Conan O'Brien develops insomnia because his mansion has 7000 toilets and there isn't enough poor brown people to scrape his shit off the bowls 😒

1  2018-10-25 by mukumukum10


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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conan the ginger bad man


What the fuck have you posted recently?


/u/lightumbra get in here to spin up some heroku instance to bully ed when he snoozeposts like this

Ed is my waifu

LMAO centrism is bad, leftie good.

Only in this thread. πŸ˜‚

God those comments are cancer.

Wait you expected better from twatter of all sources???

Its like youtube comments but cancer * 100

Which is in itself an achievement. Thanks to Jack we are able to witness such an impressive metastasis develop.

The internet is either hyper SJW or screeching Nazi

No in between

The right is by far the main side that cares about this issue, they're the ones searching for this shit

im kinda surprised the comments arent people jerking him off tbh

two of the higher up comments are actually logical

which is surprising for twitter

tfw you pretend you're doing them a favor when you refuse to pay a living wage so that only dirt poor brown people from another country will come do your backbreaking labor.

out of curiosity, how much of a price increase for veggies and fruits are we talking about if wypipo were picking them?

On top of whatever price increase there would be, there would also probably be a huge shortage of produce because mayos are way lazier than Hispanic migrant laborers

Which is kind of funny considering the whole siesta stereotype.

Siesta is spanish not mexican you moron

I didn’t invent the stereotype...

Intelligent people usually don't want to do the most monotonous boring work in the entire world for 12 hours a day. Why can't space daddy just build some Mexican robots to do it?

Intelligent people usually don't want to do the most monotonous boring work in the entire world for 12 hours a day.

Like this applies to the welfare-abusint drug addled trailer trash that would have to replace current agricultural laborers

guess what race most welfare recipients are

but then we're back to square one, the welfare-abusing drug-addled trailer trash won't work as hard as the migrants under current labour laws

the only way to get them productive is if we were to put them in some sort of camp that encourages work, and promise that after they do enough work they would be set free. We could employ people to work as guards at this camp to ensure they work at an acceptable pace and don't consume too many resources.

Kinda hard to estimate. The issue isn't even that the pay itself is bad (~$10-12/h afaik), it's just that the work is so hard in relation to the pay. Increasing the pay to $15/h would only increase produce costs by like 3%, but would that suffice?

They fuck over the workers in other ways like not paying them overtime and under reporting work hours. Some dude may have actually worked 60 hours a week in the fields but he's getting paid for $25. It's easier to fake hours than pay below minimum usually.

ffs all I wanna know is if we gave crackers dental and 401k and 3 weeks vacation and stock options how much would my fucking broccoli cost


Twice as much.

For grains, a bushel of wheat (60 lbs) produces 42 loaves of bread. At $2.50 a piece, that's $105 of bread per bushel.

A bushel of wheat on the market now is $5, so that's a markup of 2100% between field and store shelves.

Horticultural crops have a narrower margin due to less processing, but paying farm workers actual living wages would not increase the price significantly. Maybe between 5-10% on the consumer side for labor intensive crops.


For a comparison of shelf versus wholesale prices.

Meatpackers used to make the equivalent of $50-60/hour in today’s wages before mass immigration. So to get wypipo to pick fruit and veggies you’d probably have to pay around that.

My favorite go-to metaphor for why "you don't want to do those jobs anyway" is the Black Plague. After the Plague, the wages that were paid for field-hand work was so high you had skilled artisans dropping their trades and harvesting wheat. That's what a shortage of labor looks like.

The idea that some jobs are just inherently cheap and can never pay more without the whole economy collapsing is emphatically wrong, and based on a present in which there is a surplus of easily-abused labor.

Implying immigrants are the only source of easily abused labor.

Since we're on that topic, Daddy's club is doing their darndest getting rid of unions. Yknow, to make sure employees can get abused more easily.

"le wages have been stagnant for 30 years!! Teh rich people are stealing all my moni!"

2 seconds later

"yeah we should accept millions of unskilled people into our country every year"

its also such a gay rich person opinion that "americans don't want to do those jobs." there are plenty of white americans mowing lawns and picking fruit and struggling to get by on those trash salaries, you just don't see them from your gated communities

Very little to none, prices are set based on what people will pay for the product. If they could charge more they would already be doing so.

Lol like methhead mayos want to pick fruits and veggies. I would love to watch the American economy implode if right wingers ever got to achieve their dream of kicking out all the brown people.

Lol why is this downvoted? MDEfugees butt hurt?

