With all of this bombing nonsense going on, I would like you remind you...

1  2018-10-25 by snallygaster

That you should NEVER bet on the identity of someone committing a politically-charged crime until the identity is released, unless you're dismissing some pizzagate-tier conspiracy nonsense with a premise that isn't based in reality. Even if you believe that the crime that seems likely to have been committed by a certain type of person/people (and actually would be likely if you're using clear reasoning that's unaffected by who you want the criminal to be), there's always a chance that you're wrong, and if you were circlejerking as if you already knew who the criminal is then you'll end up all embarrassed and everyone who thinks differently will laugh at you because they were circlejerking in the opposite direction and were correct and you were not.

It's best just not to play that game. Sure, the signs point to the bomber being a right-wing nut, but until we know more there's a slight chance that it was a crazy dem trying to help along the blue wave. Think about all the times when /pol/ was 100% SURE that a violent criminal was a leftist or PoC, then it came out that they were a young white man and they had to scramble to do damage control. It's not a good look.

This also applies to elections. That's all I had to say, thanks


ive said this before but those furry cons and anarchist protests ruined you snally, but in reality it was probably just reddit


when’s the last time LSU beat Bama again?

woah too far dude

the same time another human being loved you IRL

Who said it was a right winger, I want to shake their hand and congratulate them on graduating from University of Mongoloid.

Fringe right-wingers are claiming that they KNOW that it's a false flag by a dem or the Deep State while moderates + the left seem certain that it's a right-winger.

Intelligent people see the hand of the radical anti-centrist in this. The Antichrist to our Radically Centrist Christ.

whether it was a false flag or not, clearly those cartoon bombs were never intended to explode.

Holy shit you've been posting about "cartoon bombs" non-stop. Are you a NPC?


got me!

no but seriously, look at those ridiculous things. like from an ACME cartoon. and they can't even explode.

Even if that's true, people send things like "white powder" to targets fairly frequently. The point is to send a message.

I'm still hoping it's a militant Vegan

That Iranian Vegan strikes from beyond the grave.

A boy can dream.

THAT's why the bomb had a timer on it! It all makes sense!

I think it’s celebrity chef Bobby Flay


It's obviously the Zucc. He's lost $30 billion and I just don't like him, which is basically bulletproof evidence

The Zucc is exacting revenge on everyone who made him go to congress and out himself as a Lizard-American.

That's how CNN got on the list.

All the NPCs have been saying it since the latest patch came out.


Asking people to be reasonable



I actually just assume the bombs were sent by a liberal and the migrant caravan is being organized by a conservative. I’m probably giving too much credit all around.

That you should NEVER bet on the identity of someone committing a politically-charged crime until the identity is released

Hey now. This is the best time to bet on it for money.

Are there any websites where you can place a bet? asking for a freidn

Betdsi.com if ur a cumboy you get more money to waste.

A man after my own heart. The NPC money has really skewed the moneyline.

I called my bookie to see what odds I could get on (((you know who))) doing this, but he said it was way too obvious for him to offer any action.

Anyone who isn't a complete retard already knows Gamergate is behind it.


Oh shit, they rose up 😮

This is so sad can we hit BOTTOM TEXT

Society no longer lives here

They leveled up


I seen speculation of the double false flag, that is the cons trying to make the libs look bad by making it look like the libs trying to make the cons look bad by making it look like the cons trying a bombing.

That’s the move you use to checkmate your opponent in 4-D chess

Far fetched, but a lot more likely than snally's theory.

My theory is that a Q boomer did it. Especially now that the pipe bomb was shown to have a mock-ISIS 'git er done' flag wrapped around it- can you imagine a younger person doing that? But it could be anyone, within reason.

Truly you have a dizzying intellect.

Aw that's sweet granny. Here is your sewing needles back.

In this world of vegan shooters and incel van attacks, a lot of people end up looking so fucking stupid to the point of shameful account deletion.

I no longer make comments about terrorists while it's unfolding.

Are people being extra stupid over this one or is that just me? I haven't been around a lot lately

It's true. Everybody's pretending to be a bomb, USPS, and terrorism expert rolled into one.

I think they're being the same amount of stupid, just louder

I've probably spent too much time lately on Arab politics where they actually do play 3D chess, but this is one where I would just keep my mouth shut. If anyone is boomer enough to remember what a min/max strategy is, or anything that Sun Tzu taught you, or what your jailhouse lawyer told you, or anything that anybody ever said: Just don't talk. Let your enemies walk into the trap. If it turns out to be Nazis, you lost nothing by being cautious about it.

I am leaning slightly toward this being a real right-wing attack though just because they're hitting the people real right-wingers would. If it was lefties doing a false flag, they would hit a lot more black targets, because that's what they imagine the right cares about.

leaning slightly toward this being a real right-wing attack though just because they're hitting the people real right-wingers would

Im leaning the other way, because I dont think this is who right wingers would attack. Soros, sure. But hillary and obama are not particularly hated by the right in comparison to the dem socs. And wasserman schultz is not even on the hate radar. If anything, her incompetence helped get trump elected. Everyone targeted is an enemy of the bernbots though.

I would expect a right wing terrorist to go after media companies, an antifa rally or maybe a berkley/oberlin type college, not has been neoliberals.

I'm not so sure about that. I mean I'm not jumping to any conclusions either. And you're right that a certain type of Bernie to Trump supporter might target people like this.

But there's also a lot of Great Awakening type right leaning boomers out there that still have a raging hate boner for Hillary and Obama. This would fit their profile too.

  • literal cartoon bombs LMFAO

  • sent to famous retired politicians from yesteryear, rather than to current candidates.

how do right wing extremists benefit from hand-delivering obvious fakes in this manner to those people?

Might be a right wing nut job, there's no shortage of those. Might see Clinton and Obama as important figures in the vampire- pedophile deepstate conspiracy.

Great Awakening people blame stuff on Hillary and Obama all the time. Whoever this is, we can probably agree that they've got a few screws loose.

yeah probably

Anyone who does try to identify the bomber's identitity will be banned.

While we don't know much about the bomber yet, one thing we can reliably assume is that he's probably the sort of asshole who would seriouspost on r/drama.

Can I axe why I don't see anything about this bombing stuff on Reddit?

I'd think it would plastered in bright pink glitter letters all over the front page. Reddit's gone full silence on this thing. I'm fish.

The perp hasn't been caught yet, which means that the topic isn't as popular because people can't smugpost about how the group the perp belongs to is violent.

Because it looks kinds of stupid when someone is targeting De Neros restaurant with ISIS dildos?

I'll bet it was some tone policing sardine.

Day of the can!!!

Snally did it, confirmed.

you should NEVER bet on the identity of someone committing a politically-charged crime until the identity is released

Since when? I thought this was a drama sub. Quit telling us to act like church ladies.

0.0 chance this is a fakae flag tho

The only thing we know for sure is that they suck at making bombs.

We’re up to like, 8 now and not one has detonated.

...unless they didn’t want the bombs to explode 🤔

Nuanced and purplepilled

I believe someone who made a bomb is behind the recent bombing nonsense

Grandpa tick-tock is behind it, trust me.

you should never bet

you could always be wrong

But I could also be right. 3:1 it's a deranged MAGAcel, I'm taking all action!

Obviously it's a black russian immigrant, that vote lolbertarian.

snally i love you and everything and you're not wrong but....how is what you just said dramatic at all