r/ChapotrapHouse: "If you point out that overpopulation is an environmental problem, you're a fascist".

1  2018-10-24 by GodOfUnderworld


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Ignore this sourpuss, my cthonian friend. You do you.q


stop kink shaming, asshole

chapo is right tho. overpopulation is a stupid myth that wanna be pretentious "intellectuals" like to talk about while always assuming that they should stay alive obviously because they are so much smarter than everybody else.

If you believe that overpopulation is a problem, do your part and kill yourself. One person doesn't sound like a lot but think about all of your future descendants that won't pollute our planete!

chapo is right tho

stopped reading there

wingcuck detected

chapo is right tho


mdefugee detected 😠

Don't deflect, baby, you're not any better.

he automically discredit the opinion of a group he doesn't agree with

Ok wingcuck, don't try to LARP as a centrist. As an OG radcentrist you guys are a disgrace tbh



the only centrist comment in this thread 😁


chapo is right tho. overpopulation is a stupid myth that wanna be pretentious "intellectuals" like to talk about while always assuming that they should obviously stay alive because they are so much smarter than everybody else.

This but one hundred percent unironically. Anyone that care about overpopulation deserve the bullet.

population gay tho tbqh

while always assuming that they should obviously stay alive

Overpopulation is solved by having less kids, dipshit.

depends on who you ask. even then, having less kids to solve a problem that doesn't exist is retarded. I wish their parents believed in it and didn't conceive them though

Wait, which problem doesn't exist, here? Climate change or overpopulation?

overpopulation of course

overpopulation might not be real but ill cosign anything that points in the direction of voluntary human extinction. zero πŸ‘ child πŸ‘ policy πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘ yesterday


havent knocked a femoid up yet so im tryin

the west deserves to survive more than the third world because its better and has more useful and valuable people

the mdefugee is right

how long would it take for africa to reach our level if the rest of the world was wiped to pre human contact

probably a long fucking time

too many chapo entryists downvoting rn

chapo entryists

wow i didnt know there were different tiers to that lunacy

Is it like Scientology, with everyone paying in increasingly large fees as you become further left ?

Ironically that's how leftist philosophy works as well

Not even a joke, they make over $1.2million from Patreon alone - https://www.patreon.com/chapotraphouse

By Christ, I guess they can buy a lovely trap house or whatever it is they want.

working class amirite

unemployable beardos getting free donations for being as faggy as possible

It's all irony bro......ironically telling the victims of Communism their parents deserved to be murdered, you know. Why you taking it so serious bro? We giving them that money as a statement bro. Praxis.

Why do you hate free speech and the free market?

They really seem to think that proximity to money makes people evil. I wonder how this will play out. We need to start guilting and pressuring them to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. Until then they're literally no different than those they rag on.

I absolute LOVE the image they have on their sidebar. Is that supposed to be like them getting ready to bash the fash or something?

cant even be mad, if I found a way to con idiots out of that much money I would take it to the grave

It never occurred to you that tens of thousands of politically engaged, overeducated, underemployed young men might be prime recruiting material for a variety of organizations across the ideological spectrum?


he wants to mobilise the wagecucks


Do you sell t-shirts?

theyre not politically engaged or overeducated lol theyre just bored neets

compromise: stop overpopulation by culling white people

But white people and the Japanese are already culling themselves.

Now add Chines and Indians and we are talking.

Actually both of them are very close to replenishing rate. It's africa that's having a population boom

I don't think theres a single country where fertility rate is rising substantially.

There are quite a few where infant mortality is dropping substantially, though

It's not outpacing drop in fertility.

Look pal I'm not gonna serious post but you're wrong

That's unfortunate.

Even African fertility has been greatly reduced from what it once was. It's a lot of Muslim countries tbh.

If you look at maps of the situation today, there are still quite lot of muslim countries that have high fertility but it's still split pretty strongly with subsaharan Africa. Some muslim countries have also had pretty substantial drops in fertility rates (like Iran).

its self limiting because of food

And we are making sure that they don't have their own sources of food also growing exponentially by recruiting local population to farm more land, by keeping them on food aid that makes local farming unprofitable.