No idea. Usually being anti-mayo and anti-burger is popular around here. We need to solve our own immigration crisis to ensure a future for shitposting

You've hit too close to home. Won't someone think of the unpicked avocados?


pay a living wage

Keynesian faggot spotted.

If you relegated slave labor to people who look like you, there's the risk that you might feel bad for exploiting them. Much better to have brown people do it and feel good about doing them a favor.

Poor Southern white trashy don’t look anything like me, plus they deserve the abuse anyway. I’d pay them less than apocryphal β€œBrown” people

Ikr mayos deserve to be paid even less than Mexicans

tfw you pretend you're doing them a favor when you refuse to pay a living wage so that only dirt poor brown people from another country will come do your backbreaking labor.

Why would you pretend to be doing them a favor? Yeah obviously you're helping them but there's no need to pat yourself on the back about it since you're already profiting too. That's why capitalism works - we don't have to see life as some zero-sum bullshit where you should feel compelled to thank your boss for every dollar in your salary.

If your skill set is so low that you are concerned about people who don't speak our language or understand our culture are gonna easily "took yer jerb" it might be time to reevaluate the choices you made in life that led you to where you are today.

Yes I'm sure talking about how much you hate the Working Class and the proletariat will do a great job of getting people to vote for you.

Plenty of illegals speak english and understand American Culture racist.

I'm suggesting that some unskilled mayos need to step up their game before bitching about needing "muh wall" or something and somehow that's racist.

Wait wut?

Yea, There's sure nothing Racist assuming illegals don't speak English or understand American culture when a majority of them overstay visas.

That's why nobody has a problem with what Conan O'Brien said right?

Nice Sidestepping of your hatred of the Common Man tho.

(((true enemy)))

the lizard man should actually be a trickster snake

Found the butthurt burger flipper (or perhaps barista I don't wish to assume your gender).

Imagine despising the working class this much

Imagine not hating the poors, lmao.

Imagine even thinking about them.

not willing to work for $2 an hour

fkn mayos are at it again

i actually can't tell if you are a neolib or a commie.

Right-wingers are more consumed with envy than communists.

Look, I got an idea that makes everyone happy.

Rich hollywood/white people who are pro-mass immigration: You get all the mexicans you want to live with you.

Poor people/racists who are anti-mass immigration: you get to say the word "nigger" and "spic" now on all internet forums without punishment.

Go ahead and take on Conan. Let me know how that ends up working for you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

you mean the guy that got cucked so leno could do 2 more years

Completely unrelated but I think I missed any threads about it, how did that whole shorting Tesla thing go?

Wasn't "They do the jobs no one else will for payment no one else would want" basically the southoid's argument for slavery?

Weird how it's been revamped to apply to illegal immigrants.

See, from my point of view, the bad thing about slavery was the whole humans being property thing, not that black people were working.

But what do I know Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Idk man sounds pretty libtarded to me

Um if you take away our slaves illegal aliens the price of tobacco and cotton avocados and oranges will skyrocket

Wasn't "They do the jobs no one else will for payment no one else would want" basically the southoid's argument for slavery?

Yeah, but doing the jobs voluntarily is kind of an important implicit part of the moral justification here.

Illegal immigrants are under duress and can't defend themselves against exploitation as easily because they have to hide. Companies take advantage of this and save money on labor and deny lawful residents jobs because they have to pay lawful residents benefits and overtime and pay them for every hour they work and pay for safety and stuff. They're still a class below ordinary workers without all the legal rights that come with being a worker.

Honestly an illegal immigrant laborer is probably a better investment than slaves were back on the day. Workers buy their own food and housing and they don't come with a $100,000 up-front cost, and technology is better now so workers can do more

Honestly an illegal immigrant laborer is probably a better investment than slaves were back on the day.

So why didn't slaveowners free their slaves and just try to hire them on an open market? It's not like there were costly health and safety regulations in the 19th century.

I'm comparing current illegal immigrant labor to past slave labor. You get 21st century productivity with 19th century regulation. Not enforcing your border policy is insanely anti-worker.

You get 21st century productivity with 19th century regulation.

Markets are still competitive. What this argument essentially boils down to is that living in the 21st century is better than living in the 19th century. Well yeah no shit.

Not enforcing your border policy is insanely anti-worker.

Nah, I like cheap strawberries.

Most of the price of strawberries is middlemen and shippers, not producers. Paying farmworkers wouldn't increase price that much.

Okay. I still like cheap strawberries.

I do too. They spoil too fast.

This twitter agenda posts are getting lame.

