Does "center" mean "extreme-right"? /r/quityourbullshit discusses

1  2018-10-24 by PM_ME_YA_TATTAS


This, but unironically.


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guy finds an obvious troll account, gets mad and gives him what he wants

Damn son, such a vicious dunking.

Lol tell me about it

Imagine being so autistic that you dig through a person comment history but due being so massivo austimo fail to understand that person is a troll . Then proceed the feed the said troll.

Then have another autistic person screenshot it and fail to understand how autistic the first autistic 'person' was. Then have a load of group autistic children that up vote it in /r/quityourbullshit.

And people still deny vaccines cause autism.

Imagine seeing the Osama post and not immediately realising it's a troll.

pretty sure both posters are the same person

Both the right and the left have convinced themselves that centrist means conservative who likes weed.

Lol of course it's a dipshit tankie from drama saying that.

"Liberals are so biased a Conservative could say the sky is blue and they would want to go check for themselves."

Bro he archived it, busted, completely owned, never to recover