What’s this subs option on...

1  2018-10-24 by hallowed-rick

  1. Trannies

  2. Affirmative action

  3. Russia meddling in the 2016 election

  4. Social Justice

  5. Abortion


Option? Are you retarded?

Tell me oh great autismo mayo what wrong with option. Is everyone you disagree with on menial crap retarded?

Have the Russians finally come to infiltrate? This proves how influential we really are!

I dunno u tell me

great autismo mayo

There's no shortcut to centre.

  1. Don't care as long as gussy isn't calling the shots

  2. Don't care as long as mayos suffer

  3. Don't care as long as someone is reeeeeeeeeeeeing

  4. Same as 3

  5. Same as 1, 2 and 3

So if a gussy turns into a bussy can it call the shots?

Съеби в туман, карикатураю

  1. 🍆😂

  2. 👍🚫🥛😂

  3. 🕵🕵😂

  4. ♿️😂

  5. 👌😂✌️👶➡️👼

What does the cry laughing emote mean?

It means you're retarded

Meh on everything.

A for effort.


That would be an ecumenical matter

I hate how all these topics that aren’t relevant to my life are always the top news articles while real news like the rising costs of butter go uninvestigated. For fucks sake how am I meant to make anything semi edible without butter. Someone please help me, my family is starving.


I pick option 5 since it's the only thing on this list I can masturbate to.

Social Justice is good because it makes gamercels lose their shit.

I care about nothing

You better care about them dinosaurs 🦖

Bad bad bad gay bad