So I always wondered how this argument of "muh jobs no one wants" holds up. There was a big thing on NPR recently about places in OK/TX bitching about ICE coming in and arresting and deporting the 150 workers these places are using, which winds up being like 2/3rds of their work force. And then they fine the employer for breaking the law. Many of these were welders and they claimed to be paying $20-25 an hour which matches or exceeds the national average and couldn't find any legal workers. Does no US citizen want these jobs? I feel like in actuality they were paying these illegal welders $13/hr instead to save money and laughing commensurate pay seekers out of the door, because I know all sorts of out of work and underemployed tradesmen who'd fucking murder a baby for $25/hr in a low cost of living area like rural OK. I grew up in a shitty rural area, and I took shop in HS for 2 years where I was taught arc welding. That shit isn't pleasant by any means, but it's nowhere near back breaking. It's less preferable to my dream of getting 100k a year to play video games and do drugs all day, but it beats working 29 hours a week at some big box store any day of the week.

I thought welders got paid a lot of money in America though?

I thought it was a little bit more too until I looked it up, but I think a lot of the jerking off around it was best case scenario which is probably underwater or SCUBA welders or whatever. I remember being told back in '02 that you'd make like $30/hr doing that. Even still, $20 outright isn't bad. If I had to guess, it doesn't look like there is much upward mobility in welding even compared to other skilled trades like electrician, plumber or the like. But I think at the end of the day, unless you go into business for yourself, you'll always be stuck somewhere in the $15-25/hr range as a tradesman. I have a few acquaintances that operate their own small businesses in trades, and none of them have anywhere near fuck you money, but they all have 2-5 kids and a big ass house in the country, nice truck, and hot-ish wife that usually doesn't have to work and takes care of the kids. I figure that's the fucking dream. I'm over here living with roommates in the city paying almost 400 a month on student loans even with grants for my undergrad and scholarships for my post grad probably making equivalent to them. I kind of wish I didn't get caught up in the millennial "no college is bad" mindset. My dad was a tradesman too, and did everything he could to not let me have to "break my back" for a living, the fucking homo.

I thought it was a little bit more too until I looked it up, but I think a lot of the jerking off around it was best case scenario which is probably underwater or SCUBA welders or whatever.

That's pretty fucking hard, tbh. Like without even considering that half of those are probably in wheelchairs by 50, it require a lot of training to be even able to doing it.

imagine wanting to have children

More workers doesn't split the pie more ways, it increases the size of the pie

It might just be a shitty wiki article, but it doesn't really explain or attempt to prove the basis of the fallacy, it just simply states that it exists and makes the assumption it is correct, which makes the fallacy fallacy a counter argument against it. I don't know dick about economics though, so I might just be analyzing it retardedly.

The short explanation is that immigrants buy things, which increases the demand for jobs. So even though they take jobs, they also create jobs, so that the net change is about 0.

My son and brother are both certified welders and CNC machinists. Illegal immigration has caused a massive gap in employment opportunities in rural areas, you either wait in line for a union job (for possibly a decade) or you go work off the books with no protection. This is a direct result of the illegal workforce.

I remember reading that book Methland a few years ago and being shocked to learn that slaughterhouse work went from $26/hr down to $8/hr when an illegal laborforce showed up.

It's a common story. The fact that people ignore it is pretty sad.

and they claimed to be paying $20-25 an hour

They were probably lying, maybe by underreporting work hours so thr pay per hour would be technically correct.

I wish someone would make a real film of "Do androids dream of electric sheep".

They could get some real failed actor to play Wilbur Mercer, then just play themselves when exposed.

And Conan O'Brien would pay Buster Friendly.

Seems a little racist to support illegal immigration solely so they can work for less than minimum wage doing exhausting, backbreaking farm labor, right?


It's not racist, I want leafs to come here too.

The caravan is not going to really effect my life one way or the other so I couldn't really care about it

Like I do think it's bad that the drug money America is sending down to central american narco gangs is causing so much chaos that people have started to flee the country, but clearly that is not going to be solved just by accepting asylum seekers

If they are judged to be admissible by our laws, that's that. There is nothing illegal about approaching an entry point and asking for admission under the asylum law. If you have a problem with that, change the laws to make them clearly inadmissible. Don't like ask for the caravan to be nuked so that they can't make use of your own law? Fuckin tard.

If you can't pass a law, tough shit right? I thought "the law is the law" and you guys loved the law? You do realize that due process is part of the law, and an administration that ignores due process is literally breaking the law?












They have to do the jobs nobody wants because the practice of unpaid internships at his TV show and others has closed off show business to anybody whose parents aren't rich enough to pay for them to go to college and pay for them to not work while they try to get their big break.