See, say whatever you want about Soros and friends, but they are pretty good at what they do. One of the few times I upvoted your comment my topsy turvy friend!

they were also propped up pretty heavily by all the bleeding heart "save africa" stuff of the last few decades

and they just ate all the aid and made more africans

Working well for Africa

Lot of talk but no substance. Be silent now.

tbqfh, that whole sub

Genghis Khan was the Lorax

Horny Lorax

Absolutely agreed. "We need to constantly breed or our economy will collapse" is capitalist propaganda that stupid western "commies" lapped up because they're just a bunch of fucking rich kids playing internet games.

Imagine being this close to self awareness. Almost as sweet as this year's sugar rations.

"We need to constantly breed or our economy will collapse" is a stupid thing that we drill into everyones heads though.

No. β€œWe need to constantly breed or who will pay for gibs? Oh yeah third world immigrants.” Is a stupid thing we drill into everyones heads.

Not enough young people creates the sort of demographic skew that does make state pensions more burdensome, but yeah collapse is hyperbole.

Are we going to collapse because of too many incels or not enough incels, make up your minds people!

When my cousin had a baby with her new husband, they only did it to grow the economy...not because they are people with emotions and feelings and wanted a kid. They only cared about the American capitalist society

on the other hand though japan

why the fuck is it always japan, so many countries have a lower birth rate and if youre a mdefugee the western world has a lower white birth rate

i dunno its just cultural over there and pretty much ubiquitous

whereas other countries seem to spike

also theyre more resistant toward interference from outsiders so its easier to see

automation will likely solve it anyways

this retarded keep growing mindset is whats causing so many problems in the world

yeah sorry i dont think infinite growth is desirable either, tbh we have too many people in the western world as is

and well need less and less as technology improves

"We need to constantly breed or our economy will collapse" is capitalist propaganda

What??? If anything aren't the World Bank, and the Gates foundation pushing for reducing birth rates and fertility in Africa?

While importing tons of immigrants to the USA to keep wages stagnant.

Bill Gates is against uncontrolled immigration though.

Wouldn't want wages falling too low, the white plebs might get uppity.

This is a retarded right wing meme.

Lmao you actually believe this.

MDEfugee economic illiterates OUT OUT OUT πŸ‘‰

Denying basic economics about labor value because reasons

I'm drama born and bred you fucking filthy little bandito.

Right wingers and economic illiteracy is a very common duo, I'd expect nothing less, you have to go back! OUT!

Yeah because importing poorly trained 'high skilled' workers who are willing to work for below market value is totally beneficial because they shit liberal economic magic.

You people need your head strapped to a pneumatic press.

immigrants tend to BTFO the natives, use less welfare and commit less crimes and start more businesses.

Facts, don't care about your feelings, but reality isn't a strong suit of rightoid brainlets.

Now you are talking about 'high skilled workers' committing crimes. Did your mother force you to snort cocaine off her boyfriends dick as a child?

Now you are talking about 'high skilled workers' committing crimes. Did your mother force you to snort cocaine off her boyfriends dick as a child?

Now you are talking about 'high skilled workers' committing crimes. Did your mother force you to snort cocaine off her boyfriends dick as a child?

Now you are talking about 'high skilled workers' committing crimes. Did your mother force you to snort cocaine off her boyfriends dick as a child?

Now you are talking about 'high skilled workers' committing crimes. Did your mother force you to snort cocaine off her boyfriends dick as a child?

No, you're just to much of an illiterate mongoloid to follow any type of argument or conversation.

sigh MAGA NPC's not even once.

I don't actually speak screeching parrot, could you try to use less buzzwords and memes?

You also didn't respond to any of my arguments because you don't know what you're talking about, you literally repeated "hurr durr, supply and demand"

You think you made an actual argument. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

That's in the US

it's not hard to beat the US

in my country its the opposite

immigrants tend to BTFO the natives

sounds like a good reason to keep em out

After all, without the initial immigrant, those subsequent welfare consuming native-born Americans wouldn’t be here either.

Nice links, lol.

call him a chud next


OK, so it hurts poor people but it helps rich people even more, so we can call it left-wing policy somehow.

