Mayo goes on Fox News to explain how he used witchcraft on Kavanaugh

1  2018-10-24 by POST_BUSSY


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Witchcraft is about the whitest thing there is after sunglass straps

After vegans.

Never saw a non-white person at vegan protest.

arent some buddhists the original vegans and mayos just appropriated their culture and made it way worse?

hindus, the buddhists appropriated it from them

india is the one place where mayo appropriation actually worked, curry as we have it was pretty much made because people did the original recipe completely wrong.

what about thailand tho

Agreed. Making curry with shit is a no no.

I dunno, I've seen a few crazy brown vegans around. No black ones though.

that makes vegan protests white

most vegans are brown or yellow, they just keep it to themselves

Only white people call themselves vegan, everyone else just eats what they want to.

fair enough

those are vegetarians you're talking about.

more of the yellows are vegetarians, but a lot of the browns are vegan

turns out viewing cows as peers and all-around righteous chicks for a few millennia has some lingering effects on the idea of eating animal byproducts

Vegan gains.

There's are some fucking white niggers then:

Witch doctors are supposed to ward off witchcraft, not do it themselves, retard.

The way priests are supposed to shield kids and not have them suck their dicks?

Priests were always meant to have kids suck on their dicks, that's why Catholicism was invented

And witchdoctors were always meant to hex people they didn't like and ended up creating Zombies in Haiti when they got too much power.

Woah, that's voodoo. Its like the cousin of witchcraft.

That's what you get if you ever let your nice, lovely local witch doctor ever run your country.


Just have to get your agenda into the comment somehow.

He is persistent, give him that.

lol I didn't even get what he meant with this until now. Hahhaha Omg this sub is so great

some butthurt little SJWs ;-)

Cringy stuff, man.

why do you guys keep coming to scream stuff people don't want to hear in a room where nobody likes you

You must be confusing me with someone who gives a fuck.

their called croakies you poor

I got the Dockers, Sperry's, and button down stripey shirt, but couldn't afford the croakies to pull the whole costume together.

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

croakies are literally the cheapest part of that outfit, my LSU croakies cost like 5 bucks

Ehhh what about Santeria or Voodoo? Basically thr same thing except more woke.

Those are way more Chad, at least they kill things for sacrificing. The only thing American witches kill is the liter of Faygo that one of their mom's brought to the Wicca meeting

At least Santeria got the Supreme Court to recognize their right to sacrifice animals (or at least their right to not have animal sacrifice banned by their city). Mayo witches can't claim that lol

why do crackers always do to the gayest shit?

You can't say that when voodoo exists.


They don't hex Trump with the intention of killing him

complete morons

What the duck is that thing!! Mod him now 😤😤

Already modding /r/streetwear

Too meta?


Streetwear is hilarious. One of the top posts it just recommended me

I love the salty top comment


How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

How can you put that much effort into contouring your cheeks but no effort in the rest of your body???

They're really wasting their resources by not putting Tucker Carlson's only expression up there with him.

Lol, these woke mayos' relationship to gender is confused and shallow as hell.

Boy/Girl hat ✔️

Makeup/eyebrows on fleek ✔️

Vaguely effeminate mannerisms and speech ✔️

Large, masculine frame with beard. ✔️

Describes "themselves" as this on FB: Brooklyn based transgender wolfqueen witch-goddess. Pronouns: "they/them/their" ✔️

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is You A Woman On Any Level Hahahaha Nigga Just Admit You a Queer Dude Into Mayo Ass Ritual Shit Like Nigga Makeup And a Lisp Don't Make You a Female Haha

Pronouns: they/them/their


The woke crowd doesn't even know what their gender identity even is anymore they've gone so far down the rabbit hole. Just call yourself nonbinary and move on, trans wolfqueen.

Shouldn't it be "wolfleader" or "wolfruler"? Wolfführer even.

"Zergling Lest" seems ok.

Transgender? So FTM but still call themself goodness? Or MTF but with a beard? Either way seems to wouldn't help dysmorphia

Good thing she has the "GIRL" sign right above her face.

This has to be a false flag by fox News. Nobody is this retarded.

Oh no, a non-insignificant number of people are definitely this retarded, but they are generally the fringe and shouldn't be paraded out on the "news" like this. It's like when CNN somehow picks a "random" conservative out of a crowd and they just so happen to be the most bigoted and ignorant person you've ever heard in your life. It's all idpol scare tactics. "Look at this average small town conservative who wants to kill all the darkies and queers" or "Look at this very typical liberal elitist who wants to remake America in it's/they/their image"

Fox news likes to do this thing where they go out and find some unhinged retard and claim it's "the left."

They did it with welfare a while back too:

Basically they need a way to keep their old/senile base enraged and this is how they do it.

Tbh from cable News I just want boomers trying to produce memey content

Isn't that that one faggy Shmorky hat?

If you don't appreciate this absolutely awesome individual, you probably don't appreciate beauty at all.


this is the equivalent of msnbc bringing a trump supporter with literally 3 teeth and his sister literally hanging off his dick onto the show to interview

Lmao that's the fucking dude from that leafy video.
