Today, my 5-year-old son learned how shitty and harmful toxic masculinity is.

1  2018-10-24 by Snowayne2


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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What the fuck did he think a bunch of 5 year olds were going to do? He set that kid up to get picked on and embarrassed.

This kind of shit is what produces degenerates like mdefugees and chapotards.

It's not him or his wifes sons fault that 5 year olds are full of hatefulness and bigotry. If anyones to blame it's the fascist parents and teachers fault because they're not teaching 5 year olds about inclusivity and being gender nonbinary. The fact that they (bigots) still refer to their children as "boys" and "girls" and not "kid self" is disgusting and problematic.

Shut up pussy

Make him

Make me make him

I don’t have t-to do w-what you say

I'll do anything daddy wants! 🤤 🍆💦

Good bait

wifes son

gives it away

imagine thinking that was good bait

Why do I have to imagine? I thought it was good bait.


This guy has a website about parenting. It’s like Ben Affleck having a website about sobriety.

But I want you to know I talked to Sam and I told him those other kids are just jealous of his nails.

the ultimate COPE of losers and weirdos for generations 😂😂

no bud, the boys think ur kid is a fruit. glad ur proud u screwed him over 👌

Good parents don't let their goddamn five year old do whatever they want, a kid that young has no idea what's best for them. Letting your five year old go to school in a state that you know is going to get him bullied because "he's just being himself" is like letting him have candy for breakfast because that's what he wants.

Why would you do this to your kid? You can be a colorful guy and show off, but nail polish is for girls. This is on the parents.

Nail polish is for anyone who wants to use it. It doesn't have a label that says girls only, but I guess you're the expert here, random reddit user.

Nail polish is for women and particularly flamboyant homosexuals. Nothing wrong with that, but don't send your kid to school looking like that.

It's pointless and only exists to make people buy stuff to change how they feel about their body. How could it not be for girls?

Games are pointless and only exist for gamers to watch a bunch of pixels on a screen. Abolish gaming now!

Nail polish is for anyone who wants to use it

Still a femme move tho Brabra


You can gently tell your child no to nail polish instead of encouraging something that will alienate and distance him from his peers

You can, or you can encourage your child's likes and tastes as long as they don't hurt anyone.

Nail polish is for girls and for boys who want to get called a faggot by 95% of the population

That's bait

I knew the dad was gonna look like that.

I was surprised. And then surprised at my surprise.

And then pondered if /r/punchablefaces had a new mascot.

You can see the wedding band cutting off circulation to his ring sausage

Not shown: the padlocked cock ring doing the same to his shmeckle

Like someone who gave up all hope of manhood?

Surprisingly doesn't have soyface

Who could have predicted this outcome

My wife and I spent five years successfully preaching tolerance, acceptance, and the importance of expression and your kids unraveled that in one school day. He now feels the shame you desperately want to associate with being different.

What parent sends their kid to kindergarten with painted nails? Come on. Why does this fat fucking doubly look li- sees selfie of dad with his nails and the kid with the thousand yard stare yep, fatty soitard confirmed.

He should send the kid in with a pink sparkly purse and really show those bullies!

Is "wokeing up your kid as much as possible" the "force your kid into competitive sports/music" of the new century?

No, worse. When's the last time a kid got made fun of for playing sports

Jocks with muscles are going to be the new nerds by 2035. Lonely outcasts who sit alone at the back of the cafeteria whispering about how much they hit on bench last week while getting food flicked at them by the magic the gathering kids when they go to the bathroom.

Imagine having muscles in 2035 lmfao

its going to be over for gymcels

It never began

nah, without the positive feedback loop from society and peers weightlifting would be barely a thing if even.

Yea it totally doesn’t make you stronger or anything

sure but most guys don't get into it to just be stronger, although that's a benefit too of course, but mostly to look stronger. If it was about being strong than Powerlifting and Strongman stuff would be more popular among the youth than bodybuilding which features more muscle isolation exercises.

the youth

t. boomer

As an early 20s dude that's what I call 18 and sub.

I feel like strongman and powerlifting training is a lot more popular these days than it used to be with the under 20 crowd. At least I've noticed a definite uptick in the last couple of years - I credit Hafthor Bjornsson (The Mountain from GoT) for popularizing it.

You have to admit, the dude is pretty impressive.

Idk. It's been 10 years since high school for me, which isn't too terribly long, but long enough for fads to change I guess. We did no practically no isolation work for football weight lifting.

Flat/inlcine Bench, squat, deadlift, power clean, and overhead press constituted probably 95% of our strength training. Maybe if you had time you'd do pullups, dips, or crunches. If you had a lot of time bicep curls. But that was rare since we also did conditioning after lifting.

Coach would also yell at guys who weren't 100% focusing on the major lifts and isolation stuff because "you're here to get stronger not do body building crap." And he was a very big, very frightening man.

Well, I'm sure it's still like that for sports because it makes sense considering what they're trying to do (and it's been like 25 years for me since I played HS football) - I was just considering my experience which is working out at my local gym. Over the last couple of years I've seen a lot more guys hitting the power racks and doing olympic lifts and the gym has added things like atlas stones and tracks for sleds, tire flips and the farmers carry.

