Allow me to tell you the story of a shitpost so great that it got the poster a prestigious job at an internationally renowned institution and got the flagship journal of an academic society to bow down and repent.

1  2018-10-24 by itsnotmyfault

As a disclaimer, I would like to say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for shitposting as a profession, whether that's journalism, academia, law, or NEETdom. I would also like to say I know literally nothing about education or academia, so don't @ me.

Our story begins with "Rigor/Us: Building Boundaries and Disciplining Diversity with Standards of Merit" by Donna Riley, published in Engineering Studies, Received 15 February 2015, published 01 December 2017. Readable for free at

In the introduction, Riley says that this is going to be a highly personal blogpost that purposefully eschews tradtitional ideas of rigor (AKA, that she's not going to be using STEMlord LOGIC and REASON), and that the snobs and square are going to look down their noses at her for it and she won't be allowed in their club:

An earlier version of this work was presented as a distinguished lecture co-sponsored by the Liberal Education/Engineering and Society Division and the Minorities in Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education. On its face this paper would seem to be more appropriate for an engineering education journal, and indeed this paper ought to be read by engineering education researchers, among others. Yet the Journal of Engineering Education pre-emptively passed on publishing this work because it is not an empirical study, itself an example of how rigor is constructed and boundaries drawn (in this case around engineering education research) so as to relegate critical analysis to a category outside the space of inquiry.

In other words JEE, the flagship journal of the American Society for Engineering Education, hard-passed on this particular shitpost because they're elitist nerds and gamers.

She then meanders through the various reasons that rigor isn't good, ramping up to a whopper of a truthbomb in the section titled "Asserting white male heterosexual privilege:

One of rigor’s purposes is, to put it bluntly, a thinly veiled assertion of white male (hetero)sexuality. The term has a historical lineage of being about hardness, stiffness, and erectness; its sexual connotations – and links to masculinity in particular – are undeniable. My visceral reaction in many conversations where I have seen rigor asserted has been to tell parties involved (regardless of gender) to whip them out and measure them already.

That's right. You just read a dick joke in an academic paper. And it gets better.

A Wired magazine article on a slide rule exhibit at Purdue9 illustrates engineering’s rigor culture (Figure 1). Wired, known for its puerile sexist humor and boys’ club working climate,10 reported on two Purdue engineering faculty members who were the collectors of some 200 slide rules on display. In the article another slide rule enthusiast was quoted:

Slide rules made me miserable in school, but now I collect them with a passion ... I know it’s weird to talk about passion in connection with slide rules, but they fascinate and delight me the way my ex-wife never did. They are functional and beautiful. I guess you could say I’m obsessed.

So, what could be better than this long, hard, and juicy quote about Purdue engineering faculty members playing with their slide rules?

Well, in the years since this was written in 2015, Donna Riley has become the head of Purdue's school of Engineering Education:

Notably, this is not their Engineering department. However, as a bit of backstory, the Purdue Engineering Education department is the oldest, largest and can be considered the most prestigious in the nation (Though arguing about which is on top depends on exactly which particular sub-branch of Engineering Education you're trying to study). In other words she might be in the next building or even the next office from the Slide Rule Guys and their collection of dildos.

(So yes, the shitpost didn't get her the job and the title is pure clickbait.)

Since the December 2017 publication of Rigor/Us, JEE's very next issue ( featured Fearless Girl on the cover, itself a stunning metaphor for everything wrong with modern feminism, and a quote from bell hooks.

The Editor's note discussed a new direction for the Journal, which would now feature a series of guest editorials about "quality considerations in engineering education research as a way to take a stance". It also says

A recent article by Donna Riley, which critiqued the term “rigorous research in engineering education” for some of these very reasons, called for engineering education to become an inclusive community that supports researchers and educators in doing the best work possible (Riley, 2017).

That's right. The Journal is changing because of Rigor/Us. Donna Riley strapped on her slide rule, bent JEE over, and fucked the rigor out of them.

The guest editorial also begins with a quote from Rigor/Us as well

“Our strength can come through multiplicity rather than adherence to a single norm.” (Riley, 2017, p. 263)

In this editorial, we are taking up Riley's challenge to the field to move beyond “a single norm” (2017) and explore ways quantitative analysis can be used in richer and more nuanced ways in educational research.

The takeaway here is "don't let your memes be dreams". If you continue to shitpost long and hard enough, you can level up and take them to the big leauges. Never give up, Never surrender. Maximum effortposting for fun and profit. I actually was going to effortpost this into a YouTube video, but it was riddled with inaccuracies and misinformation, so I'm keeping it here in /r/Drama where you'd have to be a complete retard to take any of it seriously (unlike a pretigious article in the journal of YouTube). Also, I have nothing against qualitative studies and navelgazing thinkpieces, or Donna Riley, so don't get the wrong idea. It's just a really cool story, imo. Truly impressive power. dude bussy lmao.

