/r/Baduk gets blacked

1  2018-10-24 by aonome


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Mayocels simply can't fucking cope

Though I wonder what the reaction would have been if a white person had said they prefer white partners because they don't need to explain their culture to them like they would with non-white people, that they're sexier and then say they wouldn't date black people or Africans with a look of disgust on their face.

Wonder what African culture she was referring to.

We wuz kangz n shiet?

Tribal violence, violent rape, female circumsision, cutting off the tits of mothers with newborns so their children die. The usual. But remember no culture is better than another, just different!

"Hey white guy, you people can't dance lmaooo"

"What did you say you fucking niggeR? You're all raping and fighting monkeys who should be thankful for colonizing your primitive asses!"



That was shit

no u

Ricecels on suicide watch

Man I'm broadly left wing but this is part of the reason I'm not pro mass migration. No way is this an improvement over 1960s London culture. Turns out that having loads of discrete cultures with different attitudes in close proximity to one another causes social fracturing not unity

Lol T_Dfugees found!

Is that a right-wing bad________ sub? I thought they were all left as fuck except for badecon?

It was created to showcase stupidity from tribalistic idiots and general shit behaviour, it started out with a right-wing bias because reddit is full of Labour/pro-EU fake socialist types and it's a good place to get away from the jerk.

r/unitedkingdom is such a far left circlejerk that brexiteers began to populate the baduk sub. Feels bad to be a centrist and not feel welcome in either.