There are still lots of guys that just come out there and hit the machines or do reps on the dumbells, but I'd say it's almost evenly split now between that and people lifting heavy, with the latter being mostly younger guys and a few middle aged guys like myself.



Powerlifting and Strongman stuff would be more popular

They are.

If they're pussies who want to compete in sports they will. But sports will be the new drama club. Looked down on by the rest of society for being problematic.

What the fuck who actually believes this lol? It's not like society randomly decided to value it, in shape dudes have been valued across cultures and time periods.

well it was about a hypothetical future society in which being strong and in-shape are apparently no longer valued, otherwise it wouldn't make sense that they'd be social outcasts. It's just a stupid post in any case so no need to get angry, pretty boy.

well it was about a hypothetical future society in which being strong and in-shape are apparently no longer valued, otherwise it wouldn't make sense that they'd be social outcasts. It's just a stupid post in any case so no need to get angry, pretty boy.

well it was about a hypothetical future society in which being strong and in-shape are apparently no longer valued, otherwise it wouldn't make sense that they'd be social outcasts. It's just a stupid post in any case so no need to get angry, pretty boy.

well it is about a hypothetical future society in which strength and being in-shape are apparently no longer ideals. No need to get angry over nothing, pretty boy.

pretending human nature doesn't exist is the cool new thing to do

Jocks with muscles are going to be the new nerds by 2035

I would have been fucked coming and going - football, baseball, hockey and my hobbies were manga, RPG's and writing shitty games in C++ (borland c++ 1.0 for ms-dos on my i386).

I would have been fucked coming and going

Sounds like a fun night out

I've had worse.

I always wanted to run an experiment where a hardcore feminist raises a boy all their life. Just to see if they turn into norman bates.

no, he'll develop psychokinetic powers, be bullied at school, and finally get his revenge at prom

just like looper!

it won't be long till feminists try to replicate the Dr. Money experiment on their kids

Well you're in luck, because now you don't have to!

Clementine Ford has a boy

Burger mayos...smh😦😠😤

Poor kid

did anybody screen cap this? its gone already

This is a good thing to teach little kids. If you don't start early they're going to turn into Trump supporters before you know it.

While revolting against cultural norms is fine, you shouldn't try and involve your kids in it.

Yeah, if the kid like nail polish then whatever but it's on the parents to at least warn him about how people will react. They sheltered this kid from reality instead of preparing him for it then blamed everyone else when his bubble was popped.

Yup. When I was in first grade, I played soccer. When I went to buy a ball with my dad, I picked a teal and purple ball, since I liked the Charlotte Hornets at the time. My dad told me it was OK to pick that one, but I might catch some razzing for it. As my love for teal/purple color scheme was greater than my fear of teasing, I walked out the store with that ball.

Cut to soccer practice/tryouts/lightly jogging the next day. I did indeed catch some ribbing from my classmates. I checked myself for grievous bodily harm - all good. I still felt like myself, and had no urge to swallow a bottle of pills or defenestrate myself. We didn't need to call the local news to tattle on this "bullying," if you want to call it that. I stood out, I took my shots, and I kept on moving.

TL;DR Go Hornets.

and now 20 years later you post on /r/drama

how do you explain that to your parents?

He doesn't, he killed them years ago and has been living in their basement with them rotting away on the sofa like nothing ever happened.

Father never disagrees with me now.

He's five. He can have painted nails around the house if really wants to, but letting him go to school like when you fucking know what's going to happen is irresponsible.

Not forcing gender roles onto your kid is fine too, but at least teach him that those exist and some people won't be very accepting.

The only thing that's revolting here is this tubby fucker

The only thing that's revolting here is this tubby fucker

Shit, the poor kid is going to turn out like Spencer.

So after the kid was ridiculed the first day, the dad encourages him to wear a brighter shade the next day (that'll make'em shutup for sure) and that it's perfectly fine because some dudes do paint their nails (or let their kids do it to them as a joke).

Should tat his face up and paint his nails black the next day, say he's a rapper. Yesterday was a test.

i feel like soy dad was really hoping gronkowski would reply.

I've never seen gronk using nail polish in my life. What is the dad smoking?

"Bro your kids a fag"

lmao he fucking lied to his kid to trick him into continuing to be bullied

And people celebrate this?

Mayocide when, for god's sake. Just please end them all.

a goddamm fireworks show of human being Something tells me Sam is a low T nerd

a goddamm fireworks show of human being

Something tells me Sam is a low T nerd

Gronk deserves better than this

this is child abuse. it's literally the exact opposite of what a parent should be doing. i was raised by parents like this.


So after the kid was ridiculed the first day, the dad encourages him to wear a brighter shade the next day (that'll make'em shutup for sure) and that it's perfectly fine because some dudes do paint their nails (or let their kids do it to them as a joke).

