Daily reminder that /r/CTH users think the word ”chud” is a cool and funny insult

1  2018-10-25 by Banned4Shitposting


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I was saying yikes IRONICALLY!


Woah! Ew! White Supremacist dog whistle! Gross! Icky! You’re invalidating the lived experiences of brown people!




desperately trying to make his forearms look bigger despite the fact that the most masculine part of him is the meat rod that stretches his boy hole on the regular







The south btfo

let's unpack that

LOl hogs

Someone should longpost on CTH about how the hog meme is problematic because constantly demanding people post their genitals is sexual harassment and triggering to women were told 'tits or gtfo' .


Do better y’all

The left can't banter.


Dude bussy lmao

how dare you sir excuse me but how DARE you SIR bussy is a very well RESPECTED and very well REGARDED radical centrist term in the banter community

they can tho, i have 2 examples in the past week

This dweeb is so far up his ass the colonoscopy is gonna cost more than the funeral.

Lot of talk but no substance. Be silent now.

I'm saving them for the perfect occasion.

The fuck does chud mean?

Listen comrade you don’t need to say problematic slurs to do bantz, just use this cool made up word instead

Cannabalistic humanoid underground dweller, from the movie.

Oh Canada.

Who tf thought this would be a zinger?

The same people who consider normie insults too problematic


The people who demand hog pics.

No idea but imma start using it am triggering all these chuds

reactionary > chud

-cel > > reactionary > chud

It's over for chudcels

It never even began.

Capitalism > anything else

3rd position is the true radical centrist option

Anarcho primitivism is the only way, actually



Monarchic feudal stratocracy

Dictatorship of the Libertarian

Uncle Ted <3 <3 <3

I've never seen anyone use term "reactionary" correctly in this millennium.

Shut up reactionary.

Shut up chud

republikkkans are literally monsters that eat people xd

It's bad bantz because it has no basis in reality. Cuck is overplayed but it's a quality insult because the way 'male allies' are treated is similar to cucks; they're willingly treated like shit by someone they care about

There's also a plethora of actual cucks, which makes it pure mad lad territory. There's constant reinforcement by reality that this is actually a thing.

Link that shit fam

Look up Allison Rapp. The pedo defense force of /r/GamerGhazi rallied around her.

For your reading pleasure.


And the GGhazi thread for max ass blasting: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/4cmyc7/fuck_gamergate_rapp_terminated_by_nintendo/

btw, don't think this is the first time ghazi has sided with pedos btw.

Girl was super cute though, too bad she was batshit insane, literally.

Dude super cute is pushing it. "Doable for a mayo" is more accurate.

We're reaching levels of degeneracy that shouldn't even be possible!

Yeah, I'm no fan of the alt-right, but "cuck" is actually pretty useful when you're talking about politics. In a representative democracy, if you find that your congressman is actually riding the lobbyist carousel, you ought to consider what that says about you as a person.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.

implying /r/drama seriousposters have sex

implying /r/drama seriousposters vote

all politics is sexual pathology, sorry to burst your bubble

No wonder Americans are so dysfunctional.

Sex is all about power, politics is all about power



Given how much is spent on Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and local / state spending it aptly describes US taxpayers. They pay enough tax dollars for universal healthcare (not even looking at the private spending), but get cucked out of actually getting the publicly funded healthcare they paid for unless they don't pay taxes.

"cuck" is actually pretty useful when you're talking about politics. In a representative democracy

you can never be a person who didn't write this on the internet

You’re reaching. Cuck was originally used against Republicans or ‘cuckservatives’.

Ayo Alexa project a thinking emoji onto the surface of the moon

Ngl Soy boys is even better for spineless guys who make that goddamn face

Um wow. Ya'll. Yep. Gonna be a yikes from me on this. Ummm. Could you, ya'll, ummm, sweetie? Umm. Wow. Gross

if the admins ban /r/CTH i will denounce MDE and become a radical centrist

MDE is just as bad as chapo

as bad

you mean was

Actually, you rapefugee are worse than the fags at Chapo. Congrats

stupid bourgeois chud


say the word and i'll leave sir. i dont mean to intrude sir. 1 word and i'll take my leave... promise. i'll never bother you again.


wasn't asking you fag

You got a problem with that cuck?

yeah uh... lil bit. i personally uh.. think its a bit rude to answer for other people...

Well I was answering foryself. Idc what the other guy thinks even though he probably agrees with me. As far as I'm concerned, MDEfags should get OUTT

thanks for your feedback! im sure you'll be glad to know that ive taken your opinion into consideration. over the next few days me and the team will deliberate over our next course of action

Don't worry, I'll honor kill you if it comes to that

I don't believe you, fam

The Chad chud vs the Virgin commie

Didn't one of the chapo guys express mild disapproval of the cth subreddit?

Something like "burn it all down" or "kill it with fire" I believe. I can't seem to find it at the moment.

Yeah the one with boobs said it was toxic.

The gook?

Male feminists btfo

classic CHUD move tbh

Daily reminder that CTH is full of 13 year olds.

It's funny the same fags calling shit like NPC a bad insult because it's obtuse or whatever the fuck are the same ones insulting people with a reference to a shitty obscure late 80s horror movie.
