Snowflakes get triggered when a video review of a vidja jame only virgin NEETs care about because the creator is an edgelord

1  2018-10-24 by STEMCel69420


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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You're trying way too hard with this title and using an alt account. The implication is that the title is ironic.

This is my main account, triggersaurus

wow soooo kewl to find that one cool spic who white guys can find to upvote in situations like this whos totes kewl with you being racist to him! Good spic! Here's a pat on the head!


But in all seriousness all humans no matter their skin color or country of origin are all equally inferior to the dinosaurs 🦖

Nice, I've been looking for a proper review of Arcanum for ages. Thanks Sseth.

Hey im not a neet.