Trans "woman" decides to vent to black qweens. Doesn't go the way he expected.

1  2018-10-25 by UnalignedRando


THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Black people in general are enemies towards LGBT groups. I wish democrats would just drop them already.

If it's one or the other, why not ditch the LGBT and keep the blacks?

Yes, why not ditch the group that works hard, contributes to the economy, and as a voting bloc strives for things that help more than just themselves and keep the perpetual victims who only want for themselves at the expense of other minorities.

Is that how LGBT see themselves?

Yes, why not ditch the group that...

Unless homo super powers include being counted as 10,000 votes per person, I can think of at least one good reason.

LGB, sure. Trannies are way overrepresented in prisons, a ridiculous portion of them are caught for prostitution and an even bigger portion have aids. I mean half the trannies on twitter are begging for money and complaining about being mentally retarded.

The reason why no one supports Trannies is because trannies are the fucking problem, not everyone else. Trannies is the only reason I oppose universal healthcare, fucking degenerates asking for a overhaul of the system because of a fetish.

Fuck off

How about you fuck off with your regressive sexist beliefs? Can't believe you twats call others sexist while following an ideology more sexist than anything conservatives have supported in the last 50 years.

Tell me again how feeling like a woman is a thing? Women and Men are the same mentally right?

Preach! The only intersectionality in my feminism is the intersection between my foot and the patriarchy's ass.

das a good one

cant wait to have my boosy footed

Yeah like im a dude and if you told me what it feels like to be male i couldnt tell you

its all bullshit

"uh being a guy feels like... uuuuhhhhh..."

in contrast to

" i know im a woman because on the inside i feel like one. I like to paint my nails and wear dresses"

why dont you just do that smh

Dude, trannies are drama superstars and well worth the gibs money to fund their madness for entertainment. Plus they gave us the matrix so they still have some good will from me for that.

So ditch both then?

When the Democrats import enough Mexicans, you're both getting ditched.

Mexicans will become repubs and whites will go Democrat tbh

If Mexicans become legal citizens, they'll vote against illegal immigration tbh

the truth^

am hispanic but who cares cuz im mexican to all you fucks anyway

Call yourself whatever you want, you are still not getting spared in mayocide.

it would be my honor tbh

this is your brains on trannies smdh

Dios mio

Black people gave us Obama

What have trans people give us

Chelsea Manning?

And Obama recommended I read the three body problem which was given to us by ricecels and it was pretty good so I'm going to give blackies 2 points and ricemen 1 point for the whole deal.

Because the gays are a small fraction of the size of the blacks you fucking idiots

And dont get it twisted, the modern gay community is a fucking huge drain on our resources in large ways. You don't get to suggest that smehow your faggot friends are helping out the world when you are actively as a hole doing nothing


How goddamn useless can you be, I mean reallly? For the love of God, if you reallly wanna help the left or even the sub, fuck off the internet and go overdose on your "girlfriends" semen , please :)

And dont get it twisted, the modern gay community is a fucking huge drain on our resources in large ways. You don't get to suggest that smehow your faggot friends are helping out the world when you are actively as a hole doing nothing

You don't get to suggest that smehow your faggot friends are helping out the world when you are actively as a hole doing nothing

when you are actively as a hole doing nothing

as a hole



Gays have very active asshole you idiot

I thought you were a commie? Maybe I was wrong to call you a pk alt. But I didn't think you'd go full pizzashill and switch sides entirely to alt right.

I'm not sure which group you are talking about tbh

cause it's gay lol

So keep the G in LBGT?

wow, so racist. i can't even.

checks history

yep, a literally assblasted gay guy ('woman')

No, he fucks a tranny, which is somehow even worse than being one yourself tbh.

Fucking a tranny means either (preop) -You fuck/get assfucked by the dude yourself, thus gay ~or~ -(postop) You fuck their disease-infested 'vag'-cavity, thus gay and also AIDS.

lmfao what's wrong with being gay lmao

Sorry if I think women are the literal scum of the earth and would rather fuck a petite femboy instead

Nothing wrong with being gay unless you think your still straight

That's one of our mods you mouthbreathing retard

Tbh regularly insulting the mods should be mandatory.

scornful mockery of reddit mods is not only a pleasure, but also our duty

Mods are the only people worse than us regular posters.

