the quality between those two images is worse.

She looks like a crackhead version of the Nostalgic Chick.

Meh, she looks average.


How this bitch got a fat face but weigh like 90 lbs

She cute

wow that is like night and day. her make up game is strong.

Imagine meeting her somewhere, thinking "damn she fine" and then the next morning you wake up next to her mom


All these fuckin white knights have come crawling out of the shadows like incel vampires to defend m'lady

She actually looks cute without make-up. Good for her.

I still hope she fucking dies because she resembles everything wrong with Twitch.

When you consider most pornstars look like disgusting abominations without makeup on, this isn't that drastic a difference.

Poor girl, I can't imagine how this is affecting her

I'm sure everyone criticising her appearance is definitely not single and definitely attractive