Should tat his face up and paint his nails black the next day, say he's a rapper. Yesterday was a test.

lmao the first thing that got me was that this kid has a "collection" of purses. Jesus. How the fuck does a five year old have a collection already?

Anyway, children at that age usually don't have their nails painted, girl or not. Nail polish, just about everything to do with manicures, are pollutants in various ways. Having your kid's developing brain exposed to the air pollution it causes within your home is bad enough. Nails tuff should probably be flat out banned tbqh, it's just wasteful vapid vanity.

This kid is going to grow up and turn into a serial killer. Like the joke goes, make sure you give him his favorite candy bar once a week and he will spare you

Some of you guys are alright

i wanted to make a mayocide joke and say that this is good since shit like this accelerate the whole genocide by cultural domination thing, but I just feel sad for the kid. This looks just so unhealthy for the little dude, his mom is shaming with his original sin of being a male for twitter points and will most likely make him repressed as fuck

fucking up your kid to own the hetero patriarchy

dude mayos lmao


i am genuinely curious if this dad's twitter history will be sufficient for this kid to win a lawsuit for emotional abuse or something a decade down the road.

he will just do it the old way and do a murder suicide

Already baleeted. Must have seen you coming.

He didn't delete it, OP is just a retard that doesn't know how to link properly.

I legit feel bad for kids growing up after the advent of social media. Whatever stupid shit your parents made you do for imaginary likes are in the records forever.

Right? look at all those grown ass people responding with "support" like their 10 seconds of typing means something to some kid who has no friends now because his parents set him up for ridicule.

This sounds like grooming. The fact that the kid is missing front teeth, has painted nails and purses makes me think the dad is trying to make a sex slave.

Underrated post

Underrated post

Underrated post.

Dad should have taught his dumb gay son to beat kids up instead of cry like a girl.

Imagine if this dad had taken the time he wasted whining on the internet and spent time with his son. Maybe he wouldn’t be a “Terror”. Just a hunch!! Imagine when this kid is 14 and finds his dads tweets LOLOLOLOLOLL

"Today my 45 year old father scarred me for life. I'm a kid and I don't know a lot about social norms and stuff. I like having my nails painted since my dad did it the first time when I was 3 and I always thought it looked pretty. My dad never told me that in our society it's usually the girls that paint their nails and the boys don't. This resulted in me becoming the new target for my kindergartens bullies, all because my dad wanted to make me his political stooge. Thanks Dad.... NOT!"

Shit like this isnt about appearance and aesthetics. Its about the way you conduct and carry yourself. Funny enough I never had these kinds of problems, and neither do my kids. But I dont teach them thats girls shit, I just teach them lots of girls like shit like that, and they to choose how they look.

$20 says this dude bitches about toxic masculinity in 'flyover' states and rural America and not the giant East Coast city he lives in.

My guess is this kid would have and will continue to get picked on anyway sadly enough.

There's going to be an epidemic of school shooters in 10 years

There's going to be an epidemic of school shooters in 10 years

There's going to be an epidemic of school shooters in 10 years

I am a failed and broken feminist. More pointedly, I am sexist. There are times when I fear for the “loss” of my own “entitlement” as a male. Toxic masculinity takes many forms. All forms continue to hurt and to violate women.

If you are a woman reading this, I have failed you. Through my silence and an uninterrogated collective misogyny, I have failed you. I have helped and continue to help perpetuate sexism. I know about how we hold onto forms of power that dehumanize you only to elevate our sense of masculinity. I recognize my silence as an act of violence. For this, I sincerely apologize.

I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

I consider myself an ally. I research proper etiquette, read writers of color, vote in a way that will not harm P.O.C. (and other vulnerable people). I engage in conversations about privilege with other white people. I take courses that will further educate me. I donated to Black Lives Matter. Yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear comes from the fact that privilege is invisible to itself. What if I’m doing or saying insensitive things without realizing it?

My boy, where did you find bait this good?

Unless you're dead serious, in which case please accept my condolences, and know that there will always be people to help you once you reach out

new york times, for both



so woke

Is it weird i felt genuine happiness and relief at you admitting it was bait?

The original author was probably for serious though.

I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity.

This is your fundamental problem.

Parents like this need to have their kids taken away lmao

ruining your son's childhood to own the patriarchy

What's to bet he rebels and turns into a full-blown paleocon (or just tops himself altogether, one or the other).

The cynicism in the comments is ridiculous. The kid chose to paint his nails. I've seen male kids with painted nails. It's not actually that rare. This dad isn't doing his child a disservice. Don't pretend that you incels know anything about parenting.

I actually did similar things as a kid (being quite the Bowie/Bolan clone at the time); I'd say there's nothing wrong with it as such, but there might be more important things to concentrate on & other battles that are more worth fighting. </centrism>

Be brave and shine bright, my beautiful polished boy.

amazing. but rip that kids future


Today, a whole class of 5 year old learnt that doing anything girly will get you bullied, and that if you want to bully a guy find something girly they are doing and use that.

Yes, the seeds were already there, but they've now been watered and fertilized.