TL;DR dickjokes changed the world.


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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I bet those three guys who managed to get scholarly accolades for troll Grievance Studies papers are laughing their asses off at this.

My scholarship currently focuses on applying liberative pedagogies in engineering education, leveraging best practices from women's studies and ethnic studies to engage students in creating a democratic classroom that encourages all voices.

Uh Oh.

Nice find, OP.

Honestly, if I wasn't a dramanaut that was literally only looking for amusing dick jokes, this would be a heartwarming tale of someone finally finding a place they belong after years of hard work and dedication.

TBH the nicest thing they could do is make sure that all my foreign born professors were actually intelligible.

As an engineer, I hate you and everything you stand for. Learning Chinese, Indian, and Draculan is what made my degree worth it.

Can we have mandatory labels on buildings and bridges that tell us if all voices were inclusively heard during construction or if the building in question was constructed with patriarchal notion of rigor? So that people who choose to use those buildings could also have a part in promoting diversity ^^

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Please tell me that actual engineering students aren't being taught this garbage

Chinese should take over the world now

Nice writeup. But who called Purdue the "Ivy of the Midwest" and what were they smoking?

Huh. Apparently I literally made it up. I thought I saw it somewhere when I was looking around. Nevermind, it's "MIT of the Midwest", though googling that phrase has only like 2000 hits that mention Case Western, CMU, and some other shit as well. Seems like he literally made it up too.

So this school isn't about teaching engineering, it's about teaching teaching engineering. Oh good lord, it's everything you'd expect:

Our mission to transform engineering education based on scholarship and research rests on three pillars: Re-imagining engineering and engineering education, creating field-shaping knowledge, and empowering agents of change. [Emphasis theirs]

They are holy warriors attacking the pedagogy paradigms.

So much for the value of a Purdue degree.

In 2005, she received a NSF CAREER award on implementing and assessing pedagogies of liberation in engineering classrooms.

What in the Sam Hill is "pedagogies of liberation"? googling intensifies...

Oh, god no, they've breached the wall, and this fruit bat is leading the charge:

Pedagogies of liberation, including feminist and critical pedagogies based on the works of bell hooks, Paulo Freire and others, were employed in teaching Engineering Thermodynamics with two classes of women at Smith College. Aspects of course development, assignments, and classroom dynamics are discussed, including connecting course material to student experience, emphasizing students as authorities in the classroom, integrating ethics and policy considerations, problematizing science as objectivity, and de-centering western (and male) civilization.

I still don't know what "problematizing science as objectivity" means, but I found her textbook, which has such hilarious chapter titles as "De-centering Western Thermo" and "Entropy as a Social Construct".

It's actually not that bad.

Lol she is really dedicated to her specific brand of shitposting

Oh. Wow. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


Unironically this.

I wasn't being ironic.


⬆️ Seriously.

Paulo Freire

Jesus Christ. That man is reviled in Brazil.

He's gonna take us to flavortown tho. What's not to like?

this whole thread honestly makes me want to kill myself

Nike ✔

That's it.

I'm learning Chinese.

It's easier to just move to Kiwiland or Singapore.

I spend an unusual amount of time trawling Human-Computer Interactions (HCI), Sociology, and Media Studies stuff (people literally get paid to study reddit and Twitter and YouTube and Tumblr), and the difference between our research in those fields and the international scholars is shocking. Look up Crystal "wishcrys" Abidin, and compare her research to Amanda Marcotte (Troll Nation), Angela Nagle (Kill All Normies), or Adrienne Shaw (A Conspiracy of Fishes, or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying About #GamerGate and Embrace Hegemonic Masculinity).

wishcrys studies tumblrites completely unironically, with a neutral tone and genuine fascination of what they do and why they do it... and American scholars yell at 4channers for being just the worst and blaming them for the world being bad.

Is NZ safe from this disorder?

Ah, turns out wishcrys was Australia/Singapore, and now Sweden. What's the correct slur against Australians?

What's the correct slur against Australians


Somewhat tangential, but I wouldn't lump Angela Nagle in with the rest of the culture warrior crowd just yet. She's been a pretty outspoken voice on the left against the sort of critical practice of aesthetic disgust that's practiced by the likes of Marcotte and Shaw, imo, to the extent that she's attracted a lot of hate online from the hardcore soc-jus crowd.

Thanks for the intro to wishcrys though, she's got some interesting stuff. Who else would you recommend following for more research into these areas?


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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  4. MIT of the Midwest - Outline

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This reminds of that feminist who said that fluid mechanics take a backseat to "rigid" mechanics because fluids are feminine and I guess solids are somehow associated with dicks