You mong. Black people vote against the clowns like Roy Moore, Mike Pence and Donald Trump. You want the Dems to ditch them as a voting block because some sassy black women dissed a tranny on a random message board? Roy Moore would have won the election if black women didn't come out on voting day and send his cracker ass packing.

one day they will leave the plantation.

one day

If black people only vote for Democrats b/c welfare why do Democrats win over the vast majority of blacks who receive no government benefits? Why do they win over wealthy blacks? Why can't you win over those two groups?

Maybe constantly accusing them all, as a group, of voting for Democrats because they only want welfare and being on a "plantation" has something to do with that? That's really a talking point that, like most things, is really designed to boost your white support, not black support. "Hey, these dumb darkies just want welfare! That y they don't vote for us! Not cus racist!" You've managed to pack your goddamn dog whistles into your main black targeted talking point! Jeez I wonder why they don't vote for you!

Blacks vote dem because more than any other ethic group in the history of the west, they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed through operations that started before their grandparents were born

See, the premise is flawed. Blacks dont vote dem bc they need welfare, they vote dem bc theyve been told they are halpless victims with 0 chance of succcess without the help of liberal policies bc muh slavery and muh history of instituted racizsmms. The welfare shit is simply the symptom not a major illness in of itself

The only viable options in America are Democrats or Republicans. Obviously Democrats are the least bad choice given the options. Blacks are logical unlike many mayos voting Republican against their own interests

naw mayos vote for republicans very much in their own interests. They just like to pretend climate change isnt real and want to make as much money before the race war

the plantation isn't welfare itself. it's a mental prison: "you are not responsible for your fate, we are!" - progressives to black americans

Look up how many blacks were voting/registered democrat in the 1930s. Black support for democrats is mystifying.

No. It was all the republicans staying home that cost Moore the election.

Then you have mayos who votes for Trump and republicans. And other minorities like kebabs who hate gay people with a passion. Most people unfortunately treat LGBT people like shit

Jeez take a look at this, pretty weird which religion opposes refusing service based on religious reasons and which one doesn't?


A slim majority of Muslims (51%) favor same-sex marriage, but only 34% are opposed; 15% offer no opinion on this issue... Opposition to same-sex marriage is now confined to a few of the most conservative Christian religious traditions. Only about one-third (34%) of white evangelical Protestants support same-sex marriage today, while nearly six in ten (58%) are opposed, including 30% who are strongly opposed. And just 40% of Mormons support same-sex marriage, compared to 53% who are opposed.

Damn didn't know that. American Muslims are pretty progressive huh. But where I'm from if you are gay that is pretty much a death sentence

And that's a good thing

Black people are majority for gay marriage, their support has grown rapidly in recent years and they have come a lot closer to the levels of other groups.

Lol you're retarded. The Dems NEED the blacks more than ever. If the paradigm shifted where the blacks are righties the way they are lefties RN, the left would N E V E R E V E R win a major elections in this country ever again, IT'S ALREADY CLOSE AS SHIT WITH A BIT OF EBB AND FLOW, if you have 10% + of the country switching sides, welll good fucking game


fuck you keyboard

Pedo degenerate weeb

Dude Trannies LMAO

It's like a showdown between the trans and the black women, to show who's the most mannish.

I like that the only part they got mad about was a biological male potentially slapping a woman.

well you are actually trans, so that's not slander, just the truth.

Mods! Ban this person!

The "men shouldn't hit women" still applies even if you are transgender.


How do you guys find this shit

I'm barely aware of websites outside of reddit

Imagine relying on the front page of ar slash drama for all your drama needs

Trannies, gussies and jigaboos are demographics that thrive on drama. So when they all intersect, it's like a perfect storm.

Damn I wonder how many hours she put into taking that photo just right so it looks like she has a rack

Did she like also blur out the adams apple?

So if you transition you can slap up all the wamen you want?

don't they know what the B in LGBT stands for

Bizarre? Batshit?