Poor natives aren't really in competition for the shit jobs that immigrants take like picking lettuce or working on a dairy farm. The benefits of immigration on the whole far outweigh the losses. Poor people in competition still benefit from cheaper goods & increased consumer demand, in spite of wage losses, and poor people not competition see only benefits.

people in a country need jobs and you cant just give them all to foreigners just because you can pay them less

Our unemployment rate is 3.9%... I now thinking isn't a MDEfugee strong suit, but immigrants aren't the reason why rural people are dealing with underemployment/unemployment

Unemployment rate doesn't include the people who apply for disability and permanently drop out of the workforce. Like, it's not a counter-argument but more of another way to look at this complex issue.

And i've brought up the complexities about immigrants as consumers and labor heterogeneity which frankly no one has seemed to address.

Falling labor participation rate little to nothing to do with immigration.

And i've brought up the complexities about immigrants as consumers and labor heterogeneity which frankly no one has seemed to address.

The problem with such stuff is that it very purposefully doesn't look at who exactly profits. If you recognize that the main purpose of modern day politics is to keep the voters happy, the part where a lot of your voters get shafted while everyone else gets cheap shit and some rich people get even richer, that's when you should stop looking at the average temperature in the hospital (including the mortuary, as the joke goes).

Falling labor participation rate little to nothing to do with immigration.

It does. It would be very easy to implement a Negative Income Tax that makes Americans choose unqualified labor jobs instead of going on disability complete with opiate prescription. But Trump can't do that because he's a moron and Hillary wouldn't have done it because believing that Americans rather than Mexicans deserve those jobs is racist.

Ignoring that they're all on welfare, work under the table, and send money home yeah it's great for the economy.

africa is not part of any western capitalist "we"

theres a reason Disney marches Stormtroopers through their parks on the hour every hour

TBF CTH is right here but for the absolute wrong reasons. Broken clock syndrome what have you. If you truly and honestly think over population is causing global warming then kill yourself. Kill yourself right now, and take as many people with you. But they dont, because they dont believe it.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

I am against overpopulation for the perfectly self-interested reason that there are too many people out in my forests.

what about just nuke africa

It's not even on the dashboard, they aren't consuming any significant amounts of energy.

oh yeah energy

what did she mean by that?

Nuke Europe

China produces 2x CO2 of the USA, because they have more population.

If you truly wanted to stop global warming, and you had say 100 10mt ICMBs, where would you aim them?

china, india, africa, usa, britain, australia

Now adjust for the probability of getting fusion to work finally.

These people want capitalism to fail so badly they choose to ignore the fact that more people are exiting poverty now than at any other time in history.

Things are getting better but if things went to shit, these people would be happy, because it would prove them right in their minds.

Things are getting better

i, too, say this when on the brink of a global ecological catastrophe that will have a death toll in the billions

T. Al gore, circa early 2000s

Weren't we supposed to be underwater by now?

Say it will me: the human population will reach an equilibrium rate. Even if that number is 0.

Say it will me: the human population will reach an equilibrium rate. Even if that number is 0.

Say it will me: the human population will reach an equilibrium rate. Even if that number is 0.

Every time a leftist says anything, they're being an accessory to fascism.

agreed. as long as

how we consume

isn't intended to imply that personal consumption choices are enough to create meaningful change

commies in a nutshell.

Can't wait till there are 10 billion spear chucking ooga boogas all over europe and america. Will be fun.

I can guarantee you not a single person in ChapoTrapHouse has not measured their carbon footprint or cared about reducing it. They dont care about the environment and just want to score political points.

It's not like they are making much of an impact on the environment by sitting their asses in their couches and larping as commies all day tbh

uhm akshually you're not a leftist if you think that adding 4 billion humans to the world population in a span of 100 years will have a negative effect.

I swear Chapo is one of the most retarded places on this website, which is really saying something. How can you be so blind to the point where you don't see the negative effect of humans on the environment especially when it comes to climate and resource depletion? Only a grade A retard would think that adding billions of people won't exponentially worsen our problems as a whole.

they know, they just think that an "each according to his need" economy is the only real solution that will solve the problem

This, but deep ecology.

I was under the impression that the problems worsen linearly with population growth, rather than exponentially.

You're correct. The global population is rising in a linear way. I was thinking about the countries with an exceptionally high birth rate like Niger (7+ children on average). Their population will rise exponentially.

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!


I'm doing my part by donating to the Against Malaria Foundation that prevents their children from dying before reproducing!

Easy there Malthus.

Malthus did nothing wrong. Force low IQ breeder to gestate high IQ people. We must breed smart people and a future for asperger Children.

its easy, just dont have any actual values and be as contrarian as possible

Immigration is actually the biggest environmental issue. The footprint of a first or second worlder versus a third worlder is huge. The Sierra Club actually began to notice this, until they were told by donors to stop noticing, at which point they split into two separate clubs.

If you don't agree with their Authoritarian dogma you are an Authoritarian. Alright.

I'm beginning to agree with the left who say that you can't be civil with someone who wants to destroy what you believe in. Trump is absolutely correct, don't just be rude to these people, ridicule them at every opportunity and humiliate and embarrass them whenever possible. It's not about being correct anymore, its not about making sound arguments -- these things are irrelevant in current year.

Well TIL about Bookchin. Seems like it only takes one person to introduce outrageously stupid ideas to far left. See also: Mao, Lysenko.

When the side of the political aisle that bitches most about overpopulation and consumption of resources also advocates for social programs that require an ever-expanding working population to fund as well as importing high birth rate immigrants who then instantly have 10x the carbon footprint upon living in a first world country.

Feels goooooooood

Why doesn't America just legalise mass shootings?

Firstly, it's a distinctive point of national and cultural identity. Mass shootings are an iconic event in the USA. We can say "there was a mass shooting today" and you already know with reasonable certainty which nation it happened in. It's comparable to saying "someone was beheaded yesterday"; to say which region it occurred in is essentially redundant due to it being a proud allusive icon of the geographic area. Like poor education and glorified obesity, it would be delusional to pretend mass shootings are not a unique figure of national heritage to stand out among other Western nations. As such, it should be legalised or at least decriminalised in order to preserve this cultural tradition.

Secondly, due to the criminal nature of the act and the large jail terms attached to it, most perpetrators end up committing suicide after partaking in the shooting. It is clear from the past statistics that criminal punishment will not prevent this crime, but will instead lead to increased suicide rates and compound the already disturbing incarceration rate in the "land of the free". Both these figures can be mediated through the decriminalisation of mass killings.

Finally, it seems as if the act of a mass shooting is, in a perverse sense, a symbol of unity and bonding that can provide common ground for the traditionally severe dichotomy of Christianity and Islam. Through the extremist acts of killing innocent peoples committed by both these groups, the American people may finally come to realise that the true issue is not which merciless, jealous God you worship, but rather how much of a delusional schizophrenic you are. This moment of epiphany has the power to break down traditional barriers and allow you, as a nation, to advance to the first world and begin considering more important issues.

It just seems as if legalising mass shootings is the right thing to do.

Plus it would solve the overpopulation problem.

Goddammit I wish I was this woke

I'm a nationalist.

Dare you to post it there

Did you know that in the darkest days of the Apartheid era, the old heads of the National Party didn't even use the pretext of """famine""" to eat a black baby for breakfast each day.

Where were all the reddit outrage of the Russian school shooting in Crimea tho

Where were all the reddit outrage of the Russian school shooting in Crimea tho

Overpopulation is an environmental problem that can be solved with competition and industrial change as opposed to slaughtering or castrating millions of people.

Peter Coffin is partly to blame for this also.

Chapos favorite musician.

unless you want to live in some kind of kowloon walled city hooked to some VR machine and getting fed through a tube we're going to run out of room in terms of population density in metro areas

i fail to see the issue

The feeding tube goes in your pee hole.

Wait, no, still not an issue.

This whole thing really shows how little these people actually know about other peoples struggles. I have actually been to subsaharan Africa, and a lot of people there are really struggling to support all the kids they end up having. Their is hardly any access to birth control outside of major cities, and I would imagine sex ed is pretty terrible. One of the best things for the the inhabitants of these countries would be actually strong pushes to lower fertility rates.

Some people are culturally more inclined to have lots of kids, but that is kid of an exception to the rule for subsaharan Africa.

ahahah theyre unironically posting peter coffin videos

Overpopulation is a malthesian myth. We have only had a boom in population because countrie went from ppl having tons of kids that died to few kids that live but the middle step is tons of kids that live. The population isn't gonna grow that much now.

Lot of talk but no substance. Be silent now.

Goddamn I love their bantz.